Why does Sup Forums worship The Donald?

Any well-educated person would be able to notice that Trump is a loud-mouthed buffoon who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Why does he receive so much praise here?

>any well educated person

You mean like a worldly successful businessman billionaire with 156 IQ that became President with zero political background?


Fuck off shareblue

You pretty much said everything that was needed to answer that canadian cuck.

OP is so low energy


>OP is so low energy
It's really sad...

Trump isn't a smart businessman by any means.

He's filed for bankruptcy numerous times and many of his schemes are simple scams.

The fact that this thin-skinned idiot managed to become President displays the general stupidity of the American populace.

>Any well-educated person would be able to notice that Trump is a loud-mouthed buffoon who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Yet so many well educated people seem to miss the fact that he keeps winning and thus obviously knows what hes doing

Not surprising since educating critical thinking out of people seems to be the point of modern higher education.

Its fucking empiricism id wager. Teaching you to ake everything at face value, never to read between the lines.

>file for bankruptcy 3 times
>still bring them back and make a profit
>meanwhile your 300 other companies are doing just fine

Sorry faggot, how many businesses do you run again?

Here's an ifunny image to show how little I care about you.


He is icebreaker. Maybe he is a clown but he has some work to do.

Extremely low energy and zero effort from OP! Sad!

- His success rate in business is 98%

- You have to at least own a business to bankrupt it, it takes balls even to start a small business

Try again faggot.

fuck beat me to it.
Liberal brain dead idiots need everything sugar coated and cut into bite sized chunks.
I have yet to run into one that can make a logical argument against trump.
when discussing Trump with a liberal it comes down to,
>You're a racist
>You're a bigot
and there will be no evidence of being a racist or bigot.

I don't. I hope he doesn't fuck up terribly because he is POTUS, but that's it.

>Any well-educated person would be able to notice that Trump is a loud-mouthed buffoon who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Yet these same well-educated people have continually FAILED to predict Trump's future actions and his success.

The only people who have been successful at predicting Trump's behaviour and success have been people who have assumed he is highly competent in multiple areas.

If your theory of something has no predictive power, you should examine your theory.

Trump is the best Don and Dons' are pretty good to begin with.

>I love the poorly educated
-Cheeto benito

Pol likes TRUMP because he is a blank canvas that they can put all their wildest dreams on without having to think too hard and all the news stories about corruption and broken promises well that's all "fake news"

Because fuck you, that's why.

Because he's a nationalist, deports illegals and closes borders for pisslamics.

Basically, he does the things each and every western country in the world wants.