
“We have entered a world of great migrations and we will have more and more of it [migration]”, former investment banker Emmanuel Macron declared during a debate on climate change


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That's so fake like Trumps hair...

>France’s failure to tackle climate change will have contributed to these mass migrations

global warming causing rapefugees
fucking hillarious

that's why i'm gonna vote Fillon 1st turn

2nd turn Fillon vs Le Pen


this guy is currently second in the first round polls

Can't wait for Sharia to sweep the western world

I thought Fillion vs. Le Pen -> Fillion wins?

This t b h

Hey now, not everyone can be a dutchman born to fight the elements and reclaim their clay from them. Some are just, you know, niggers and arabs.

Liverpool intellectual here. Theirs no way Le Pen will win the second round against either contestants.

Refugees eat co2, read a book

We can't really know, all polls show Le Pen losing. However, Fillon has had a huge scandal, and lefties will not vote for him while Macron would sweep all the votes since he is a centrist and the media never report on him negatively. Even if no candidate is overwhelmingly popular, remember that Le Pen is literally Hitler in the eyes of half the country and they would vote for anyone to block her (see 2002)

That's the point

Does Sharia Law prevent humanity from colonizing outer space?

If so then it's a problem.

She has higher chances against Macron than Fillion you turbo retard.

he would probably win but it's still our biggest chance, Macron vs Le Pen Macron win and he's a Rothschild shill, Mélenchon vs Le Pen, Mélenchon win, and he's a real fucking commie

People hate Fillon, even the medias, but somehow he's still heading in the polls, and he's very far-right, it's just that no Le Pen voters trust him (and neither i) if we make a 2nd turn Fillon Le Pen, it will be untrustworthy right against trustworthy right, lefties who got BTFO will not vote, and since Fillon had big scandals recently, and will probably have even more, people will hesitate to vote for him to counter Le Pen

little win or big win for us

Question pour les francais. Si Le Pen perd en 2eme ronde, qu'est-ce que vous allez faire? La guerre de race?

you're retarded, Macron vs Le Pen and everyone will counter Le Pen with Macron, Fillon vs Le Pen, they will not counter anyone since they hate Fillon too, also Macron have the medias in his pocket, and we know how much our people are sheeps

not sure if you're stupid or just a Macron shill, either way fuck off

Juste continuer de redpill les masses je suppose, on aura toujours nos chances en 2022, mais d'ici là Mélenchon aura probablement gagné en popularité

Probablement rien honnêtement.

oh yeah, they fart methane, I saw it in some documentary, or was it South Park

Lepen vs Fillon: she doesn't get any support from anywhere
Lepen vs Macron: all Fillon voters will vote for her because Macron is a massive leftist

Aren't half of the French youth niggers and sandniggers? They will vote too in 2022... Dark times coming, it's now or never...

Breitbart is sensationalist bullshit. Last year they reported about an incident with refugees in my country. According to them it was horrible, burning building, hurt people etc. The thing is, I was actually there and it was a completely peaceful gathering. Whoever unironically reads that crap is an utter retard.

61.5 Macron
38.5 Le Pen

Une grande partie de la droite ferait tout pour éviter Macron, et franchirait le pas en votant FN, alors que Fillon est un meilleur "compromis" tout le monde voterait pour lui, y compris la gauche.

Btw this thread is now a francophone thread. Les anglos dehors.

>Hillary has 99% chance of winning

laisse, tu vois pas que c'est différent en France?

Les sondages montrait un ecart de 5% parfois entre trump et clinton. Cette écart en france est de 23%, tu crois vraiment que Marine remontera cette pente en 2 mois?


It has been shot in England, moron.

