F to M tranny easily dominates at girls wrestling match

>At the regional tournament, two wrestlers forfeited rather than grapple with Beggs. One, Coppell’s Madeline Rocha, who had already qualified for state, lost her opening-round match Friday in Cypress.

After losing to Beggs, who has has been on testosterone treatments since October 2015, Engert left the mat in tears and her coach tersely declined an interview request for her wrestler. >Many of the coaches have said they’re not upset at Beggs, but just the predicament of their girls having to wrestle against an athlete on testosterone.

>Look at how beefed up she is,” Overstreet said. “It’s because she’s taking an enhancement. Whether she’s a boy, girl, wants to be purple or blue it doesn’t matter. When you’re using a drug and you’re 10 times stronger than the person you’re wrestling because of that drug, that shouldn’t be allowed.”

>While Beggs has said he’d prefer to wrestle against boys, University Interscholastic League rules force Beggs to compete as a girl. The UIL uses an athletes birth certificate to determine gender, a measure overwhelmingly approved by the state’s school superintendents a year ago.

>The rule prohibits girls from wrestling in the boys division and vice versa.

so this is a biological girl taking testosterone to become a boy?

its just more fucking insanity.


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She's doping and shouldn't be allowed to compete, has nothing to do with her gender

this is what they wanted.

why is she allowed to compete at all with the girls or the boys if she is on steroids? steroids is cheating.

?!?!?! THIS IS LITERALLY what Sup Forums wants

to the average storm or christ fag on Sup Forums you can't be legit trans, you are mentally ill and you need to be "treated" by some treatment that doesn't even exist.

All you ever see from these types are "biological gender! biological sex!" but in cases like this where i BILOGOGICAL FEMALE is transitioning to male and you don't allow her to compete with me....this happens.

This is coming from somebody who doesn't support trans bathroom stuff...just pointing out blatantly hypocrisy and loopholes here...

Same happend with Messi with taking hormones so he didn't end like an autist midget.

>girl gets juiced as fuck
>wins easily

I am truly shocked.

Male/female strength differentials are absurd. I'm a fat lazy slug who spends all day at computers, but I didn't have any trouble when I had to pick up and haul around 35kg (c. 80lb) sacks of concrete last weekend to help a friend with a project. I was even able to hoist two of them at once onto my shoulder and carry them up a small hill.

This is just a baseline ability that I inherit as a biological male.

His wife could barely lift those sacks at all, and she was fairly fit.

but it has everything to do with her gender. this girl thinks she's a boy. so she's taking drugs to become one. but her birth certificate says she's a girl so the rules say she must compete as a girl even though she is on drugs.

its all horseshit and she should not be allowed to compete at all. as a boy or as a girl.

this confusion is the result of trannies rebellion against reality.

You have to go back

>take performance enhancers
>regardless of reasons
>can't compete professionally
Wasn't this already the case?
Why is s/he still allowed to wrestle?

maybe if you're so fucked in the head you need state funded hormones you dont get to pretend to be normal.

i don't follow. she should be wrestling with the girls. BUT she is also on drugs so she should not be wrestling at all.

This is great. These liberal trans supporters are their own worst enemy, pissing off random people with their self righteous politics.

>all you have to do to be successful in sports now is claim you're a tranny male and get juiced
>tfw you identify as male+

These situations are gold. Instantly redpill normal people about this nonsense. Those girls will never forget being forced to wrestle against a freak.

If they're taking enhancements they shouldn't be able to wrestle at all. Against boys or girls

testosterone is testosterone, testerone ENHANCERS are what gets banned.

However estrogen and testosterone are just plain hormones...how do you ban a hormone?

Females and males both still have estrogen and testosterone respectively. Do you ban people who have abnormal hormone results? what if somebody has a medical condition? See the loopholes here?

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

because she has a doctors note to take the drugs.

>UIL provides an exception for a steroid that is prescribed by a medical practitioner for a valid medical purpose.

What? No. The point is that just because you have a mental illness you should not be allowed to take drugs and then compete in sports.

The weak should fear the strong.

Girls shouldn't be wrestling.

Gender doesn't exist. There is only biological sex.


It's only in a school where they are strictly for biological stuff regardless of circumstances where this happens..

what don't you understand?

also see

it literally has nothing to do with her gender. she is doping. anyone doping is going to have an advantage over people that aren't. she is mentally ill and should be in an institution though.

