Has Varg LARPed too hard this time?


>The rapefugee invasion of Europe is punishment from Mother Nature for white people building power plants

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Meta-Varg is too hard to explain.

Ironically all those rapefugees come from places with no trees.

Kek, those nuclear powerplants should be the future.
They are way more effective and healthier for the enovirment than any other non reusable energy sources.

Also he did overdo his larping this time

Vargbonce said muslims are good for getting rid of christians and he removed the video. He is insane.

He's a meme figure, in many ways just like Milo. They're edgy and eccentric, and can say things that normally no one would listen to or accept. They're basically modern day jesters. This also means that they don't - in fact, can't - get proper feedback that keeps their assumed characters in check and reinforces limits on acceptable behaviour.

And just like Milo LARPed himself into ostracism through failing to recognize just how outrageous a defense of molestation is (by choosing to withhold the identities of known molesters), so does Varg risk losing his audience by descending into esoteric babbling nonsense that veers so far to the right he comes out at the left end instead.

>being retarded
What do you expect?


He became the norwegian musician version of alex jones

I kind of respect varg, i always listen to what he has to say and agree with alot of it. but he is a zealot and if you disagree with him on anything in the slightest he thinks you are below him or "fucking idiotic". also his wife is confirmed to be autistic.

This to be honest family
Liquid thorium salt reactors when?

>Kek, those nuclear powerplants should be the future.

He veered that far into the right in the nineties, with the odalist zines and all the tru arisk black metal wave. Nowdays he just lost touch. Sometimes I wish he had died instead of euronimous, so he wouldn't become a this paranoid schizophrenic meme and we could remember him just for the varg of the 90s

If you ever took this LARPer seriously, you are retarded.

Don't build them so close to an ocean then. A natural catastrophe shouldn't be a problem if you construct them right and on a proper place

>we cut down trees and nature
>wearing a camo hat made out of trees and nature


There used to be trees there - they ruined the place the same way they'll ruin ours.

And conveniently there's no archive of that video, right? :^)

Well, it got you here posting the link, generating clicks, so he rakes in that sweet sweet Jewtube gold, so no?

>Whitey builds power plants
>Refugees try to genocide whitey to protect mother earth
>Whitey builds autonomous gun turrets at border walls to kill anything approaching the wall
>Whitey keeps assfucking Earth for resources to make turrets
>Whitey needs more energy to power all those turrets, builds more power plants
>Mother earth keeps breeding refugees to send more and more refugees to destroy persons of no color
>It is year 2050, Earth is no longer a planet, it is a spherical ball of gun turrets and power plants
>It is year 2060, aliens discover earth, instantly fuck off


>the varg of the 90s
are there any vids of him in the 90s?

I'm not sure Varg even understands that anymore. In many aspects the most retarded parts of his rants (like the one we're discussing right now, or that video where he defended mosques) are the next logical steps of his base premises. If you hate civilisation and Christianity then you have to hate both Europe and the West. Nothing he's saying then has any inconsistency. What I'm saying is: I'm almost sure Varg believes everything he's saying and sees the fact that he's sometimes on board with some of the left agenda as proof that he's closer to the truth than anybody else.

As mentions, Varg lives inside his own bubble of self-importance. Milo loves to be the contrarian and that requires an audience to boo at you, Varg on the other hand couldn't care any less: he's right, everybody else is wrong.

But the again, I'm a mediterranean cucktholic, I represent almost everything he stands against, so he will consider this post as further evidence that he's doing something right. As usual.

Don't know, I remember him from interviews, pseudo politic/religion zines and lyrics. And corpse paint photos of course

he's right except for the fact it's not the power plants but white people leeching off whole continents to keep their economic growth - karma finally caught on us and we will end up same way roman empire did

why the FUCK do you retards always need some daddy figure to worship[


watch this one to get a glimpse on where are we pushing people around the earth to be able to sell goods (cars, electronics, chemistry) for the price people can afford - it will turn back on us and it's inevitable

No, man. That resistance is you're brain natural defense against bulshit

High-developed countries manage the forests well. Everything cut down is replanted.

Germany has regrown its forests very well. I think it went from 17% to 30%.

> Reforestation is required as part of the federal forest law. 31% of Germany is forested, according to the second forest inventory of 2001–2003.

> 300 years ago, in 1713, the Saxon mining chief Hans Carl von Carlowitz published his book Sylvicultura Oeconomica. His work is considered to be one of the first treatises on sustainable forest management in Germany and a starting point for the development of a forestry based on scientific principles. Since 300 years the principle of sustainability has been a central and indispensable model for forestry.

The point is: you need high-iq people to see the larger, long-term picture. (Haiti vs Domincan Republic)

OUr best path is to get to higher tech levels, where we won't need to use the environment so much. Hydroponics, non-fossil energy, etc.

The problem is not tech, the problem is the breeding vast numbers of consumers of the environment.

I;m pretty sure Scandinavian countries (where Varg is located) manage their forests much better than e.g. Indonesia. So the problem is the quality of people.

I wanna post one of his vids on my college page but I'm too nervous

vargcucks and styxfags btfo they are fucking tree huggers

>this episode was brought to you by Goldstein productions™

We're all gonna die, Ragnarok is literal.