T'oublies le facteur mouton, on est un peuple de mouton, si les médias disent de voter Macron contre Le Pen, les moutons vont voter Macron, aussi simple que ça, alors que Fillon contre Le Pen, les médias fermeront leur gueule, les électeurs fermeront leur gueule et ne se déplaceront même pas = une plus grande chance de victoire

Notre peuple est débile, prendre le risque de faire passer Macron au second tour en faisant confiance aux français c'est un risque inutile, faut leur laisser le choix entre deux extrêmes droite si on veut avoir une chance

Become an educated fag and learn French. Macron actually doesn't say in the interview a thing about taking in all the muds, he talks almost like Le Pen.

lmao he's literally a Rothschild shill


Vous n'apprenez jamais rien, pas vrai?
MLP a déjà gagné, merci à ISIS et à Macron qui sabote sa candidature à coup de déclaration anti-france

>Notre peuple est débile
Le peuple américain l'est encore plus, et pourtant il a pris la bonne décision.



>he talks almost like Le Pen.

What what what? What the hell are you talking about?

No shill nooo

Is that like the polls showing

Hillary 98%
Trump 2%

The polls must always be right

encore, ta pas lu ou quoi?

Trump était montré en intention de vote a 5% de différence a Clinton, Marine est a 23% derrière Macron au second tour. Ou est le parallèle?

Become an educated Muslim and learn English. Laughing at your post doesn't mean I give a fuck about your nigger-tier English language reading skills- and lifetime of cuckery- influenced thoughts on the OP

>Vous n'apprenez jamais rien, pas vrai?
MLP a déjà gagné

Non elle a pas déjà gagné, c'est même quasi-sûre qu'elle va perdre, ça va se jouer de justesse, comme Trump et le Brexit enfaite, regarde tout le monde voyait Hofer gagnant, surtout après le scandale de fraude électorale de son adversaire, pourtant il a perdu

>Le peuple américain l'est encore plus

Justement non, les américains qu'on voit à la télé sont débiles, et d'ailleurs Trump a perdu le vote de popularité, en France perdre le vote de popularité = perdre tout court

pour de vrai c'est contre Hamon ou Melenchon que le fn a le plus de chance , les droitiste ne voterons jamais pour eux et les gauchiste sont peu nombreux , surtout depuis Hollande.

Stupides ou pas il a raison en theorie
petite victoire/grosse victoire > grosse victoire/grosse defaite

ok so serious question here, how long before France is gone forever??

Don't you guys in France have the "closet" voters? It's not politically correct to support Le Pen openly (like Trump and Brexit), plus older Le Pen voters are conservative.

This started with Cameron winning. the pollsters were all wrong and tried to figure out why, so they did studies and they found that conservative/right-wing voters tend to:

>literally lie on polls to either fuck them up on purpose or to not be embarrassed
>less likely to pick up the phone from a stranger
>less likely to open door to stranger
>far more likely to vote vs younger/lib voters

So these "closet" right-wing voters literally are impossible to sample properly in polls because you can't contact them for a poll, and when you do, they lie and say they're voting for some other candidate, then on election day they almost always show up to vote

This has been the case with Cameron, Brexit, Trump, etc.

I think the hyper-leftist media has caused this. (((They))) are trying to influence the vote by villifying populist right-wing candidates but it's resulted in the above

I think Le Pen will win because of the closet voters.


Mélenchon have A LOT of support on internet, i'm 100% sure every youtuber and other virtue-signaling faggot who spit on the FN secretly vote Mélenchon

you underestimate him, but he's really fucking good at debates, and makes good points everytime, he could destroy Le Pen in a 1 vs 1

going from 13% to 51% against Le Pen is not a big deal for a leftist

I'll get to sharia my wife, sharia my kids, and sharia my tax dollars with them! YaY!!!


European nations will not be permitted to be subjugated by extra national strangers, the monarchy will be restored before we all become minorities without a country to call truely our home. I'm waiting for this day.

Vrai, mais à moins que Macron perde en popularité on les aura jamais au second tour. Mélenchon est quand même le plus probable des deux je pense

>A*abs and A*ricans actually think they're going to take over Europe
Every demonstration, every riot, every "refugee" wave, every year is another year closer to the race war Powell predicted.

is this mindless hope or do you have info?


