should women be allowed to participate in politics?
Should women be allowed to participate in politics?
Owen Clark
Brandon Young
Lucas Jackson
she was for common core dunno why he put her in
John Lee
No, this is why I said she was a terrible choice. Honestly Donald Trump is way too bluepilled to be the leader we wanted. I guess he's better than most, but we should have voted for rand.
Connor Perry
Of course not
Luis Jones
Sure if she's qualified.
People who judge on gender rather than intellect when it comes to things such as politics are retarded.
Jayden Young
what's a transgender bathroom? Is it just a bathroom where both men and women can go?
Joseph Myers
That's a low-T opinion. Might want to talk to your doctor, Hans.
James Harris
Robert Johnson
Sounds like a low-iq opinion to me.
Might check if you're on the spectrum, burger.