Fun fact:

Fun fact:

ISIS has drones.

Other urls found in this thread:

my niece has a drone

Thanks Obama

at most they have some haji equivalent of a raven. they don't have reapers, that's for damn sure
had a good kek

Fun fact
Who gives a shit. Sandniggers to stupid to figure out how they work anyway.


Fucking children have drones.

Who is ISIS going to Predator strike and why do I care? They aren't going to fly those fuckers over the Atlantic.

Fun fact, they bought them from Kmart.


Let's buy drones too and start le Crusade on them. Sup Forums was created for the day we all order $100 Chinese quadrocopters on Alibaba and make Earth great again.

we could mount little reeee speakers and then we fly up to them and call them fags

They're strapping bombs to DJI phantoms, literaly toys.
>whoopdy do

Oh, elegant wars of real men.

this is also old news, a month ago there were two iraqi militia injured or killed (can't recall) after they went to investigate a drone they had shot down, which still had it's payload attached

with eagerness i await the day of heroes


i honestly would love to do this, jesus christ it's actually a fantastic idea. ip controlled drones with speakers so people can pay to call them faggots and buzz around their homes and shit in raqqa. we'll do it next war, maybe africa.

>ip controlled drones with speakers so people can pay to call them faggots and buzz around their homes and shit in raqqa
That is a billion dollar idea. Jewstarter it.

Fun fact:
Muslims are too stupid to program a drone.

Uh, guys. ISIS has Stinger missiles thanks to Hillary.

Is your niece in ISIS?

Reagan, actually. But blame Hillary, by all means. I don't want to go against your narrative.

Well I don't know that for sure but I have been considering the possible effects of drone tech on crime and war. They've already found evidence of criminals trying to sneak drugs and phones into prisons via drones. Thats just the beginning. I remember one company was going to deliver packages by drone soon. Want to say it was google but not sure. They even have a drone racing sport now. The future is here and you are not prepared.

I heard radio shack was having a sale.


Does it look like this?


Actually it was Carter who started Operation Cyclone.

You can't even fact check properly.