Germany is a hellscape

Germany is a hellscape

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Do Germans trust their government's information?

Why not?


>Amount of foreigners increase
>More crimes committed by foreigners

Wow its almost as if people commit crimes proportionate to their population. Still less likely to commit crimes than natives

You don't know shit.

Does that look at refugee crime though?

Fuck off Germany


In 2015 newly arrived refugees committed (per capita) 3x as much crime as a German citizen would.

Eine Chinapfanne zum mitnehmen bitte.

These aren't per capita figures, this is just crime distribution

See those 2 stars on the left?

I did the math my self for the per capita figures.

did you calculate people coming here from southern and eastern europe to comit crimes aka. crimetourism?

>immigrants are less than 1% of the population
>make up 8.4% of criminals

>american education

I left crimes committed by non-germans out.

Wheres your source for immigrant population?

Do you know what you left out as well, the point that we are talking about suspects.

the average german does because he/she is fucking retarded
i dont

his "maths" doesnt add up there are atleast 17 million immigrants

All I did was comparing german crime to refugee crime. I don't need to know about immigrant crime to compare those two things.

What's your point?

"A person thought to be guilty of a crime or offence.
‘the police have arrested a suspect’"

"Immigrants within the meaning of this brochure are suspects who are asylum applicants, on exceptional leave to stay, quota or civil war refugees or irregulars"

Trying to hunt down that exact population rn.

Immigrant in the weird sense the BKA report refers to the term. To make a meaningful per capita comparison you need the population which fits the definition mentioned above.

Well we don't have anything else to go off and OPs pic shows it's somewhat accurate.

You were right BTW my math was off

It were less than a million as far as I know

It's actually closer 2,4x more crimes committed per capita.

does it exclude offenses against foreigners law?


"Aufgrund der allgemeinen Bestimmungen des Aufenthaltsrechts kann es passieren, dass zunächst ein Strafverfahren gegen die Asylsuchenden wegen illegalen Grenzübertritts eingeleitet wird. Denn in Deutschland ist die illegale Einreise – also das Einreisen ohne Visum – strafbar. Davon gibt es jedoch Ausnahmen für Flüchtlinge: Die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention besagt, dass Flüchtlinge nicht wegen einer unerlaubten Einreise bestraft werden dürfen. In aller Regel werden deswegen bereits eingeleitete Verfahren wieder eingestellt."

You know what this means?

As far as the definition Suspect goes, everyone that comes here as a asylumseeker whithout a visa lands on your list as a suspect.

Pretty sure those are included in the the "against foreigners law" which I did not use.

There were about 200 thousand of those instances if I remember correctly. I can't be bothered to read through that 100 page pdf again though.

>"Deutsche Behörden haben 672.561 Ermittlungsverfahren etwa wegen illegalen Grenzübertritts gegen Flüchtlinge eingeleitet."

Those are not seen anywhere in in the statistics though.

I haven't seen that specific number in the stats.

Yes they are in your first picture you delibertly took a misleading statistic that included crimes against foreigners law. Which allmost all Refugees have to commit to come here.

Neither of my pics include crimes against foreigners law.

It was the abbo nigger who did that.


I mistook you for him

I know that.

it went down again in 2016

Eine Grundgesamtheit der Zuwanderer in Deutschland lässt sich nur schwer benennen, weil sich deren Zahl wegen Neuankömmlingen und Ausreisenden ständig ändert. Im BKA-Bericht heißt es dazu nur, seit Januar 2015 seien im EASY-System, dem IT-Programm des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge, rund 1,27 Millionen Asylbegehrende erfasst worden.

Use this number :)

That'd make it closer to 2 times more per capita compared to Germans but still not even close less than 1x.

Previously I worked with the number 1 million.

Also that 70 thousand crimes (versucht und vollendet) in 3 months is still pretty high.

pic related may be what you talked about earlier

it includes crimes against foreign law but its still 18% lower then the numbers we had in 2015. So its more like 1.8 times. And if you count them in for their education level etc. you will have the same crime levels as germans.

better pic

Mitigating factors are irrelevant when talking about the present.

Fact is that immigrants and refugees in Germany are committing disproportionate amounts of crime right now and will continue to do so as long as new immigrants and refugees arrive.

>non-German suspects
ouch. Can't wait to be culturally enriched too

Its the same mantra since germany started taking in immigrants, when times go by things normalise. Just imagine what germany would be like with 20 million less people with an immigrational backround. And its getting worse and worse since germans dont have children any more.

hope you're memeing or are you actually rertarded

not like the beloved irish

The low birthrates are largely due to liberals not having any children.

Nah, you see this in russia as well and they are not really liberal ;)

Did you really just compare us with Russia?

