Your gender identity is enough to identify what gender you are

This DNC war room spokesman said that on Tucker's show last night. He's saying that whatever gender you say you are is your gender.

In other words gender is just a feeling according to this man and if you don't agree with that you are bigot. This isn't some fringe group this it the DNC saying this.

Tucker raised some points that should be obvious to anyone with a brain. If your gender is determined by your feelings then feminism is over. There is no sexual discrimination, there's no need to segregate sports teams. There's no need to have separate scholarships for women. At any time and at any place someone could feel like they are a woman or man based on what's best for the situation.

Other urls found in this thread:


>DNC advisor

Into the trash it goes.

>they're literally going against biology and science

>Gender identity is how you feel, if you are uncomfortable with that than that is up to your lacking level of enlightenment.
Queer politics are a very bizarre religion

>DNC Advisor

Stopped reading there

True, I identify as Levi's.


He actually went a step further; he said that it is enough to identify what SEX you are


*sweats internally*


*almonds agitate*


*sips latte*


*dodges profusely*

This fucking libshit gave me cancer.

This board is gay and stupid.

If I Identify as a women, can I participate in women's sports?

If I Identify as black can I get affirmative action?

Fuck no.

Seen that creepy Victor Zsasz looking fucker on there a few times. Hopefully they keep him in the DNC so he can drive the normies away.

He probably shaves his head so thoroughly because he has some manner of gigantism fantasy in sticking his tiny head up his boyfriend's ass.


He said enlightenment as if this was some cult shit.

What I don't understand about these fags is how can gender roles be socially constructed and not a determinant of gender AND biology not determine gender. How can gender be real if there is no primitive "type" that defines it. These people will say if you are a boy who dresses like a boy, acts like a boy, has a penis, but identifies as a girl you are a girl. But then what IS a girl? How can you identify as a girl if both gender roles AND biology don't define it.

top quality tucker porn

It seems leftists are in denial of genetic diversity in all case. Whether it is biological sex or race.

no, not race. at one point Tucker asked him in the video if he can identify as another race and the cuck said NO!

That's what Tucker's point is here. If gender/sex is a feeling then it doesn't exist at all.

How does this shit square with the "I'm with her" woman power shit Hitlery was running on? I mean yeah sure Hitlery feels like she's a woman big deal what difference at this point does that make?

I identify as a 70 year old black woman who is also Napoleon.
Now give me my benefits, scholarship, and control over France or your a bigot.


>a white male
The DNC continues to be progressive in such unique ways.

This was one of the most through tuckings ever. Tucker asked if he could change his race and the guy said no but then couldnt answer what was the difference between sex and race. I would have liked tuck to ask him about gender fluidity and how, under his ideological framework it would be completely valid for a person to say he/she was gender fluid which allowed him/her to enter a locker room one minute and proclaim he/she is a lesbian woman then after leaving he/she could consider themselves a straight man. The sjw cannot exclude this case without violating their own ideological framewhork of transphobia.

Many such cases in Washington state where they passed a law which allows you to use whatever washroom/changeroom you want based on your gender identity. Welp some pedos figured out that you can feel like whatever gender you want at any time. Impossible to write any of these laws any other way.

Please stop using the term "gender": it's an invented concept stolen from language where it has meaning and applied to human beings where it has no meaning. Human beings, like all mammals, have a sex, male or female. Nobody has a gender.

This is a glorious interview though.

Let's do this.

I swear that I will legally change my gender identity if this shit becomes declaration-only round here.

I'm going to be a 6'2 woman with a beard who uses "he".

And then I'm going to join women's sports teams, apply for women-only scholarships, etc.

This shit is so insane. We need to add fuel to the fire.

I have to admit that I was impressed that the "science was settled" comment.

He obviously thought that he was discussing transgendered climate change.

>opinions are settled scientific FACT
The left has become too dangerous. They must be stopped.

I'm in and I think everyone should be in on this. I'll go into a woman's locker room and drop trough the day they pass something like this. If they put up a stink I'll scream that they're all bigoted.

Let's all welcome Canada's very own Talcum X.

>your gender identity is what you say it is
>can i play on a woman's sports team then?

It doesn't make sense. That's the point.

What trannies really want is to force everyone to pretend they're women, but they can't say so.

You dont have to legally change anything. All you have to say is that you feel like a woman. Its the embodiment of feelz>reelz. Also im a woman during ladies night or on women drink 1/2 price. Oh and when attending a womens gym

The ending was great

>"You're undermining your own argument which was weak to begin with"
>*Tucker laughs maniacally in his face*

Classic Tuck


If trannies win, and get this shit written into law as just "I'm a woman if I say so", we should all become trannies.

I want to push this ridiculous shit until it breaks.

Just had a thought: when all these benefits for women start disappearing because gender is just something you can choose now all the normal women will turn on these freaks.

I'm going to legally change my gender. I'm not going to ANYTHING about my appearance or pronouns or anything.

I'm going to be a woman who looks like a big fucking man, which is what I am.

