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>we need our slaves -democrats today
>we need our slaves -democrats in the 1800s

I grow my own your strawman is absolutely shit tier

Cut off their wellfare.

Illegal immigrants are stopping progress. The North Carolina farm obviously needs to become more capital intensive if they need such a large number of farmworkers.

Says the Millennial who has REALLY never worked a day in his life.

>no source

I find it really strange that people who think of themselves as leftist push this kind of argument

>we need immigrants to work the jobs with such horrible conditions and remuneration that people born here won't do

And what happened to automation? I mean, keeping factories and plants onshore is pointless given that automation will destroy these jobs (apparently), so why not just automate basic agricultural work that anyone can do?

>White people are racist for not wanting mass immigration of brown people!!!

>White people are stupid for not wanting mass immigration of brown people to do their low end jobs!!!

The left have come full circle. First you are racist for not wanting brown people here and now you are stupid for not wanting brown people doing our low end dirty work.


literally advocating for slave labor even though slave labor ruined our country back then and still is now

It's called wage sopression you ignorant pleb.

Australia has a minimum wage of $14 per hour, because that is what the labor is worth. No Gov't jerrymandering or social justice nonsense, just the simple fact that it is the value of labor.

Conversely, doing back breaking work only to stay well below the poverty line is a fools errand, and only peasants from 3rd world shitholes who have only recently heard of concepts like "hygene" think this is acceptable because they are used to hovels, 7 to a room, and fucking their daughters.

Unregulated (or poorly enforced, to be more accurate) 3rd world immigration has severely depressed the wages below what the market should pay.

>Large number
Maybe in your tiny island

If they used raised bins the workers could harvest more efficiently. Also, robots can harvest 24/7.

Modern farming is stupid.

>invest in machinery to do gatherer work, pays itself out after a few years
>don't have to rely on slave work, don't have to keep people in your country that broke the law

It doesn't say anything about working conditions. Why did you miss that?
Hours? Sanitary/Water/Food? Free Dental and Healthcare.
Guaranteed minimum salary with bonus?

But there are already a dozens of millions of Mexicans in America, what happened to them? Why didn't they applying to do that kind of work?

"Why should I bother doing this shit job when a spic could do it half price"

>We need our agricultural slaves

It's actually slightly more politic than their more urgent hand-wringing regarding what they'll do about their gardeners, nannies, etc.

I'm fine with migrant workers so far as they aren't illegal.

Cucks who want illegals should be taxed for it.

>doesn't say how much they are paid


Though at least slaves were legal then, versus the lawless jungle democrats want now

they ship themselves nowadays we put them in the fields, warehouse and stuff, they sleep in caravans or 3 to a room and that cost gets deducted by employer along with food and transport, so no minimum wage laws are broken.

>USA does not have the technology to harvest their crops


turds who support mass immigration are incredibly racist and don't know it, It's the equivalent of saying "your country is shit" "your leader is shit" "the white people will take care of you better any way" we should be sending engineers and workers to improve their living conditions back at home.

Mexicans can get a job and shuck corn all day long, but they have to come across legally, not illegally

>leftist druggies want more drugs to escape reality
no thanks

The source is the picture you ignorant trumpeteer. Educate yourself

>americans aren't willing to be slaves for corporations

Since when are democraps pro-corporation? While we're at it, eat shit and die, you leftist retard, or go pick crops for 10 cents an hour.

Not all produce can be harvested by machine (yet).

Or in some cases the loss because of the machine makes it less worth while than paying people.

wow you'll have to actually pay them a decent wage to get workers instead of flooding the market with cheap illegals
what a surprise!

So let me outline this:
>Democrats refuse to devote money to making Mexico better and safer
>Dems refuse to send illegals back
>Dems refuse to take actions to prevent illegals from entering the country
>Dems wholeheartedly endorse this because illegals will do shitty jobs with long hours and low pay that whites don't want to do
And they call US racist?

You don't want to do them because they do not pay a wage equal to the physical stress demanded of it! We need to employ poor unfortunate souls who crossed the border illegally and can't be employed in better jobs in these underpaid, physically damaging positions!

who the fuck fills out an application to farm?

NCal needed 6500 farmworkers but unemployment rate there is down, so they didn't need the 6500 thousand jobs that desperately.

why is fp always bp?


>we need slave labour
t. democrats

>blaming commiefornia's shitty workforce for a push for illegals


>Robots are racist

beat me to it


>Not all produce can be harvested by machine (yet).
Yes, blueberry harvest and mushroom picking here in Sweden for example.
(Think you clicked the wrong number when starting your reply.)

It also makes more manufacturing jobs

We should trade faggots, who want illegals here, to Mexico. Just to even everything out.

