Get to know God.
Work out.
Earn $60k+ / yr
Find nordic white QT.
Raise a Christian family with a stay-at-home mom.
The final red pill- raising a Christian family-
Brandon Parker
Lincoln Murphy
My fiancee has admixture of slavic DNA obviously a red army rape case in her ancestry.
Though her eyes are still blue and hair is blonde.
Do I pass your criteria?
David Hughes
Allah Akbar
I think the Arabs will attempt to do this too
Liam Nelson
not if you're muslim, sorry.
Ryder Martin
>Do I pass your criteria?
You will be fine until we establish the ethnostate- at which point OUT OUT OUT!
Brody Sullivan
Why the fuck would I do that? This isn't the 50's anymore
Brandon Taylor
most eastern germans are
Joseph Watson
> Nordic
> Christian
LOL good luck with that, the least religious people in the world. Would still wife one though, not necessarily religious.
Benjamin Cooper
>being a superstitious dumbass is le redpill
Fuck off
Jackson Morris
Sure thing.
Enjoy your sandnigger religion.