So basically capitalism is over


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Didn't your parents teach you how to share?

When robots take over why wont you want money to spend your time at the beach?

How will you make money when virtually every potential job is automated?

>we need less property rights guys, there's too much poverty
>we need less property rights guys, there's too much poverty
>we need less property rights guys, there's too much poverty

you dumb fucks, we keep becoming poorer and your solution is the reason we're poor. leave me the fuck alone.

Because I'm gonna be in the 1%

A fucking bullet

We actually aren't really becoming poorer. We've increased various social programs and spend trillions on them, but in spite of our best efforts in "The War on Poverty", poverty rates have remained roughly the same for decades. It's simply having no effect one way or the other.

>predicting the future

Sure, Elon. Where the fuck is my flying car, bitch?

>have government pay people to buy my Tesla
>government grant and subsidies for my SolarCity
>look at me I am Tony Stark, I make rockets and shiets. I am not like the other MIC aerospace company living off NASA and satelite contracts
>he is /ourguy/

Why do Sup Forums worship this coporate welfare socialist?

print it like it is done now. anyway, in the future money will not be necessary to regulate and run the economy since it will be efficiently run by a computer system.

>Welfare = communism

Just let the free market balance itself like it always has.

UBI is literally another name for Communism. It's a disguise. Fuck anyone for UBI. Fuck UBI.

Am I the only one that thinks Elon Musk is a faggot? He literally did nothing. Hes a buisness man, he thinks of ideas and paid people to do them. He was already rich before he started his first business. Now hes trying to act like his opinion in politics matters. I will be the first to say it does not anymore than anybody else. Hes just a faggot who people believe has some kind of "reliability" because he has made a bunch of companies.

Hes no better than steve jobs or who ever else there is that was just a "visionary buisness man". Fuck his opinions.

I dont mind automation.. as long as it is United States. And we better do it soon before China does, they dont care whether their people have jobs or universal income.

Tesla is much less dependent on subsidies then GM or other motor companies

>So basically capitalism is over
Oh yeah, people miss the important threads about this and immigration while they shitpost on DA JOOS in other threads. Meanwhile even Sup Forums supports non white legal immigration. We are fucked and we are dooming ourselves to this fate by hating the color of our skin. FUCK.

Who will design new robots?
Who will service the robots?

If either of the above is a human, who would upskill for that job and be subservient to everyone else?
If both answers are robots, why are humans needed?

>why are humans needed
Pizza for the Elites

he meant it for when the robots become the main labor force
humanity won't be working anymore
you're all fucking stupid

Fresh KB thread:

>not wanting to live in a /comfy/ life where everyone has the same modest QoL that you can expand upon by working at your leisure


>Who will design new robots?
>Who will service the robots?
1 guy replacing hundreds of jobs is not workable

Will the plebs get pasta?

Own a business that utilizes said robots? Work for your local, state govt?

Look this all happened with the industrial revolution but on a smaller scale. There was mass unemployment for a generation or two, then everybody found lower hour and easier jobs.

Award for dumbest comment on Sup Forums in the history of forever. Don't ever talk about politics or economics again and kindly fucking kill yourself.

Because of Elon Musk's shitty policies I lost a thousand dollars to a scammer. He needs to go back to South Africa.

except the horses

Nobody knows what the future holds, putting in a UBI just in case is a stupid fucking idea. What if it turns out to be a horrible mistake? How will you get people off of it?

another option is everyone gets internet jobs filling out surveys and investing in robot stocks.

The horses weren't the ones buying products, you fucking retard.

>How will you make money when virtually every potential job is automated?

national dividend paid to citizens for use of the commons

uh dude you've already got welfare with incentives to have more kids, UBI is a step up
okay then the buggy drivers, their horses became glue and their number diminished because cars are more efficient and faster

I think he's already got mega wealthy. you don't get on such a high stage without ending up mega wealthy.

Hundreds? If you have a proper management system and on hand spare parts, easy.

