Why are women always leftist ?

Why women are always leftist ( for equality ... ) but in reality apply one of the most merciless Darwinism when it is about choosing a partner ?

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Maximizes resource acquisition, which is the female biological imperative.

Read the sticky and delete this thread.

uuuuhhhhh i dont no im so tired

because they're really not leftist
they however put on a thick and persistent appearance of standing for the bullshit while in reality using it to their advantage and discarding the nonsense later


The majority of white women voted for trump

interesting but what did he mean by this?

Should I cum tribute all her images?

Looks like a fucking dude

that isnt a problem

Women don't stand for anything, they follow whatever is the most widely socially acceptable/encouraged at the given moment.

they are politically whatever the mainstream culture is.
sexually they will always be gatekeepers, they cant escape their biological role, doesnt matter how much ideology is flying around it will never beat instinct. men will compete for status and women will select.

They aren't, you're just a fucking loser.


Stop be gay then you will have another choice than Whores, conservatives and leftist all bluepilled women.


women are being taught to be bitter and have a chip on their shoulder just like the blacks. This will only hurt them. Expect to see ghettos of bitches, bitch rap, and bitches stealing bicycles.

women are selfish

Women are more emotional and can not see consequences until it hits them


Found the virgin.

You too, OP. Leftism is a default position because cultural marxism is spoonfed to us from birth. They can and do adapt to the will of alpha males. To find out who they are and what they do, you'll have to make another shit thread like this one

Because you don't hit them enough. A back hand a day, keeps the Communism away.

>interesting but what did he mean by this?

Chicks like to spend

I am right wing and my girlfriend is a vegetarian left wing girl, and oh jesus christ; She is the best damn woman I have ever had and never have I had better sex with any woman ever before.

Totally in love with her.
Political orientation of your girl friend isn't a problem as long as she is accepting your own point of view and opinions.
She knows i am conservative and right wing, but she loves me because I am a caring and warm, strong man.

Politics in relationships are the most overated factor in how will it will go down.

I don't understand why when a guy try to explain the female behavior with an objective way is always called a Virgin.

And so, what is wrong with being virgin ? You can't be virgin and complain about woman behavior or being right about it ?

I was just working out and listening a woman speaking and how she was versatile and selfish.

they don't care for deep research or logical reasoning. they wing it based on how they feel. done-to-death explanation but that's cause it is a demonstrable root cause. i was talking with a friend and his fiance, and all her input was anecdotal. 'did you see that woman with a BRAIN TUMOR that they took outta the hospital cause she was illegal??????' wow congrats you thumbed-up buzzfeed's facebook page and now you get force-fed panicked appeals against trump's agenda and that's what you put back out into the world. no big ideas, no overarching understanding of institutions, of cause&effect, of long-term consequences. just cues for her significant other to shake his head and mumble something about fascism so he can lick her stink-slit later. makes me sick

feels before reals.

its not really women though, its the hyper-feminization of our culture, brought about by Jews and supported by default by women and beta males.

its a feminine political philosophy, whereby instead of considering the power of the state as an intrinsic institution for the stability of our civilization, its viewed as a blunt instrument to bring about some sort of feel-good change to the world. A completely naive sentiment.


Mostly this. For whatever reason they seem more or less incapable of foresight. Cute when they try, but you should never give them power to act on anything they think is going to happen. They are always wrong because it's mostly men who move power around in this world and (gasp) men don't think or act like women.

Are u kidding me I wish russian women were leftist I'm tired of paying for dinner and buying presents for them
Western women are not even that bad (except german girls, fuck that shit)

They become leftist without a proper man. It's easy to notice that women often have the same views as their men.

It's really stupid to fixate about women like that, that's bluepill as fuck.

Ignore her views and political leanings, just make sure she's doesn't have a slutty past and you're set. Don't try to convice her, don't try to argue about politics, just show the way trough action and they will start following.

>muh dick
In the long term having similar values is the most important thing for stability.

Take it from someone that had to learn that lesson many times.

>instantly goes for sexual ability as an insult
Hi Stacy

Because women always want to change things

He's not wrong, feminism flourishes in western capitalism simply because women tend to spend more than they make. Look at the "last minute impulse buy" shelf space next to a checkout and see how much of it is marketed towards women

Stop crying about women just because you can't get one. They aren't picky, you're just ugly and trying to get better than you deserve.
There are a lot of women who are right wing.

