I just got my IQ results, I'm 115. I'm just above average which is good I guess, but I'm still disapointed with myself I thought i'd at least have a respectable 120. should i just fucking kill myself? How can I improve my IQ?

also post your IQ so maybe I can feel better about myself.

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Kill yourself for believing in that IQ tests work.

Read more and try to learn everything you can.

I think you're an Ashkenazi jew.

You can't improve your IQ. Don't ask people's IQ on the internet, you'll get 145 average 6'8 with 17" cock.

If you believe IQ tests are a trustful source YOU'RE A FUCKING RETARDED :)

115 still puts you as ultra-high functional compared to the average drooling retard, you can read and understand pieces of text

IQ is Jewish pseudoscience and you're a fool if you believe in it.
We will never in our lifetimes see a proper method for measuring intelligence.

All it means is that you can't be academically successful

Posting on pol and just generally being redpilled is probably more useful than having an IQ of 140 anyway. I know a few people who are smarter than me (i have the same IQ), and their life is a mess.

Yeah I know IQ test aren't a direct test of intelligence but they can certanly tell if you're retarded.

Contrary to popular belief, killing yourself can actually lower your IQ. Don't do it.

if you don't take it, please don't post here, we all know that you are 132532523523526 IQ people (self-reported)

If you are smart enough to take a IQ test on your own, You are not retarded. So what is the point.

I tested 133 when I took a certified IQ test in high school with a proctor in a controlled environment etc.

Yet I'm a depressed unsuccessful piece of shit that can't hold a job, a girlfriend, or my life together in general. I want to kill myself daily and without question I will do it in the next few years.

For me relatively high IQ has done nothing whatsoever, so I don't see any reason people should read much into it.

150, according to the Canadian government.

I was taught directly by a representative for the Ministry of Education from Grade 3 to high school.

>I know a few people who are smarter than me (i have the same IQ), and their life is a mess


I have an IQ of 145 (tested by the cognitive psychology department at Cambridge Hospital, a Harvard clinical affiliate), and my personal/professional life has been a mess.

I dropped out of college once, nearly failed out again, and graduated with an art history degree.

I work as a critical care paramedic and make decent money, and while I planned for 10 years on going to medical school, now I've abandoned that goal too because I can't commit to anything, since every possibility seems so interesting.

Now, I'm looking to become an airline pilot because it's just another job, like what I currently work, that actually has the potential to make me deep into the six figures and support the lavish non-work life that I actually want to live.

Get on my level. It appears that 127 is the ceiling for this one. I'm great at pattern recognition, but terrible at reading comprehension, so I'd lower my iq to that of OP's.

alright I guess this makes me feel a little less dumb, atleast I was the only one in my highschool class that could acctually read fluently. maybe i wont kill myself

I think a lot of analytical capability comes from a combination of genes and the proper education at a very early age. If you have the basic capacity to reason, you can train yourself in adulthood to automatize analytical methods, which is essentially what IQ tests attempt to measure. I'd recommend looking into works of reason-based epistemology--logic, concept-formation, etc. If you can apply and automatize those methods, you will raise your IQ score--but more inportantly, you will become a better thinker.

Why is this not deleted as fast as the alien threads? HMMMMMM!?!??

My IQ is in the 140-160 range. It's weird, but my results vary by over a standard deviation depending on the test and my level of focus on a given day.

>How can I improve my IQ?
you can't

>115 IQ
>should i just fucking kill myself?
No, have a ton of fucking children.
Are you so smart you're actually fucking retarded?


Koko the gorilla has an IQ that has been estimated to be between 70 and 95 by various tests, let's be conservative assume it's 70. The average IQ of Somalia is 68. This makes the average Somalian slightly less intelligent than a gorilla. Worse than this, Equatorial Guinea has an average IQ of 59, making the average person there over 10 points lower than Koko, significantly less intelligent than a gorilla.

I've done 5 IQ tests in my life. These are my scores.
138, 154, 118, 127, and 160.

So I don't give a shit about IQ anymore. It's all a sham.