Im really sure people like pic related totally wouldn't do those jobs offered a chance.

I wonder how much the traffic on this board would drop if poor rural neets in america did more jobs like this instead of mexicans and poor rural brits did this job instead of poles.

Immigrants are fine, just come in legally to pick fucking fruit and don't expect us to pay for benefits. How fucking hard is that for lefties to understand?



Left wingers are creationist-tier retarded. We'll just buy farm equipment, faggots.

>White Man's Burden redux.

>we need beaner slaves to pick crops
>automation is taking all the jobs. Gib basic income

Top kek



Play me in winamp!

>implying they arn't perfectly content living on hand outs, opiates and game from hunting

scotts irish are a fucking disgrace and should be rounded up and sent to the camps or


Then why don't we let them in legally on temporary work visas to ensure that companies are paying them the legal minimum wage?

sage this bs

Migrants are doing work for exploitative bosses while getting paid less than a legal, living wage. That is so inspiring.

It's not like this undermines everything about our economy just so you can buy cheap tomatoes.

WTF I love terrible working conditions and surplus labor now

Gee, I wonder who did all the agricultural, construction, and food services jobs before the flood of cheap, illegal, brown labor?
If we stop the flow of cheap, illegal, brown labor who would possibly do these jobs then?
If we stop the flow of cheap, illegal, brown labor what do you think would happen to the minimum wage? Especially considering this little thing called supply and demand.
You know maybe it would be in our best interest to stop the flow of cheap, illegal, brown labor..... JUST KIDDING!!!! IT'S ALL WHITE PEOPLES FAULT!!!!

It's even further retarded because companies who employ illegals know they only have to pay them slightly more than the next farm who also employs illegal labour. Minimum wage factors in nowhere, it's not like illegals are gonna report their bosses anyway.

All it does it fuck the legal bottom earners by encouraging companies to push for automation even further. I've seen that in the UK ever since Cameron increased the minimum wage, everytime you go to the supermarket there are less and less cashiers and more and more self-checkouts. You can see the pleb workers looking like zombies and being essentially not bothered...but they are being slowly replaced and they can't see it even though it's in front of their very eyes.

I can't say how many would actually do it.
I know a lot people have a sense of satisfaction after doing a week of hard work and habing a good chunk of money to show for it.
Others though don't ming scraping by on government handouts and staying hoveled up in their disgusting shacks.

Trump fan here.

Exactly what hourly wage was offered? This crucial info is conveniently left out of the meme. If it were a reasonable wage, I guarantee 6,500 legal American would do the job. But since illegals can be paid dirt cheap, there's no reason to set the wage at a reasonable rate. Get it?

Labor supply goes down, no more undercutting the native workfoce. Pay goes up, making more jobs worthwile enough to more people. Either that or they get automated, which creates high-end jobs and stuff like maintenance. I mean, what's so hard to understand?

The solution is obvious. Americans just need to accept to work for less.

as a rural neet this pisses me off, no one ever asks the local people, they just bus in wojak in america and juan in america and expect us to be fine with it.

i can pick cabbage fairly well or pull carrots, i might not make as much money as other jobs but it would beat shitposting.

they want you to be on welfare, but they cut it and don't want you to be able to get a real job.

real world jobs,real life is important, not making kitten videos for youtube.

>We need 6.500 farmworkers
>Only 7 will do the job
>What do you mean raising the wages? What we need is illegal immigrants, its not like those can complain about salary

They do. It's just a piss poor argument for unfettered illegal immigration and abysmal wages.


It's fucking delicious seeing liberals virtue signal over giving a migrant a job, but totally expect them to receive shit pay so they can enjoy cheaper products.

Scum of the earth.

this life is shit, get up shitpost,never meet people because they have all moved to the town,read a post about not having a girlfriend etc etc.

the world has become progessively more shit since the 1970s drop in wages and the first automated phone lines.

I wonder why the legal Americans stopped.
Is it because of backbreaking working conditions unsuited for weak white American men?
Or maybe it's because the wages were peanuts compared to other jobs, due to illegals being used as cheap labor?
Really makes you think.

Automation is kind of difficult with fruit farming, there are some that work well, like tree shakers for apple farming, but things that grow in bushes are more difficult because you basically need small AIs that can identify the fruit and deploy an arm to pick it. It exists, but it's expensive and not very good.

As you mention though, these guys paying illegal wages aren't going to invest in expensive tech.

In NC and knew a white guy who did pick strawberry's for a bit in the early 2000s. It was 6.25 dollars a hour.

>American citizens won't work for below minimum wage

Can't remember the pew study, but if I recall correctly roughly only 3% of illegal labour in the US is actually doing agricultural work. The majority actually work in construction, telecom, factory work, etc. Still the same problem though, they get underpaid and probably do not pay taxes as a result.