And then I can say I'm just as much a woman as any other tranny.

Think about it. There is no other way to write the law. If sex is not biological it's a feeling. How do you prove you do or do not feel something?

Right now it's something a doctor has to approve. So you have to be "living in the other gender".

What trannies WANT is to make it purely "I'm a woman if I say so".

If that happens there is nothing stopping anyone from declaring themselves a tranny.

And I'm going to do it.

No. All you need to say is you are a gender fluid person.when they ask post or pre op you act offended and say proudly that not all men have penises and not all women have vaginas. Then when they ask why you dont dress like your identifying gender, act offended and say that gender os not a costume and that some women have beards and some men wear heels. The left has attempted to destroy categories for so long that you can use this against them. If they resist call them bigots, transphobic, and racist (just for funsies).

Gender and Sexuality are methods by which the left are able to segment the groups in which segmentation based of race is not an option. Identity politics on steroids. Divide and conquer.

This is the very reason the left hates nationalism. You can be of different race, sexual orientations, and genders but still we are all Americans. This is also another reason the left loves illegal immigration. Bring in people from other countries to undermine national unity.

Same old tired tricks that historically ended with these people hanging from lamp post and their bodies piled and burned.

Biological sex is different to gender but you can't change either of them on a whim.

sounds like tucker is an idiot bro.

Im saying all you have to do is say you are gender fluid. And you gender can change at any minute for any reason. The lefties cant deny this without them becoming what they most fear, a transphobic oppressor.

It's not even that complicated.

Just declare you're a woman and get it changed in law. Nothing else. Don't change anything else. You're a masculine transwoman who prefers "he". Anyone questioning that is clearly a transphobic bigot.

Presto, you're now walking proof of how absurd this whole fucking thing is.

Why do they deny science again? I feel weird because I'm a Christian and I often ask my lib friends why do they deny scientifical facts.

*blocks your daughter's path*

"cubicle's full, hun"

*poos loudly*

Because feels > reals for libtards

Tucker: "If I claim I'm a woman, following your logic I should be allowed in a woman prison or a women's sports team"
Zac: no that's absurd there are NO examples of this
>literally discussing the possibility of schools allowing boys to be segregated with the girls as long as they claim they're female
Sometimes these mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance blow my mind.

Not really. You're just proof that you're an edgelord.

What science are they denying exactly?

I can see from this post that oppressing your non conformist gender tendencies makes you an angry little bitch. The actual evidence shows that the biodiversity of 7 billion humans falls along a spectrum. Amphibians and other creatures are hemphoditic and can change gender spontaneously. People going through sex change hormone therapy only need tiny amounts of chemicals their body already makes to tip the balance. Fact is some most humans have different genes from cell to cell. If you deny that out of a sample so large that a certain percentage may have evolved in a gray area between genders is as blue pill as it gets. We live in denser populations than ever before in human history. So for the first time in human history they are in your face and supported for their diversity. There are historical records going back for all of human history that record hemphoditic tendencies and homosexuals. You aren't a bigot for not believing that some people may have biology that doesn't fit into just 2 categories. You just aren't that smart.

It's shit like this that caused me to drop any and all support I might have has for the LGBT lot (which I only supported due to my belief that it's fine to do weird shit if it's not harming anybody.) I cannot in good conscious consider these people of a healthy mind, and they're repeatedly pushing things to where I'm starting to seriously consider them dangerous to people around them.

Can you be a lesbian trapped in a man's body? I've always felt this way

Can I identify as a sponge and then, when the conditions are right, run around ejaculating on everything I can in the hopes that some will impregnate another sponge identity?


Yes my potato eating friend. And when they try to kick you out of the locker room when you walk around with a raging boner you can sue them for discrimination.

Correct. They effectively reduce the labels of "man" and "woman" to total meaninglessness and yet still identify as said meaningless words.

what's the difference then? gender is just a social construct that just happens to have a strong biochemical drive, fundamental bone, neural and muscle structure difference and hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in a clearly Sexual dimorphis species?
Give me a break, perhaps CERTAIN traits are attributed to the sexes, but women aren't giving birth because their gender was assigned to them, they're not instinctively and inherently caring and motherly because of a gender they were assigned, it's sexual dimorphism.

People don't deny the existence -- so I don't understand the rant.

The issue is treatment, which has been a failure.

And, no, the proper treatment isn't indulging the delusion.


This kind of narrow minded sarcasm is why they have to identify in the first place. If humans didn't like to stereotype and sort sso much people wouldn't have to claim I identify as whatever. Believing in 2 genders is lazy. If you can't handle a world more complex than black or white you will never grow or learn anything new. Adapt or die.

What on earth are you droning on about? Gender identity and being transgender has nothing to do with biology. That's the whole point.

That's sex. They're talking about gender.

Unlike if you did it in a locker room full of males when you prefer them.