Tests like this inflate your score because it makes you more likely to share you results and get them their ad shekels

>You can't improve your IQ

you actually can study to get higher scores though

if you spend a few hrs a day doing those puzzles you will get better at them

Mine is 137 on the other hand during the 2 week ive been in psych they also told me that i have clinical depression.

Do the test 10 times, then post results.

It's from the University of Cambridge. I don't think they get many ad shekels. I think the sharing promotion is for acquiring more data.

but what is the point in IQ then, if no way to measure it

nice, nice, can you give some info for the NSA, how you keep your brain trained like that

yes you can, buy doing seppuku and harakiri, and all those brain stimulative puzzles

Got tested when I was 12, got 131. Not too sure if it still stands since I'm 19 now. Studying economics and law so I couldn't care less about that number, academic results are more important at this time.

this tbqh family.

there are people autistic enough to practice IQ tests and after a week or two of practicing the common questions they score genius level IQ every time.

thats genius tier on Sup Forums congrats

You're still one of the smartest nigger in America.

Move to africa and you'll be king.

>above average


>Yeah I know IQ test aren't a direct test of intelligence but they can certanly tell if you're retarded.

IQ correlates directly with g. IQ is the best indicator of general intelligence we have. High IQ tends to mean high ability in other areas such as music, sociability, empathy; as well as being the best single indicator of potential ability.

An IQ of around 135 is generally thought to be adequate for most professions or endeavors. Exceptionally complicated mechanisms or the highest level of conceptual abstraction are some of the few areas where higher intelligence is much use.

People with the highest levels of intelligence often have negative traits that are a result of or genetic requirements of their intelligence, i.e. having one copy of a recessive gene.

user with I.Q. score 89 here.

Average IQ is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. He is above average.

>estimated net worth: unknown

129 and im a socialist whos mad

yes, now proceed with killing yourself

You could just about become a doctor for the amount you'll spend on flight hours and ratings to become a commercial pilot. Sound fun?

>estimated peoples who bow to the Bogdamasters : 7 billions

>mfw 125 without schooling
>mfw I do literally nothing with it
NEET life

Fuck. Is Wal-Mart hiring?

Pattern recognition is key to excel in my field of work. These tests artificially inflate those already trained for this kind of activity.

Throw away $15, and do Jordan Peterson's 'Self-Authoring Suite'. He's no cult leader, he's a hero on Sup Forums, it's a way to take stock of yourself and he's gotten some wildly enthusiastic endorsements, I saw one from someone here on Sup Forums. One sample question - "Is there anything that you've been thinking about for years?"

125 but its just IQ. It doesnt measure everything.

git good FGT

>take IQ test when 10 years old
>score 145

feels wew man

You're just suffering from low testosterone levels. Stop eating foods full of estrogen and lift weights. It will change your life. I was in your shoes a few years back.

Im floating around 100 flat.

Feels good, man!

I took one when I was 10. 136. Decided for a career in alcoholism Am now 32.. Did another test 2 month ago, 134.

My IQ is 105. The average for UK is 100.
Below 75 is considered a learning disability. Or what you Yanks call 'retarded'.

Dont worry, I am blessed with an IQ around 95. I earn good money, lovely wife and childeren and can keep blissfully ignorant.


>below 75 considered retarded

I'm 75 on the dot, really dodged a bullet there!

I scored lower than usual, but I figure that was not being able to figure out any of the 4 dots in a triangle shape questions.

Take your time, I took one in 15 minutes and got like 115, but if you use all 40 minutes and concentrate, you'll do better.

>Decided for a career in alcoholism

Made me kek

yeah me too I did one when I was 3 months old. got 260
>everyone in this bread

This is a board about politics.

All threads should be about politics.

If you're posting bullshit that isn't about politics, you're probably going to get banned.

Having higher IQ means less people that will understand you and you have greater disdain for the normies. It's not a good feel being able to think about things in such depth and never really share it with other people.

