Islam will save the West

Islam will save the West.

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We need to bring Islam to black brothers in America to destroy whites. They need to return to their roots, man.

Introducting the new Apple iSlam

just imagine getting lost in the desert

I agree, but only Shia Islam and Persian thinking. Fuck Bedouins.

>Islam will save the West.
it will , from islam.

By uniting it against Islam in a new crusade?
40,000,000 kebab removed from Europe and the Middle East turned to glass in nuclear fire?

Thanks Islam!

I agree. It will do so by uniting Europe, China, Russia and india vs. a common threat they all despise and has problems with already



>"this" in Arabic looks like a dick
Did Muhammad (piss be upon him) invent that language?

You sound like a Christ cuck, but with another stupid religion.


islam will unite the civilized world against it and teach us to reembrace western values.

Here we go with the Christcuck.

Let's pretend this faggot is more advanced than any of us.

Where was your kind when Europe and the west needed saving? Ever?

Nuke for mecca when

No thanks. We will revivify our own Father, we don't need some other culture's.

Muhammad famously couldnt read.

If SOMEHOW, Turkey and Iran manage to get rid of islam, ar*bs will be fucked and their religion will cease to exist

And would be kind enough to explain to us ignorant, how Islam will save the "West"?

I visited the holy grave AKA the cube as a non-Muslim. Had a water bottle full of my piss and threw the piss all over the cube and the Muslims close to it. They yelled the ackbar shit like they were being blessed with holy water. It took everything for me to not to bust out laughing. I held it in and ended up farting really loud for 10 seconds as I circled the relic, leaving a wake of pure foulness that I circled back into and almost made me gag. I could here Muslims praying and then choking and retching and trying to go back to whatever word they were saying.

This is a 100% true story. I was there as an oil contractor and was friendly with the local workers so they wouldn't fucking kill me and ended up getting invited. I went along with it so, you know, they wouldn't fucking cut my head off. I swear I thought I was gonna die from that fart. It was one of those mid-range horn-sounding farts that I released from one side of the cube to the other.

wait this is better

>*Mormonism will save the west


Islam will save the west by senselessly itself over time.

Killing itself*

Fucking hell I want to kill myself now aswell.

no arabic was spoken before islam. at least going back to ancient israelite times. hadha is the same as hebrews hazza הזה. just like zahav is dhahab and mizbeyyah is madhbah. dh>z is the same in aramaic. north western semitic langauges are unique in having z instead of dh and linguists say dh is more original.