Lesbians don't want to sleep with me though. We're still a long way behind as a society. It's quite problematic and every day I suffer thousands of microaggressions when I ask to be treated as the lesbian I clearly claim that I am

>some animals that are not humans are not humans and therefore humans must also be like those animals that are not like humans
what kind of fucking mental gymnastics is this?
Humans are not amphibians, sex hormone therapy does not change your gender or sex it just fucks up your hormonal balance.

If anyone one would be an expert on trannies, it would be someone named Tucker

What's the difference?


>appear to be an ambiguous clitoris and labia
What is an ambiguous clit and labia? Unless that means they just think it's too small to be a cocknballs, it doesn't add up.

or you could just die how bout da

How attractive a human is to other humans has more to do with personality and charisma than genitals. Plenty of women get women to try being lesbian. Plenty of gay men convince "straight" men to fuck them. Up your game.

All these fucking bigots on Sup Forums, don't you know that the Prophet Muhammad was a FtM transgender? This isn't just Transphobia this is now Islamophobia.

I genuinely want to be a legal woman for the lulz.

And also because I think tranny-ism needs to die.

We often use them interchangeably, but if the words are both worth having around sex is biology and gender is language and culture. The position that your gender is whatever you want at any given moment is a good thing.

It trivializes and defangs dysmorphia as a political issue. It's a way of telling freaks that the identity issues they make a big deal about are no more serious or important than a role I may feel like playing at a party or in a video game.

A recent masterful use of this by Lauren Southern shut down an opponent in her tracks and has put social justice people everywhere in the awkward position of denying her the gender of her choice.

If we grant the left their blurring of the lines between sex and gender, the attitude that gender is an easily flipped switch can feed frivolous notions about sex. But they are anxious to divorce gender from biology, and if by granting them their silly pronouncements about gender we can solidify in more people's minds the immobile and final nature of the sexes, I'm for it.

Just let's remember that they're more clever than we give them credit for, and the next step will be to paint the idea of the sexes as more meaningless and outdated than they have already done.

sex is like your biological makeup and gender is like how you perceive yourself based on culture or society or whatever.

Tucker changes the meaning of the two often during this interview, so it's pretty bad.

see? edgelord.

It's your ideas that are dying. Transgender and homosexuals are growing in acceptance. Your fear of that societal change is evident in your hostility.

wouldn't want to take a shit next to her

that's odd I don't feel gay and stupid.
Seems like you do.
Perhaps that's how you identify.

Sex corresponds to something physical about you. Gender corresponds to an illusion.

Cool, no draft for me.

Legaly a woman until a bouncer sees your ID and you fall victim of a hate crime.

>adapt or die
Adaptation can't help male to female "gender reassignment" cases get pregnant.

i identify as CNN's owner and demand access to the bank account

I also identify as the leader of the DNC and disband the democratic party, but not before using what funding it has to create an investigation into every DNC member for bribes

No, they literally refuse to accept that I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Genitals don't come into it, they refuse to accept me as a lesbian. I can get regular women, but lesbians will not take me into their collective bosom


No he doesn't. Tucker is spot on with his questions.

If I feel like I'm female, but have a male anatomy.. how is someone else supposed to know what to call me if they only go by what I'm wearing or how I present myself?

The left's argument has always been that it's offensive to assume ones gender or apply 'cisnormative' approaches to social interactions.

In that context, Tucker was right on the money with his questions. If I feel like a man, then does that make me a man? If i get arrested for a crime, can I demand to be locked up in a female prison because I feel like a woman?

Those aren't loaded questions. They're genuinely poignant questions based on the very definitions given by the left on this subject - that you are what you think you are.

Also no matter what gender you think you are, you can't change your sex. Cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman, because you simply cannot change your genetics.

All this is.. is a mental illness being taken for sanity, and it's high time these degenerates got what they deserved - a straight jacket and a padded cell.

Not yet.

>gender is like how you perceive yourself based on culture or society or whatever
Wow. I thought they're synonyms. In russian we only have "pol" which means "half. Like half are men and half are women. "Pol" also means floor because in ancient times floors were made from logs cut in halves.

Cultural Marxism is a mental disease.

Plenty of women can't get pregnant. Their bodies are not genetically capable.

>when you realize genes are a social construct

>have drunken sex with a women
>claim that you're a women
>don't get rape charges

>If I feel like I'm female, but have a male anatomy.. how is someone else supposed to know what to call me if they only go by what I'm wearing or how I present myself?

Not just that but think about what this means for feminism and sexism.

It's saying women all have to look and dress a certain way to be women.

It's actually genuinely sexist, like so sexist it could be out of the fucking Stone Age, to say that a woman who doesn't like wearing skirts isn't a woman and might want to get her tits cut off.

Tranny-ism is so insane and half the country seems to believe it. I wonder if there will be a civil war over it?

Then you suck at adaptation. In you words, other option does that leave them?

>Fact is some humans have different genes from cell to cell
Completely fucking wrong, your genetic make-up is exactly the same in every single cell of the body except the haploid cells (sperm and eggs).