>giant muscle dyke beating up skinny weak girls until they cry

I need to see the video so I can be offended properly. An HD video preferably.

kys faggot.

devils advocate:

not cheating if it's not against the rules

she's also taking drugs you moron. she should not be competing. period.


she would not be able to compete professionally and she should not be competing at the high school level either.

A tranny literally won gold in womens track last summer olympics

yes... me too.

it doesn't matter what you take for your mental illness. you're elevating your testosterone levels to that of a man and wrestling against girls. she should flat out be banned from wrestling or competing in any sports, regardless of gender.

its cut and dry, she's cheating.

but ti has to do with her gender because what is listed on her birth certificate is how they decide where she goes. i agree she should not be competing.

>Do you ban people who have abnormal hormone results?
Nope that's just genetics at work, if someone NATURALLY has an edge why shouldn't they be allowed to perform?

>what if somebody has a medical condition?
Then they most likely shouldn't be allowed to play sports or at least compete in competitions

> Be FtM trans
> Be on hormones and steroids
> Beat other women

I am so shocked. I mean I never knew people that use PED beat their opponents

The school has definitely made the right decision in keeping her in the girls league.

But how are they allowing straight up doping? Why does it make it OK to take performance enhancing drugs and still compete? This is against the UIL rules, this student should be banned from competing and also be suspended from school for cheating.

F to M trannies don't bother me since they'd be bull dykes anyway. M to F trannies need to die in pain

theres a video in the article

You can not compete in sports if you take testosterone.

No, no enhancers, just testosterone. Hell, you can't even compete if you blood dope.
She is only getting away with it in the name of tolerance.

>muscle mass affected by testosterone
>tranny takes testosterone to express masculine features
>tranny has more muscle mass than other women because she artificially has more testosterone

really activates my synapses

it's like... women and men are biologically different or something...

Hey idiot. What happens when a male to female wants to compete with the girls?

Same exact thing. People like this shouldnt be allowed to compete period.

Hes also 53-0 in his "womans" career.

Don't be an assmad faggot when you wrote a meandering, oddly-structured post and I asked for a clarification.
Work on your writing, frogposter.
>reddit spacing

hmmmmm hmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hm hm hmmmmmm

It has nothing to do with its gender, it has to do with its delusions and how society has accepted those idiotic delusions

Na let her wrestle the boys. She will get BTFO and it will be funny.

scum. all of you.

I wont even
Finally voice of reason here.

>Valid reason
Theres your problem.


Videos don't load in my browser, so I went to a different one to check it out. By the end you could tell that brown girl just wanted it to stop. They gotta stop forfeiting so we can get more videos of this disgusting display to be offended at.

but look at the rules on the highscool level lmao

all i am fucking saying is this is what happens when people scream "biological sex" without taking circumstances into consideration.

all i'm saying is that ftm's should be allowed to participate against men. that's really all it boils down to lmao

in the stormfag or christfag society you aren't allowed to compete at all or have to compete against women who get btfo'd


>girl takes pill to make her slightly manly
>it makes her dominate cunts
That equality sucks doesn't it

>what if somebody has a medical condition?
Then she's not allowed to join the tournament, faggot

how is she not just disqualified for doping

Let her wrestle with guys. Somebody needs to lay down reality for her.

Crushing this wind pipe between my fingers would be orgasmic


user, please don't be retarded. Taking testosterone is prohibited by the WADA. No ifs, no buts, it's fucking prohibited. And yes, that includes endogenous testosterone if you take it exogenously.

>use chemicals that make you gain boyish features that are naturally found in men, hence why men are muscular
>bitch and whine that it makes a girl stronger than other cunts

Equality sucks, doesn't it?

of course she shouldn't be allowed to compete against men. she is a girl. and apparently i don't see what you are trying to say. seems like everyone here is against this FTM tranny wrestling against girls BECAUSE she is doped up. not because she is a girl.

In a proper society FtM's and trannies in general wouldn't exist you idiot.

this, but there's no precedent for this kind of shit so rules should be made about it

Why not start a tranny division?

Sort of like the special Olympics. Except this can be the snowflake Olympics or the mentally unstable Olympics.

Had an epiphany reading this story:

>globalists/leftists push trans legislation
>clears way for trans takeover of sports/other gender-specific roles
>elimination of gender-specific economy
>market approach to deconstruction of society

would there even be enough to compete?

how about get rid of title IX and let males and females compete against one another.

how about some REAL EQUALITY for once???