But if you propose a future that doesn't incentivise a skilled group to perform the technical roles, noone will know what to do when it all goes to shit. Then you'll have one crowd working, while another gets to kick back smelling the flowers.

memes aside, this is actually going to be a huge issue in the future, and in the future, I mean only 15-20 years from now this can become a reality. I am with the fags who hate communism and socialism. But what are we to do as a society when literally all the blue collar jobs and even menial labor jobs are taken over by machines? In my mind, forget welfare, sociallism/communism, and capitalism, even forget democracy and the principles of a republic, because none of these currently existing systems will actually be sufficient in dealing with this. This kind of a problem has never faced society in all of human history.

The only solution I see is to make an entirely new social, governmental, and economic system that is based around having "labor" in general be automated. Where people, other than those who start and run there own businesses or work "ethical" jobs like a Policeman or some type of social worker will be out of the job.

If we don't start planning now, we will be fucked when the day arrives and where all looking around with our dicks out like "well fuck, what now"?

You're retarded. He's talking about post-scarcity. Not the present.

Laissez faire is the best way to manage an economy of scarcity, but it's based on scarcity. It's a remedy, but not the end game.

People who insist on outdated economic systems beyond their usefulness are parrots.

It's not stealing. The robots will make back any lost money.

>Elon Musk
what a swarthy last name. I don't listen to apes.

Universal wage just shifts the country from a subsistance threat to a boredom one.

Our economy would be a luxary economy,

It does
They get a larger share
The productivity rise from robots makes up for it
it's literally the only situation socialism would work
people would only be able to get wealthy through inventing and innovating, rather than business management

>Musk is a good guy guys
Literally a filthy commie.

It's a slippery slope. Unless prosperity isn't defined by human productivity this will only damage the society.


That's the point, welfare was a mistake and UBI is not the solution.

What im trying to say is that humans wont disappear the same as horses because we have buying power. Without us there are no corporations.

When you say Elon Musk doubled down on something, do you mean he repeats himself?

He's trying to create a "Steve Jobs" style cult of personality because he knows the future of his company is dim without it. I've noticed him saying a bunch of "I love science!" bullshit to appeal to the numale demographic lately. He was parroting about the universe "being a hologram" a little while back.

I'm gonna dump the Elon Musk redpill on all you faggots now.

He has no intentions of taking man to Mars or anywhere else. What he's doing right now is using tax payers money to "experiment" in the hopes that a technology will emerge that will make his company seem successful and worth the tax payer expenditure in subsidies.

BUT... it's not gonna happen and soon this huckster will be revealed for what he truly is: the tech equivalent of a slimy used car salesman.

You lost $1000 because you're an idiot.

No time for this shit goy, China wants war.

That's a retarded argument when robots will do most of the jobs.

Wagecucks btfo

Do we have robots doing the jobs yet? No we don't, we still have fucking Janitors and Burger flippers. This is just a leftist meme to pull people further left through fear mongering. If people think they won't have a job then they will vote for socialist systems to "help" them.

Yeah im a free market capitalist and all that jazz but elon musk is right. If mechanisation takes literaly all the jobs UBI will be nessisary. Its not ideal, but total removal of all human labour isnt that far away, and desu socialism is kind of the only option when there are literaly zero jobs available


Larger share of what?
I don't want no perishable shit.

Your country is literally Germany's welfare nigger, should you be the one talking?

The point is humans aren't needed, they're the ideal beneficiaries of the work of machines.

>leave me the fuck alone

This should be the Sup Forums official motto.

I legitimately design robots for a living. Everyone else can get fucked

The ultimate goal of SpaceX is government contracts and the only tenable project they have that isn't geared towards nation states is extra-atmoshperic modes of transportation - ie launch a space plane into low earth orbit so it do mach 5-15 and get to the other side of the world for reentry in a fraction of the time of say, a supersonic passenger airliner.

it's glorious. the singularity is right around the corner.

although we may not survive. lol

Draw robot porn

>not an argument
Also you are wrong.

Online votes and surveys will be the next jobs.

