Dyed hair isn't per automatic SJW

Why do people spout this bullshit?

Hits me because I find SJWs repulsive but I find girls with dyed hair attractive as fuck.

Among my acquaintances, it's the girls with the colourful hair that are red-pilled as fuck on reality. The biggest reason they (my friends) dye their hair isn't because of some feminist bullshit but because they are into the punk, emo or goth lifestyle, but you should hear some of the words coming out of their mouths. Would make Hitler proud.



Try again, Ahmed bin Mohammad al el bin Muhammad bin bin Mohamed al el al el al el al el bin al el Ahmed bin Moohamedd.

Dyed hair means she's a girl that will brainlessly conform to what all the other girls are doing around here.

i don't know about sweden but in the US it is 100% a guarantee that they are an SJW if they have dyed hair, and I mean that without exaggeration.

And the shitposting begins.

Or...you know, because she thinks it looks good?

Just met a girl with blue hair.

Me and her talked for hours about white genocide and how we need to secure our borders better.

The shitposting began in OP, faggot shitskin.

>H-hey look im TOTALLY not the same as other girls. Im very special and unlike any other.

She's just lying about her true beliefs in order to fit it.

Or maybe she's lying about her beliefs in order to fit in.

This is true. My gf is hardcore Republican and recently dyed her hair pink because premature grayness runs in her family and she's bored with brown. I think she looks pretty. She's very fair with blue eyes, and the light pink hair makes her look like an anime fairy princess. She's still herself so who cares?

So many fine things we let liberals take over, why? If we want to dye our hair funny colors and live in the beautiful coastal areas instead of the heartland, so what? It's our fucking country and culture too. Fuck them.

>Its not degenerate because I like it
Compelling argument faggot.

Congrats, you are both autistic.

>Or...you know, because she thinks it looks good?

If it looks good how come she wasn't doing it before all the other girls were doing it? It doesn't even look good. It looks unnatural. It looks like a generation raised on anime that doesn't understand why people don't have blue hair in real life. It looks inhuman. Would you still love the same girl if you realized her actual hair, the genes your genes want to reproduce, is different?

punks, emos and goths are all co-opted to fuck and back by SJWs since they're all into the tumblr alternative lifestyle dogshit

Never assume.

Maybe it's different in Sweden than it is here, I dunno, I've literally never met a chick with dyed hair who didn't seem psycho or have generic left-of-center to Leftist views. Besides I find it very unattractive usually, pretty much the only colors I find okay are natural, like blonde, black, etc. OR some type of vibrant red that doesn't occur naturally, like Hayley Williams does.

I just don't like how it looks.

Kek will smite you and your kind.

GIrls with dyed hairs mostly are immature attention whores who believe that they are special fucking snowflakes. FUcking pedovkas.

girls with dyed hair will be an SJW 100% of the time. There are 0 exceptions

How the hell is dyeing your hair degenerate? I mean it isn't generally attractive but how the fuck is it degenerate?

>If it looks good how come she wasn't doing it before all the other girls were doing it?

I never said that. I didn't even say that they were part of the swame group.

Sorry man, couldn't resist.

I've only really talked to a few girls with colorful hair (and almost all of them were just highlights, not like your pic) but they did end up more conservative than liberal to my surprise.

Also just curious, what's it like in Sweden? I know the problem isn't with the entire country, but are the bad parts really that bad?

it's called pattern recognition, swede-bro. i'd recommend starting to utilize it.

>she is signalling a mental disorder you stupid nigger.

Because dying your hair with a different colour is deceiving.


common sven ....
they are just homeless hipstars

Did you get the point as to why I said that though? It "looks good" by subjective fashionable standards because it looks like something not previously seen before and that's all it takes for women to like something because they're that shallow.

If women were meant to look good with unnatural hair, it would have caught on a longer time ago, but it's a recent thing so it means it's a recent fad. She saw another girl doing it, getting attention for it and then decided she had to do it too.

I guess that's the whole point is that turns me off personally. I've seen too many already beautiful girls ruin themselves with the dyedhair uber-tattoo bullshit that's so fashionable right now.

Alright user has user ever met a girl with colored hair who wasn't insane?

I can't think of one

It's definitely a strong indicator of SJW tendencies mainly because colored hair is an indicator that a person is trying to stand out and being something special. A person is unique because of things they do and who they are but colored hair, piercings, and gauges are ways that they try to create artificial uniqueness. They are more likely to defend that fake uniqueness and in turn defend it in others.

Well if it's a color that's not natural then it's obvious that it's been dyed and it isn't really all that deceiving then, is it?

Degeneracy is degeneracy

Fucking degenerates.

Those leg tattoos are an abomination.
Also she kind of looks like a less Jewey version of Chelsea Clinton. Real shame too, she'd look pretty good without them.

>they are into the punk, emo or goth lifestyle
this isnt the 90s anymore, these are all nonexistant

>Or...you know

As soon as someone uses such a phrase, in an attempt to sound intelligent and sarcastic, it is evident that it is a teen or a girl. Anyway, fuck off.

Dyed hair = mentally ill

Same with tattoos, facial piercings, sidecut.

Anything that deviates from the normal body image should be a red flag really.

It's about length.
> long dyed hair: potentially red pilled, shows commitment
> short dyed hair: couldn't commit to other hairstyles, dyed the stubs she had left to maintain a false sense of uniqueness