Fifteen Minutes before we cast the spell to BTFO Scumpf

Get in here fellow wizards and witches. IT is time to gather your most vital elements and prepare the rituals necessary to finally destroy Dumbald Trumpskin.

They think their meme magick is strong - they have yet to taste the real power of black magick.

You're fucked yanks.

Other urls found in this thread:

>fifteen minutes
Midnight's not for another five hours and fifteen minutes retard

you have to wait for midnight US time, stupid bong
your majiks will be wasted

I have a magic sword.

>he knows nothing of the Witching Hour.

england is the progenitor and creators of the pedophile entrapment technique used by so many today, you'll get ur comeuppance in the name of jesus christ you beastly demon and be sent back to the fiery pits of shit from which you originate from, we got the creator of life as we know it on our side, you got the creator of shitty mexican sombreros on ur side lollol

Casting curses is why witches are so ugly.
They have a heavy price.
What ever curse you cast will come back on you threefold.

You should know that though....

Have fun dumbledorks

remember how tough you are next time your legs are pinned behind your ears

You are truly fucking idiots

Unlikely that anything bad will happen to me. My ex GF aborted her unborn child to MOLOCH and he grants me his blessing.

The spell that we are about to unleash will scour Trump's evil from the world.


Kek will nullify your pathetic magic

Spell completed. The currents are already changing.

wtf, guilty of murder too, okay, well you can still seek forgiveness but otherwise

ya moloch grants you a burning with him for all eternity, grind your teeth away, because the true horror is when you are alone and god no longer resides within you...

>Implying your paltry dabbling in the arcane is any match for Meme Magic

expand on what you did exactly

Yah well Im mormon so I just baptized your dead baby in the name of Jesus Christ and his messenger is Donald J Trump.

Moloch has no power here. Were all loyal Christians brother.

You are whores to occult powers are more stupid than genuine flat earthers, if there is something like that.
I thought biggest part off your mass ritual circlejerk was supposed to be outside Trump Tower at 0.00 eastern time.
So you dont even acknowledge time or the synchronicity of your stupid ritual.
Your soul is more stained than your diapers,
which you safe for #SpiritCooking.

The ritual will make them all infertile!!

> casting one spell on one specific night and telling everyone about it ( it was even in the NY post)
> child sacrificing, Satan worshiping heretics being scared of a Mongolian anime board
> hundreds of autists, Kek worshippers, Kekists, occult members who hate Moloch Praising Kek everyday along with good Christians praying to their god and messenger
Why are they so scared? Must have not sacrificed enough babies and children to Moloch. Doesn't matter how many spells you cast, the world is not yours anymore.

Hahahaha you stinky hippy hope you get warts all over your hands

>implying moloch would accept the sacrifice of children


no dont

Esteja alerta para as regras dos três
O que você dá, retornará para você
Essa lição, você tem que aprender
Você só ganha o que você merece

Kek has repeatedly spoken on this issue and has confirmed that he will protect Trump and slay the witches who conspire against him.

Into the trash you go, tea-sipping cunt.

>falling for the black magic meme

go grow some crystals

>15 minutes until we impotently scream at a table filled with various knick knacks you can buy at The Christmas Tree SHop


Stop fucking reminding me, I tried and got shot down. Deal with it.

roleplay is not politics

Autism is becoming an epidemic

>Athiests trying to summon demons and ancestral spirits because the false gods called "celebrities" tell them to and give them "cooking instructions" similar to spirit cooking.

Good luck with that. Daemons don't take kindly to those with no faith in deities.

Kek protects His followers.

Praise Kek brothers. We must hold back Moloch's legions. Protect Trump. Protect the West.

wait, is it midnight gmt, est or pst?

It's real mate. Celebs are even endorsing it. Every occultist is being asked to come together to "Blind trump,his supporters and any that oppose progressivism". They already did the blood sacrifice when Antifa murdered 10,000 endangered frogs for "being a symbol of white nationalism".

Lana del Rey even tweeted spirit cooking.

Autism. Plain and simple

ohh no im dead argh help

>inb4 this happens and we all laugh.

You underestimate the will of millions of minds focused on one thing. We create reality.

whoa! canuck from out of nowhere with the save!
moloch btfo!



you subjectively create reality; you believe your own delusion. when it's otherwise we call them "passing thoughts." it's how most of us deal with the made-up nonsense.

your 14 is backwards

also, everyone needs to watch this so they can hone their skills
Godspeed faggots

and the result

Don't you idiots realize that the White House has mages that practice magic to protect the president????