>Who will design new robots?
>Who will service the robots?

humans are just biological robots when it comes down to it

I keep telling everybody this: if you want to get *stinking*filthy*rich*as*fuck* just find a way to bilk the U.S. taxpayer. It seems to work like a charm, it doesn't even seem to matter if you deliver anything.

> literally the largest recipient of EU gibs in its history of existence
> not an argument

You don't think that perpetual motion outside of your control isn't terrifying? If the system fails, the human race fails.

It will only be a few years of hardship before we get good enough vr to have all day sex.

it's happening outside on the highway right now. if the system fails, humans face hardship and try again. if the system succeeds, we face a hardship and a glory beyond anything that has come before.

Because only the fittest should survive. We shouldn't be forced to subsidize weakness.

>I mean only 15-20 years from now

More like 50-75 years from now. Automation isn't that close. People always think that new technology will be implemented fast, when in reality it takes a long time. Look at the Back to the Future movies. They thought we would be driving flying cars and riding hoverboards in 2015.

Bro it began decades ago, we are in the process of automation.

So WHEN it fails, do we go back to capitalism?

Sounds like you're willing to sacrifice a lot of people on an experiment.

Because you clearly know nothing about this subject.

We receive 3 euro for every 1 we given. Money are given in from of projects. Every project must be co-funded by at least 20%. At this point we pay at least more than 50%.

Do I have to continue?

Geez, Elon Musk is aging poorly; he looks like Bernie Sanders.


So you receive 2 euros for doing nothing

Just give everyone a million dollars. Whoever has less than a million in a year is executed.

I was talking with my grandfather who came here form North Korea back in the 50s, and he asked what economic system I believed in.
I answered "Any system, so long as I'm in its top 1%"
He laughed and pat me on the back

In theory universal basic income is nobel, just and prudent.
In practice it causes the poor, especially non-whites to overbreed.
MAYBE if UBI and sterilisation were a package deal it might work in the long run...

I bet he goes home to his eco-friendly mansion and snorts cocaine off a Macbook all while telling Starbucks girls how much he likes Bernie Sanders!

I think there will be a substantial population culling before UBI is actually implemented. Like a nuclear war

>paying 20% of project
>33% of money received is yours
>somehow you get 66% for free

Then... To use our money that we gave to EU we must somehow get more money to co-fund projects.
Since we don't have it because we gave it out we must lend with interest from EU countries that do have them.
So our own money are hidden behind a paywall. Need more?

>Like it Always as

>Who will design new robots
maybe 0.5% of the population
>Who will service the robots
Another robot, maybe 1.5% percent of humanity will actually be necessary to service the robots.

>Be subservient to everyone else
It's the opposite, when you can make and service robots, it's just a hop and a skip to robot soldiers and robot tanks.
Those who make and service robots are finally beyond the restraints of democracy.

elon is just a pussy who doesn't want the upcoming happening to occur

there are no breaks on this train

trust me automation is gonna be great. I can feel it.

> lend
Who cares. No one is ever paying any of their state debt back.

Seriously though why is nobody talking about internet jobs? Companies will pay good money to get honest feedback.

>Those who make and service robots are finally beyond the restraints of democracy.

What is Resources, Factories, transportation from resource acquisition sites to factories, all things that can get shwep shwoop bibbity booped by enemy soldiers, guerrillas, insurgents, etc.

Yeah, some Fanuc robots replaced the humans on Ford's assembly line. Let's give everyone a basic income. My point still stands, these things take time.

eggs gotta be cracked. capitalism has killed as well, but the survivors are better for it

>capitalism has killed as well

>implying capitalism caused deaths=Communism caused deaths.


I think those soldiers are a bit busy getting their face buzzsawed off by robot hellwasps

If you print more money and have nothing to support their value they will devaluate. Sooner or latter debts will hit you.
And somehow we overpay for every euro we receive just some unelected EU bureaucracy can dictate us what to do.

And they were really upset when somebody finally said that no.

>we've been becoming communist
Are you retarded?