No and with the Federal Statistical Office of Germany compromising the migration and demographic data of 2016, it's only gonna get worse. They plan to release it "after" elections in september now instead of the usual 1st quarter

All of europe is fucked liberal or not.

germany is going away

very sad

If we'd just let things normalise we'd be fine.

Tell me exactly who is going to take care of all the retiring baby boomers in +-20 years. Let alone with all the jobs that have to been filled with them retiring the missing pensions, health care etc.

Gerany is rex fine. We rive on and ye ausralia. On he sae level we jus fuck you aerica. Go and self-suck your dick again wihou russian's dick. You suck. No even one win in he las 80 years. And you tried soooo hard.

>muh jobs
>muh pensions
>muh economy

Who the fuck cares?

99% of the population?

ah yeah the epic go away of germany

Germans need to be mercy killed

No they don't.

Nobody a shit that there aren't enough jobs being filled.

tell that to the million job openings that arent beeing filled.

I just said that nobody gives a shit about those jobs.

Because clearly nobody wants those jobs.

That's how capitalism works.

cant have enough children and people that take care of the elderly.

Clearly no one wants those jobs so clearly nobody actually gives a shit about the elderly.

so let the eldery starve to death great solution

Oh yeah that's definitely the only solution besides importing millions of non-German people.

You're fucking retarded you know that right?

tell that to the 20 million immigrants that are filling jobs germans dont want to do or are not qualified to do.

Didn't the German police say 'everything was fine' after the mass rape/sexual assault/looting/violence on new years eve in Cologne? Then everyone found out a week later the government tried to hold back the information from the public, and there were literally hundreds upon hundreds of criminal cases from men of 'North African appearance'.

Not all of the 17 million immigrants in Germany are employed you fucking retard.

not all 65 million germans are either and thats not the point. The point is germany has allways taken immigrants to fill jobs that they could not like turks in the 60s.

Government action isn't a justification for anything.

People elect the Goverment if they wouldnt have liked the results we would have had an other way of doing it by now. Since it never happend you can freely say that most people dont give a fuck if someone is a immigrant or not. If you dont like the way we do stuff here, you can move to a country like Poland that has allmost no immigrants and be the immigrant yourself.

Actions of our ancestors aren't a great justification either.

And no I don't want to emigrate.

Wait. Are there amerifats who unironically believe we were half as bad like America in terms of crime?
With your snowflake niggers killing and raping hundreds of whites daily and the kikes (more than Israel) telling you its normal?

Well you live in a world where your environment is formed 99.9999% by people that lived before you. The present reality doesnt owe anyone justification, it is how it is and you cant change it either you accept the fact or live a miserable live.

>Tell me exactly who is going to take care of all the retiring baby boomers in +-20 years.
Literally no one. If baby-boomers think syrian refuges would be slaving for kafirs i have bad news for kafirs.

>people just submit to me
>i don't know why
>they trust me
>dumb fucks

t. Merkel

>Yes goy you want to be happy don't you? Just give up.

Just fucking stop you fucking loser.

Well reality says your wrong.

Their savings.

No fucking way Muslims are going to be productive enough to be the new tax base to support aging infidels like some think. They're only there for gibsmedats.

How many (%) of refuges entered into Germany in the last 3 years are employed again?

Like 13% late last year.

We have muslims here for 50-60 years and germany is productive enough to achieve budget surplus after surplus.

Enough for having a thing called economy compared to russia.

Says the guy that is constantly whining. You shouldnt have droped out of school Kevin.

>Their savings.
Savings are social construct. Its just an social agreement of how many of current GDP is yours if country has no GDP you savings mean nothing.

Save in gold and bitcoin so you savings at least world be worldwide agreements...

I hope muslims stay on gibsmedats.

Your shitty country tricked my family into coming here so they can tax the shit out of us. I hope all the leafs burn.

Because if the shit hits the fan gold and bitcoin is going to keep you alive. KEK

>and germany is productive enough to achieve budget surplus after surplus.
Germans are productive but you are running out of Germans.

>constantly whining

Besides me telling you to not compare us with Russia I haven't done much whining. Meanwhile you're saying we should all just sit back because we can't change anything. You sound like a loser to me,

As i said they are worldwide connected. It needs world wide SHTF to devalue them. SHFTs most probably would be much more local.

yeah, right

That was a joke.

One thing that needs to be taken into consideration is Germany's heavy industry economy and the future. Tech is going to take so many fucking jobs out of factories etc., even some service industries. No country right now needs more unskilled workers.

dont believe that bullshit.

I see that there are many problems with our mass migration, I also agree on some points in general with you about right fans, but I can absolutely not agree that it has gotten any more dangerous in Germany in my every day life here. It really seems that most immigrants are trying to adapt, with the exception of a few... I see more hate/violence coming from homeless/mentally ill people than from anything else.

>what is time series analysis
Crime has been on the general decline in all western nations since the 70s. The fact that it is leveling out now SHOULD worry you.