This is your last (You) from me.
I'm not even here on any merit for debate in this thread.
I was lurking and was trying to figure out what the fuck you were saying.
Now, you redirect me to yet another rambling post with reddit spacing.
Not only that, but you're trying to paint me as a bad guy for not understanding you.
Consider suicide, you petulant thing.

you might think so, but the alternative is to have her compete on the mens team. which would imply that she should also use the mens bathroom.

not that i really care much either way about the bathroom issue, or wrestling, but don't be fooled by thinking this is any kind of "red pill"

Ban trannies. They're drugging themselves for muscle.

These solutions are not difficult, Leftists are just pussies.

> in a proper society mental illness wouldn't exist

and this is why i will never be a fascist lmao, there is no roof for abnormalities in this kind of society, no roof for anything except for the agree'd upon standard even if it's something like a mental illness or something else somebody can't control

Same thing happened in track and field, at the Olympics with those two negro men turned women.

no we see what you're trying to say, you're just wrong. It is on drugs, thus it shouldn't be wrestling ANYBODY.

But that solution doesn't work
>man decides he's a woman
>is allowed to compete in women's leagues
>destroys them all easily, even on estrogen
>woman decides she's a man
>is only allowed to compete in women's leagues
>destroys them all easily
Either way, normal God-fearing women get punished for this degeneracy.

It's simple. If you want to be transgender and take hormones, regardless of what the law says, you cannot compete in physical (but especially combat) sports. It's the only fair way to do it. Not everyone has the right to do everything they want sometimes.

I seriously am having trouble following what's happening here


If you're a transfer man, then you need to wrestle boys not girls.

You don't get to claim you're always been male and then compete in women's. You can't keep changing the rules.

Both should go in the mens league so they can get humiliated.

>what are insane asylums

>what are gas chambers

the easy solution is to just ban test under any circumstance, "medical" or not.

obviously she would not be competitive on a mens team, so letting her compete with men would be pointless.

don't we have more important things to talk about?

Okay now I want to see the M to F tranny throw around girls on the mat. That should be fair right?

it should be allowed to compete against men because it's on testerone. I'm not a liberal but i believe that everyone should be able to pursue their passions.

What if this person has drive? what if this person had the drive and vision to be the best of all time or something...just because of a mental illness they were born with

does nobody else have drive or a vision? or ever worked really hard towards a goal? i could care less about trannies but something about ftms and sports i feel for them.

it's like fuck all your hard work, fuck your dreams.


But a juicing bulldyke would have a chance in these lower level leagues. It would be shameful to let a woman on steroids win a men's league.

I don't know why she wouldn't just forfeit herself. She can't be oblivious to the fact that she's being a gigantic asshole and ruining the tourney for everyone. It's so selfish, the only reason she would keep going is to prove a "point".

What a fucking retarded post. Bravo user.

>Take ridiculous ammounts of testosterone
>People act surprised when youre laying people out on the mat


Transgender Baldwin

Why haven't sports just created a doping devision. I'd rather see a bunch of super enhanced people doing crazy shit.

it's a publicity stunt. they (the left) are hoping to gain some ground on the transgender bathroom issue. although the obvious thing to do is not allow testosterone in wrestling. people are taking the bait hook line and sinker though, so i guess it's working.

It's on fucking testosterone for fuck's sake, is that so hard to understand? It's not like she just had her tits cut off or whatever. Do you seriously not understand the length some athletes are willing to go to game the system? Some literally cut up their dicks to insert someone else's piss there in a tube. Claiming you are the other sex would be the easiest way to get away with this shit, and it makes you untouchable in the eyes of the media and the public.

The real question is when can beta males get testosterone enhancement therapy to become uberchads??

Are you an idiot? This is a result of her choices and attempt to take male growth hormones, which is fucking doping by normal standards, so the whole thing results from a clusterfuck of this person having gender dysphoria

> It’s because she’s taking an enhancement.
It`s fair, WADA gave her exception.

I bet the Romans though things like this were a good idea too.

I wouldn't survive people scrutinized every day in public, must suck major

He/she should just not be competing in sports.

>reddit spacing
fuck off with your reddit image, reddit postnumber, reddit file size and reddit reading comprehension, you redditor.

Anabolic/virilising steroids are banned in sports.
Being trans is no exception.
Conclusion: he/she should be tested and hormonal enhancement use exposed.

She'll always be stronger then a non-test using girl, but no amount of testosterone can give her the stronger skeletal structure of a boy.

She should't be allowed to compete in either.