The days of Liberal whitewashing human trafficking for profit with guilt politics are over.
America isn't open
And ps.
"Doing the jobs white people won't" is THE MOST RACIST ARGUMENT OF ALL TIME

stupid fucking liberal assholes.


Maybe the working conditions are so SHIT and unlivable that no American could comfortably work that job and make a living.

So instead of making the job pay enough to survive on / making it more comfortable to the worker, you decide to import a bunch of people from another country who are willing to pile 20 people into a house and sleep on the floor in groups for peanuts an hours because their home country is so shit.

In other words, progressivism.

They don't just take farming jobs you fucktard. They take cooking, baking, construction, cleaning, gardening, and all kinds of other jobs that Americans could do, and do them for less than minimum wage without paying taxes. Then they send half the money back to Mexico instead of spending it in our economy and creating jobs to replace the jobs that they took. Illegals are a plague and need to be sent back. Once they're deported, they can get work visas to come work on farms.

>Democrats still advocating for farm-based slave labor

i live in sussex and would gladly shake trees in kent for £4 an hour rather than be neet, but they wont let me.

selling Country houses to millionaires from russia and having Gatwick Airport around for london does not make for a good economy.

Its like (but not as bad as) cornwall.

its nice and old fashioned but that doesn't pay the bills in real life.

Pretty hilarious. If they got work visas before coming to work on farms then they would get a fair wage and health insurance. But apparently we have to allow companies to exploit them in the name of being "not racist."

Fun game.

Use a fact checking site for occupy Democrats!

It's a real hoot linking a left leaning fact check site.


I'm always dumbfounded how liberals can argue for higher wages and then turn around and act like it's a tragedy that Trump is kicking out labor devaluing illegals.

Mexico is very large, the northern mexicans are far superior to the southern ones, we wouldn't work on a farm, we get people from the south (sureños) to do the dirty work, we don't even socialize with them, we just ignore them, we don't hate them or anything but they are different.

My point is: I'm tired of being mixed in with them, most of us wouldn't work on a field, only the extremely poor.

Pay them more and they'll show up. If you just pay Americans Mexican wages, only the people looking for a few bucks for their next fix of smack will show up. And don't give me the whine that prices will go up, not when we have a wealth gap as serious as ours. The owners can forgo a fifth yacht.

you're making it seem like they are actually sacrificing something. reminder that mexico's biggest money maker is remittance which is workers sending money back home to mexico. over $50,000,000,000 a year gets sent back from the usa to mexico from these illegal workers and that 50 billion is a bad year. all that money that leaves our system forever and goes back to mexico. these mexicans living in shit conditions work for 10 years in the usa, then go back to mexico and live a middle class life since a dollar goes a lot farther than a peso. we're getting scammed. these aren't some poor mexicans looking for a way out, they are just scamming our fucking system

Then why aren't you building a wall around Southern Mexico?

Sorry Pedro you need to go home. Lying to people on the internet using fake liberal propaganda created by bias liberal studies and paid shill organizations wont change that.

the trouble is that people hire just immigrants not a mix and some times only one group of immigrants.

IE a whole business staffed by poles when they could hire a brit or two or maybe a romanian.

they don't want diversity at all, they don't want to give everyone a fair chance, they want a system which locks poor whites out of farm work and locks migrant workers out of anything else

Because we need them to do the jobs we don't want to do. They are decent people that mind their own business and work hard.

American companies also hire them, they pay them shit wages and then send the fruits/vegetables to the USA, it's slavery.

>Occupy Democrats

>slave labor ruined our country back then and still is now
How? It would seem free labor would increase economic productivity.

>today on things that never happened
Moral of the story: don't hire niggers

this is the stupidest meme ever for people who actually open their eyes.

>factory work
>various government jobs
you're tell me Americans dont want any of these thing?
Basically you're telling me there are absolutely NO blue collar Americans.

Maybe no one wants to pick strawberries for under minimum wage but you could try paying more or just admit that ONE example doesn't justify the 20 million that are here. Not all 20 million are picking strawberries and you damn well know it.

Meme it !

>Citizens won't do backbreaking labor for less than they would get collecting beer cans in an hour

Those farmers should be paying a legal wage and be hiring legal American citizens

>Implying Occupy Democrats is a valid source

Working on massive government owned farms/communism-tier labor crops is not the same as owning your own farm, or working down at the local farm that provides for the county. Massive monsanto style crops bought out by government, or monopolized by big business is the opposite of freedom.

Next question

> maintain a deeply broken illegal immigration system so my strawberries get picked for distorted wages

leftist logic

>not even rapefugess go there
Why do you keep coming back you irrelevant shithole.