Why is Sup Forums so in love with this Slav?

Women are not as capable as men of producing for themselves. They have historically relied upon men for production as a consequence of their biology. They therefore prefer systems in which property is "shared"...ie, they get things they don't earn.

Women live in a victim culture that coddles and hands everything to them. They grow up to be narcissistic, illogical, and overemotional because nobody taught them to act otherwise. Men were taught at a young age that nobody would give a fuck about us just because of our genitalia. We need to do the same thing to women.

These thots could use a little bit of hardship


I NEED picture of her feet, please


I cant believe this clip has 1 million views....


>Why are women always leftist ?
Not always. My wife has complicated political views and we often discuss them.
She's Scottish; I'm English. She hates the SNP. She also hates the London elite political class. The left/right thing doesn't really fit her or me.

You asked about women so I'm giving her opinions to the best I can. She's at work on night shift just now.
She hates the EU, and is against feminism. We had a discussion about feminism and what I learned from it is that there are/were three distinct, historical categories called 'waves'. 1st wave was getting property rights and the right to vote. 2nd wave was about equal pay, third wave is utter madness - man hating SJW shit.
We have a daughter. She's 16 years old. Of course I want her to have equal rights. But. And it's a big 'BUT'. Can she serve in the infantry, fire service, mountain rescue, RNLI, as to the same physical standards as a man?
Men and women are different. If my house is burning in horrible fire, (God forbid), I don't want women coming to rescue.

Women do not make rational decisions like a man does, instead women make decisions based on their emotions.

op, there are tons of right wing women, stop spreading this delusion. Right wing women under 30 are in hiding due to constant bullying and threats. They've emerged to vote for trump and are in hiding again. Leftism is popular right now so of course there would be more leftists seen.

>t. Conservative girl


holy fuck my prostate is swelling up the passions im feeling its as if i want my semen inside her, it's so primal, does anyone understand me? does anyone accept me?

Women who are unmarried or single are more likely to vote democrat and women who are married and well supported by their husbands vote republican.
They vote for whatever give them the most resources

How long do you think she had to stay in that fake pose to take that picture? Must've been awkward.

Well if you're all in hiding how are we supposed to find one to have 8 beautiful white children with?

its the default ideology and women are lazy

Leftism is a shittest women use to challenge men in order to see if they are worthy. Also, leftism plays on the maternal nature of women, so they use it to virtue signal.

Wedge issues. Women's liberation turned them against men and made them easy to exploit for political gain.

I think about this very time I see this kind of thread. I'm a shut in that doesn't discuss politics off Sup Forums. Remember, there are always more girls on this site then younall realize, and no, we hate black men. Why do you think we lock our doors around them, lol? Black women are even worse, so fragile and jealous

Androgynous facial features appeal to chantards. It's like Rose Wolfe, you know?

In America, white women vote Republican.

France just needs better women

i fucking hate black girls so fucking much I fell for the jungle fever and I can empathize why they are usually all single mothers.

>reddit trp upvote

Right wing values are slowly trickling down to the normies, and with that, right wing girls will slowly feel comfy enough to show their power level. Give it time, unless Sup Forums somehow sets up a dating chat lol

Right wing men are easier to find because they aren't as scared as we are, but most of my dating options here in WA is leftist cuckfags who want to tell me how oppressed I am.

pretty good watch

Usually the pretty ones aren't lefties.

I'm going to marry August!

I've talked to a few women from this site but almost all of them regularly went to /soc/ as their main board.

Also being a shut-in isn't going to help the white race.
The sooner you start the better.
At least my excuse is I haven't found anyone that wants to have any more than one or two kids.

Mental issues. Depression leads to believing that you are oppressed and the anti depressants turn them smug.

Women are regime loyalists. Leftist groups are the militant civilian wing of the establishment as the ultimate aims of leftist agitation is the furtherance of the managerial state.

Women are emotional, lefty politics is emotional and not rational. Pretty simple

Who is this antifa girl I see everywhere on Sup Forums, and how old is she?

Follow up is, in a traditional society, women do not riot, because their loyalty returns to their family, the preservation of which gives them the purpose and fulfillment the modern world lacks.

