Should women be allowed to participate in politics?

should women be allowed to participate in politics?


she was for common core dunno why he put her in

No, this is why I said she was a terrible choice. Honestly Donald Trump is way too bluepilled to be the leader we wanted. I guess he's better than most, but we should have voted for rand.

Of course not

Sure if she's qualified.
People who judge on gender rather than intellect when it comes to things such as politics are retarded.

what's a transgender bathroom? Is it just a bathroom where both men and women can go?

That's a low-T opinion. Might want to talk to your doctor, Hans.


Sounds like a low-iq opinion to me.
Might check if you're on the spectrum, burger.

Citation needed.

Women are prone to making decisions based on their feelings. They will say fuck having borders and laws and shit as soon as they see a dead niglet on a beach


Yeah so what? Just because women are generally emotional doesn't mean that we shouldn't allow the rational ones in parliament. Humans are emotional beings. Men are just more prone to logic and reason.

Your country and Sweden are a prime example for why women shouldn't be in politics.

>gender doesn't influence your political choices

Someone change the statistics, quick!

It's possible that most women don't actually want every crossdresser in the world believing they belong in the women's room.

Trump is a Zionist puppet.

Where did I said that it doesn't?
There are women who can massively contribute to the condition of a state and they should be in parliament.

No they vote on an emotional level far more frequently than men do. Look at what has happened to sweden because of it

Germans also should not be allowed to vote



I can't post a thread for some reason. Anyway, people post about how women are more emotional which leads them to vote more liberal than men. When does the opposite happen: that they vote more conservative?

He's a DNC plant, you idiot. They hate the zionists.

without women voters the current political left and all associated insanity would not exist.

Women need to be slaughtered and replace by artificial womb and artificial women.
Humanity is to turn into a technological species, or go back to the stone age and the extinction that'll soon follow.

Nobody in Germany voted for the immigrants you retard. It was just a single person. And using a single women to make a point is also bullshit. The most right-winged politicians in Europe are women.

If you judged on gender, then you wouldn't have Merkel right now. And your wife wouldn't be getting fucked in the living room by Achmed right now.

If we judged on gender, our country would be far less advanced. Probably a 2nd world country.
>getting fucked by achmed
German girls are disgusted by refugees. Try harder rice.

No. Women didn't build the country so why should they run it?