Are abbos even human?

Are abbos even human?

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>the girl on the right of this image has an iq 40 points higher than the other

>people still doubt race realism


What is that on the left?

bad goyim

>people who I find unattractive aren't human
Nice logic you dumb fuck.

Yes. Just because someone is ugly does not change their scientific classification.

Abbos aren't "refugees".

White folk are the immigrants.

>posting a picture of an ugly person from a particular race and a beautiful person from another race proves white superiority
Nice logic. There are ugly and beautiful people from all races, dumbfuck

The ABBOS are actually the next stage in human evolution. That's why they seem to not look human to us, but they are in actuality the most evolved human race on the entire planet.


I think you got it backward.

Literally not an argument


>""""people"""" who have accomplished less than apes AND are extremely unattractive aren't human

lol stfu you kikes, thats the AVERAGE ABO look

gas yourselves or go breed with the abos, its the same thing

fucking monkey fetishists


I wouldn't insult the gorilla. It lives a humble life, eating healthy, peacefully, taking care of it's offsprings.

You think evolution has a "direction"?


Another scientifically retarded Sup Forumstard.


>trying to may may on a Saturday evening.


Is that an ape? I seriously can't tell

Holy shit, niggers are subhuman.

Are finns?

Technically "human" includes anything in the genus Homo. So even Homo erectus, which was more primitive than even abbos, was human.


> which was more primitive than even abbos

> Are abbos even human?
En tie

>tfw to human too be human

> ugly

Ironically, the only faggots who implied 'ugliness plays a part in this' is you biased retards. This has nothing to do with ugliness. There's gigantic differences in characteristics and you stick to your guns because the basic functions are similar.

> omg we both breathe oxygen baka
Ok then.


All in the name of superstition. Fuck, plug me back into the matrix.

Oldest trick in the Sup Forums playbook. Are whites even human?

Well they are technically the same species but that border collie that can do multiplication tables is technically the same species as my neighbor's shitty chihuahua that yaps all day and tries to bite me every time I see it.

Shit, I just realized my pure-bred pug could actually be a St. Bernard!

truly, the scientific community's refusal to separately classify humans into sub-species is purely and unarguably due to fee fees

>b-but we can produce fertile and viable offspring with niggers

shut the fuck up

we are all one race, the human ra-

why the fuck do white men constantly use women as an example as their race?

Show some strong white men for god sakes. If you take pride in what is killing the white race (white women) than you should neck yourself.

It's going to take a fucking miracle to reign them in with the Jew controlled media acting as their god

No. Humanoid at best

> Lapp
> Australian


> t. butthurt shitskin roastie

Keep depicting your race as a fertile woman, you cuck.

ok, find a sexually attractive abo. full blooded.

When you register it, make sure you write ''Dog''

No need to mention breed or be a shitlord who assumes it's breed without consulting with how the dog feels about it first. Just write ''Dog''. They're all dogs after all.

Most likely a Cro-Magnon offshoot. Plus massive alcoholism, which makes them age terribly. (see OPs pic). Scientists push a "they are just the same as whites"-meme because of political correctness though.

>Is that an ape
Yes, it's a Brazilian.

this is true. If it ever happened, the leftists would flip their shit

> Show some strong white men for god sakes.

...Where the fuck do you live? World strength competitions and what not are predominantly white. Ever watched arm wrestling? Weight lifting? ANYTHING?


burger is right.

Didn't they recently gene map the Abos and found they had no relation to other human species and their was a bunch of hubba dubba dub, about it, this Article came out like 6 months ago.

I love how much qts being posted triggers you

It's probably a MGTOW faggot.

I think nukes are in order

Shit you're right. Let me have a talk with him first and see how he feels about it. It's weird though, I always question why I never hear about any pugs violently attacking people, but there's certain breeds predisposed to this behavior that, despite concise statistics and media attention are still defended as peaceful.

>we can produce fertile and viable offspring with niggers

Yes, we can, and that's why we are the same species, that much is as undeniable as it is meaningless.

They are a different subspecies and in the animal world there are significant differences even within different populations of the same subspecies.

Tfw been in sauna at same time as Kiira.

For some reason these figure skaters Orbit around finance/tech guys. Same with Laura Lepistö (imo better looking, married an acquaintance of mine)

Yea man, you know all those pages that map breed characteristics etc? ALL RACISTS. Cannot be trusted. They're not experts, just racists. Remember that. Racists. They're all dogs.


No way that's real.

i dont know,you tell me

Probably more good looking than you britbong

>look at how effeminate white people are! I will compare men of other races to white women. the very same women that vote against our interests as a race 90% of the time! So redpilled!

She is beautiful, I just don't agree with them being representative of the positive aspect of our race because for the most part white women want nothing to do with their race and would gladly throw it away for security or social status.

abbos are so fucken gross that even abbros won't breed with abbos.

Don't compare Winston to that ape.

Kiira bread

That Abo in OP pic is female


70 years old compared to 20 years old.

fuck you and fuck your finnish graphics programs.
do you have a more legible copy, user?

Its surprising those two are considered the same species.

Why didn't aussies fucking exterminate them. Why would you let these things live?

Nobody who lives on that god-forsaken continent qualifies as human.

...Are you retarded? Your greentext has absolutely nothing to do with my post.


What species is this?

That's a 4.

I could hit it after a couple of drinks perhaps.

"Malaysian authorities incorrectly classified the substance that killed Kim Jong-nam as VX, a powerful nerve agent.

New revelations from Malaysian forensic scientists reveal the assassins used a much more potent toxin to fell the rogue heir: Abbo Farts."


>Lion can mate with tigers
>Parrots can mate with pigeons
>German shepards can mate with pit bulls

bullshit, other people were nearby and didn't react at all. they would have died too



Not even close OP. They know this themselves and they cope by sniffing petrol, abusing alcohol and sleeping on the streets.

this. my sister who's a veterinarian understands that collies are the smartest breed of dog, but she cannot/will not accept that there could be differences in intelligence between races. depressing.

Looks like an albino abo to me.

> Yes, we can, and that's why we are the same species

Can the gray wolf produce viable offspring with a coyote?

> species: c lupus
> species: c latrans
> result: different species produce a viable different species

Feel free to deny the validity of wikipedia.

he said attractive, user. also, i doubt that's full blooded.



Well he does live in the land down under

> sister

Fucking women and their fee-fees.

Here's the problem with your cherry picking,

this guy probably cherry picked the hottest abo on the web.

While you Cherry picked the Ugliest, white chick on the web.

Huge difference.


i know. they're politically retarded.

Reminds me of pic related

What is Leslie Jones?

Have a young Kiira

I think it's a new species

Guess what the Jew would like to do with these 2?