What's wrong with wanting to fuck tall handsome well-endowed guys? I'm sure most men would rather date a beautiful long-legged beauty than some fatass feminist whale

Because they shouldn't vote.

this is what always cracked me up.

right wing protests pretty much don't exist. well they do, but they come in the form of federal buildings being bombed, or armed standoffs

left wing protests are literal temper tantrums. the political equivalent of a child wanting more from his parents

I already found mine, Polish Girls in Pennsylvania are pretty much like native polish people culture and belief wise.

Look up shit about Candace Cameron (like when she triggered CNN), then weep because you will never be married to a traditional right-wing American sweetheart like her.


Blacks BTFO

Because the salty faggots that create those pictures are all pic related.

Because they don't care about being right, as long as it FEELS right.

Tell them that washing oiled covered ducks with dawn dish soap will save the ducks, they'll go all for it.
Realizing that the ducks have been covered in oil so long their internal organs resemble the inside of my lawn mower, priceless.

Sadly the only woman I can find around here are either Mexican, trashy black girls and women who say their traditional southern girls but are exactly the same as City trash except they wear cowboy boots.

Maybe I should start going back to church again but the last time I was there almost all the women were completely insincere and inauthentic


Women live in a victim culture that gives them everything, and tells them about how great they are, and that the world is oh so lucky to have them. Thus they grow up thinking that everyone most bow down and love them, regardless of their appearance or personality, along with Disney princess like views, on how the world works. and whenever someone challenges this mindset of theirs, they break down and begin screaming and using the buzzwords, that they learned through the ((media)) and other ((sources)).

because women are stupid and dumb all at once.

liberalism in a mental illness and these dumb stupid pussy holes gravitate toward that kinda garbage.

and young angry teenage-20's girls are even m ore retarded so they are almost always a leftist scumbag.

what they need to a good dicken from a strong white man. but those are in short supply in colleges and cities so they either muff dive or become single mothers with nigglet babes and then they blame not just the evil white man but ALL men in the end for there entire life being shit.

in conclusion the muslims are correct in how to treat the females. with contempt and brutality because that's after all what a dumb stupid breeding cow should be treated with, not respect not love but with an IRON BOOT IN THE PUSSY

You're joking right?

The same reason why rightists are kikeloving cucks.


Because women are submissive by nature.
You now realise this applies to everything, the only reason you will see some women supposedly in positions of power is to do something which puts their line of business or control at jeapordy to make them feel dominated.
For example Angela Merkel, she is in a high position of power for the EU but is clearly acting 'helpless' while allowing the EU to be overrun by migrants.
We have a Queen, although nowadays pretty much useless back in the day who controlled the Queen? The King, and once a Queen was solely in charge of the Monarchy she cucked everything over to Parliament, where MEN make her decisions for her.
Women do not want to dominate or lead, they want to mother and nurture and be slapped about a bit by men.

>Why women are always leftist

Not really.
My gf and all my female coworkers are super right wing

I once had a leftist & feminist gf who was devirginized by a nigger. After 3 years with me she went terribly racist and is now into Russian men. Guess my redpilling on her worked just fine. So no, women are not genetically programmed to be commies, it hjas more to do with their upbringing.

cause left boobs bigger

Women always use "basement dweller" or "Virgin" as an insult.

Being little more than walking incubators, everything to them is about sex and the security of relationships.

They have no higher values than this, for they have no higher value.

Hitler was a MGTOW, retard.

>Why are women always leftist ?

Feminism is women's nature.

You mean the grannies.

Found the virgin.

They are not always leftist.
Many of them are irritatingly conservative

>Many of them are irritatingly conservative

In what universe?

You probably are too picky yourself

I remember you since the last time... So how are you doing ?

Yes master, i shall obey your command!

Peterson and Molymeme probably hit the nail on the head-

Childbearing .

Even if they do not have or intend to have biological children- women are still wired to play guard to her eggs (even if she doesn't plan to expend them )by finding the best sperm, which means finding chad as a mate.

They are still wired to guard her children- which are now in her mind the immigrants, refugees, and the poor, from the harsh realities of the world with gibs and affirmative action.

What was once a contradiction now clarified itself as part of one cohesive narrative.

whats the clip from with the girls shaking their asses