Immigration is a terrible probl--

Immigration is a terrible probl--

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Communism wor--

lol that's because hitler killed all the jews

>10 years after Hitler: 1955
>first Turks came in the 60s
really gets the Hirn bützenschnitzlerreißen

Bait. :^)


>Bait. :^)
AKA a dissenting opinion

aka fake news

>literally unironically cherry picked images

>t. Abubakr bin-Ahmed al-Hamburgi

sage goes in every field.

Immigration didn't save your county. Capitalism did.

>aka fake news
Are those images fake?

Remember when Dresden got bombed and the Turks rebuilt within a year
rly made me think

Nobody on pol with any brain is against immigration. It's uncontrolled mass immigration especially from backwards shitholes that I object to.

Länderfinanzausgleich war ein Fehler.
Let Berlin go bankrupt finally, there's no city in Germany that deserved becoming or Detroit more than fucking Berlin.

Say thanks to USSR.


>6 million immigrants
oy vey

This. If estonian doctors want to come here with 4 white kids and are willing to learn the language, let them come( as long as they are not taking our jerbs).
Completely different from rapefugees

Oh shit i forgot

>Good goys.


unchecked mass immigration is a problem, if its not then why did you have to put up anti-truck barricades around your markets?

Remove jews, country improves.
Let in another 6.000.000 enemies to the jew, it stays good.

Poland, didn't remove jews and is stil poor.


As a Hamburger that hurts.
A lot.

> Germany built another Empire
> Poland was under Soviet occupation for several decades

Sup Forums BTFO

lol dem comments.

"I don't really mind migrants but I really fucking hate migrants."

How many illegal aliens or islamists built that society?

Was hältst du von internationalen Studenten aus Ländern Lateinamerikas?

>I don't really mind migrants
They are fucking retards, Muslims are the scum of the earth.

> Hey look, Immigrants are how we drive the economy
> Who controls the Euro?
> Oh that's right...Germany, the country who continues to devalue the currency below the USD or keep it on par so they can export their machinery to the rest of the world and swim in sheckles.

Nice try, Schlomo. Correlation doesn't guarantee causation

But where is the brown person grabbing your tits in the third panel?



Muslims or Turks/Arabian folk in general? 'Cause none of the people I know with Turkish/Arabian origin give a fuck about Islam.

You should work at CNN or something

>Cherry picked locations
>Cherry picked time frames
>Cherry picked correlations

Oh wow, the causal link is undeniable. FUCK BORDERS & SHIT!

Because Germans are superior to Polacks... How fucking hard can this be to understand.


Germany rebuilt from scratch in 10 years. Africa is still shit even tho they get billions in aid every fucking year.

>Muslims or Turks/Arabian folk in general?
Have you ever woken up at 3am because the people above you decided to have a shouting match in Arabic?
Or because they decided midnight was a good time to reposition their furniture?

These people are rude beyond belief unless they adapt and try to integrate themselves (which most of them do not) they should really fuck off.

Poorland blow the fuck out
I'm the only one who hate Polish poster so much? Always bash others European countries and think they're the savior of the white race etc ...

holy fuck the furniture part is so true,

wow the nazis did some really evil shit I'm glad antifa is mopping them up

>Have you ever woken up at 3am because the people above you decided to have a shouting match in Arabic?
Countless times here in Texas. My upstairs neighbor used to toss his wife around until she took her two kids and left his ass. Pretty brave for a towelhead woman. He never gave me any trouble though but then again I'm a tall racist looking Texan that owns a lot of weapons.

Yes, but that was thanks to an Italian guy who felt like partying during the week. Does that qualify Italians as lowlives as well? Suit yourself, I still don't hold any grudges and I'm still gonna eat pizza in the future.


they cherry picked images from after what literally is the biggest war in human history and used them as evidence that immigration is good.

>implying that immigrants cause wealth
>implying it isn't wealth that causes immigration





Looks pretty. I've never left America though. Is Poland taking up the mantle of vacation spot now that Europe is a sea of shitskins?


Turks rebuilt germany before they even came here. Now THAT is impressive.

>1 post by this id
fuck off jidf

Yes, with every years they are more and more ppl coming to visit Poland. Its still not in top 10 but is growing fast.

Tourism is growing steadily,but we will never beat Italy or Fance no matter how bad they are.

God bless Poland

you surrendered in a month and lost more than three times as many soldiers and Germany

well, it's okay. If you're gonna do Eastern Europe go to Budapest, it's both more beautiful and fun than any Polish city.

My dad was in Nam and would constantly rant about french people and I think he blamed them for him/his classmates going there. If I visited France he wouldn't talk to me again.

>that comfy af soviet brutalist architecture

>Sony center

>literally have to have Japs build your nice places

I'd like to go. I've always enjoyed women with accents.

I'm pretty sure than never happened.Germany's soldier casualities go in millions.

From what I've heard France is a dirty place.Paris especially.It's a sea of shitskins selling shitty keyrings,but the provinces should be fine with little towns having a lot of charm to them.

There are lots of other places to go to though.

Thats because you suck at marketing.

So what? We got clay and they got nice big dick in the ass :)

Who knows, you might be right, we're getting better each year though.

>1 post by this ID
Hi CTR :^)


Depends on the migrants.

If they don't force and push their cultures and religion towards you, then it is obviously not a problem.

"No muslims"

instant gorrilian dollars

yeah totally, because beautiful cities are built by immigrants, oh wait

Regarding the OP; didn't you guys recently paint those buildings in the last pic?

They'be been pianted for like a decade now

>Depends on the migrants
Not really in anything other than the short term if your country knows how to integrate migrants. N. Europe certainly has issues with this.

>6 million

Time for anodda shoa

Yes my master, i will save the Europe!

>Was hältst du von internationalen Studentinnen aus Ländern Lateinamerikas?
Sind willkommen ;-)

this happens when you try to make a country homogeneous
serving OP's point well there, lad


Wow, German government propaganda has decided to go with unapologetic dishonesty.

non-whites just don't get it, its not about the money we simply do not want to keep giving our home away to make room for you and your shitty cultures. We do not want you in our countries, we don't want to rub shoulders with you, we don't want to hear your monkey speak in public ...stay the fuck in your countries you parasitic filth

nothing in that picture says otherwise
bunch of countries ganging up on one because none of them could do it alone because that country was too strong
also from now one I demand proof from every poster who implies that we called ourselves master race that we actually called ourselves that
I'll be waiting

will you take Merkel as well then?
you know, since she's partly Polish as well

What is with you fucking krauts and using those creepy pedo smiley faces.

as long as that's your main problem with us your ok with me, my friend ;-}