If a non-human sapient race suddenly came to Earth, would you accept them as equals?

If a non-human sapient race suddenly came to Earth, would you accept them as equals?

Only if our genitals are compatible

the real question is Would they except US as equals?

Only if our genitals are compatible

Yes, as long as they wanted to co operate with us.

If they came to our planet that means they're light years ahead of us in technology. Which means they would be our superiors.

no, they would be superior

If they came to earth it means they far ahead of us in technology. I would see them as my superiors. If they try to conquer us I will fight until my last breath thought.

Only of I can get some prime alien pussy. I wanna breed with a qt alienfu. Also does that count as race mixing? I feel like we should get a pass on that one

District 9 gave a fine example on how you could be wrong