What conspiracy theory did the inbred Christian hillbillies on Sup Forums come up with about this?
NASA discovery
Some bullshit about how this is all a Psy Op that involves the jews
without a working EM Drive or some serious warp tech we are never getting there, the best we could do is send nano bots to build us when they get there.
We supported Trump's decision to increase NASA funding and do more exploration of our solar system
The Earth is flat like OP's genitals.
Christian hillbilly here, but not inbred. I think its neat.
They gonna declare that they build a generation ship and will need 6 millions of pure white intelligent white people to man it but in fact they will send them to a death camp on the back side of the moon.
This will be the last stage of the white genocide
newts going to restart project orion and we're all gonna make it to the trappist system
it's a shill bait thread (((they))) done a poll on pol on which religion they follow christians 1st kekist 2nd fedora tippers 3rd now (((they)) are spaming anti christian and kek threads and pro pagan shit also make sure you sage dont bump this shit shills will not divide us