I scored highly in an IQ test when I was 17. It was a proper invigilated test, but it's slightly weighted for age, so it's not possible for me to score that highly again.
I'm not dumb, and I'm not a failure, but it hasn't translated to amazing success either. It's important to be able to apply yourself and focus on things, which I'm pretty sketchy about. And it's important to have a life and not be an autistic shut-in.
You can improve your iq a bit too. In itself, there's not really any point, but keeping up with a bit of maths, science, languages, reading and an enquiring mind when most of the population just give up as soon as they leave school will do you no harm at all.

Right. Just smart enough for Sup Forums Op you lucky fucker.

Yeah I lied in Op my real IQ is 6million
Intelligence is important to political discussion

I had pre-test for university some 6 years ago. They said I'm well over 140 and pointed me to do a full one. Never did, i don't trust the online ones.

Working as a machinist for the crappy wage. Basically a work mule.

be careful user
(((they))) will gangstalk you out of there if you become too Austrian

ooh you can tell which part of the square is shaded in for the next square in the sequence, you are a fuckin genius! IQ is retarded. you wanna recognize patterns? take LSD.

IQ isn't a constant, it can go down just because one is ill or otherwise low energy

I don't know my IQ but my mum made me do a mensa test because she thought i was super gifted but they didn't let me in :(


Congratulations, you have been cursed with above average intelligence, enjoy being smart enough to realize what shit we live in but not smart enough to change it. Welcome to the club.

I scored top 1 percentile in every standardized test I ever took. And apparently some of them qualify you for Mensa, so my IQ should be at least 138. Guess what I do for a living? I'm a cake decorator. The average IQ of a medical doctor is only 115. IQ doesn't translate well into actual success in life. It really only matters to neckbeard atheists who are trying to legitimize their arguments online, or to white supremacists who want to feel superior to minorities.

I only got a 1 on my IQ test. My brain just can't quite comprehend your Earthling's intellectually limiting propaganda and brain washing. I get 500 on my planet's IQ tests and on my planet that's considered an idiot.

IQ is politics, I see like 100 threads about this or that country IQ, and like 99.99% on this board are about low or high IQ of some individual or group

Go back to ur planet of me smash u hed with rock

130 reporting in. Kinda sucks desu. I wish I understood mathematics better

254 suck my dick

IQ isn't a perfectly accurate representation of intelligence.

An IQ test is more a measurement of ones logical capabilities, which is of course very important, but it doesn't measure intuitive intelligence as much

IMO our intuitive intelligence is what makes us smarter than the rest of the world

I got 138 when I was 12, so that means probably around 130~ now (as is the pattern with people that score high as children, score lower with age).

Went from being "Highly gifted" to just "Gifted". Sad times.

I scored very high on an IQ test when I was in grade school. So high that no one is going to believe me if I said what I scored and I don't blame them, it's total bullshit.

Don't worry about it. What you do/think and why is more important than any hard genetic intellect as long as you're not a drooling imbecile, which I guarantee you're not.

I have legit diagnosed assburgers. I'm a complete social retard, but I guess all my attribute points went to INT.

Shitty goldfish tier working memory, rainman tier long term memory, and the autistic superpowers to be interested in stupid shit nobody else cares about.

According to tests done when I was 16 (3 years ago) I have an IQ of 144.
I still did equally as bad/good as my peers.
For me, I just take less time to study something than someone else.
If someone else needs 1h, I only need 30min.
It's nothing important.

127 master race. Just got my results last month. Don't worry 115 bro. You're still within the acceptable range. You're a smart dude. We'll need you to work in the fields during the new Reich.

my iq is 178 not even joking

130 in 2012
139 in 2016
Both were mensa tests, not just some online free shit
White nationalism increases your IQ by 9 CONFIRMED


>you wanna recognize patterns? take LSD.

is that scientifically proven? I want to start smoking weed to see if that really give some boost, I am a 30-year-old SE, and I need shit like that to boost my creativity

Anything above 100 is acceptable
100 is just indication of appropriate intelligence for age

My asteroids are prepared for the bombardment

You stupid gorilla no am smarter than me

130 and ethnic ethiopian here. who's upset at this?

IQ is a Jewish psyop

You'd fit right in at the local DMV.

Also rip your genes

you need to go back m8

Intuition is just instinct on steroids, logic is what put us above animals.

51, just avove average ; )