You red pill and then this happens...
You red pill and then this happens
Hunter Perry
Jacob Walker
Wow really fires the neurons
Joshua Fisher
she forgetting the part where she gets arrested
Eli Wright
>let's turn this rape into a murder
Christopher Wood
She forgot the part where she gets beaten to death
Noah Gomez
yeah I'm sure that man wouldn't strangle you
women are just as strong as men!
Caleb Moore
>not testing the water with your fingers before taking the dive every time just in case she's crazy or just dumb and forget to take her tampon out
Jordan Reyes
>murdered and have her insides ripped out to remove the thing from your penis without more pain
Any girl does this shit to me I might accidentally strangle her.
Gabriel Ramirez
>malicious wounding is 5-10 years in prison
Mason Walker
Isn't this easy to spot?