Also they're more likely to be working hence busy and less likely to have a cell phone, so again harder to reach and sample properly in polls

it's not mindless, where are democracies leading every european nations? To subjugate the native people until they disappear, you honestly believe this will occur? There is no way, people will wake up before it becomes impossible for them to stay alive as a people. It just hasn't hit enough of us yet and those which it has hit haven't evolved yet, they still believe in this total fucking shit called democracy.

c'est pas faux mais c'est dur a dire si internet va tellement peser , sinon le Pen sera présidente depuis longtemps vu sa popularité sur le net.Mais la majorités des français regardent les médias et ça m’étonnerais que les riches et les ((())) supporte Melenchon.

Except the closet voters has been a thing for as long as Le Pen (the father being candidate) and they've included this factor since 2002 when Jean Marie was at the 2nd turn.

It's American and British pollsters who were retards for not having learn the lesson of the French example.

Get serious.. that won't happen.m them fucks will be getting gunned down

Doesn't matter. The French media will scare the populace into voting against her in the 2nd round.

don't get me wrong I hope you're right, I don't wanna see Europe gone, but the stories coming out of Sweden , Germany and France are disheartening. Im not there so I cant see what the political climate is like, Im just wondering if there are a lot of pissed of people who are willing to do anthing

internet peut peser suffisamment pour le premier tour, suffit d'être au second tour contre un Le Pen pour être élu ensuite

c'est pour ça que je préfère éviter de lui laisser cette occasion, sinon oui les riches supporteront jamais Mélenchon

Les sondeurs sont des menteurs, payé bien pour le job par les globalistes.

Marine va à l'Elysée. C'est garanti.

Tu me fatigues, lis :
Et puis beaucoup de chose vont se jouer à l'entre deux tours.

>les droitiste ne voterons jamais pour eux
tellement faux, la droite va se reporter massivement sur Marine, qu'est ce que tu crois

>Ca va se jouer de justesse
Ben oui, j'ai jamais dit que ce serait du 80-20%, mais Marine passera. Fillon va trop galérer, parce que toute la gauche est contre lui. La gauche n'imagine tellement pas Marine gagner qu'elle se focus juste sur Fillon, c'est hilarant.
Ce sera Macron Marine, et crois-moi Marine gagnera.

>Trump a perdu le vote de popularité
stop avec ce meme, on a pas la même démographie que les US

don't get me wrong I hope you're right, I don't wanna see Europe gone, but the stories coming out of Sweden , Germany and France are disheartening. Im not there so I cant see what the political climate is like, Im just wondering if there are a lot of pissed of people who are willing to do anthing

Is Le Pen politically correct in France? Can you say you are voting Le Pen and not get fired/shit upon at jobs? Will women fuck you if you tell them you are pro-Le Pen? Does the media villify her?

Do French pollsters actually oversample Le Pen voters to account for their difficulty in being contacted etc?

Also a lot has changed since 2002. People know Macaroni is a banker globalist kike and Fillon a corrupt banker who lives in a literal Castle..

The French are not serious about security.
There will be more attacks.
The government is taking Brecht's advice about dissolving the people.

France isn't going anywhere.

Its plague of niggers and ragheads are going back to the cesspits they came from.

On aimerait bien, mais on a pas les armes

Never met a person who admitted they supported Le Pen in person, and I live in a region where the FN does pretty well

c'est pas un même, je pointais juste le fait que tu comparais la débilité US de la débilité française, alors que concrètement, si on avait le même système de vote, Hillary serait présidente, et aurait prouvé qu'on peut pas gagner si notre peuple est attardé

c'est évident que Marine a ses chances contre Fillon, mais dire qu'elle a déjà gagné c'est sous-estimer le pouvoir qu'a les médias

C'est sur que internet est un poids conséquent actuellement mais vu les position de merluche sur Israël , son programme je ne pense pas qu'ils laisserons ça. Hamon par contre a l'air d’être un mou il serai facilement corruptible.

You guys better go full 1488

Welp, I'm off to go bet on LePen.
What a moron.

More riots in paris

Oui je n'ai pas dit le contraire , je parlais de la gauche , par contre "massivement" je ne pense pas , Marine a un programme social faut pas oublier

Bien sûr les riches votent pour la gauche. Ils ne veulent pas une vraie révolution des ouvriers français et se faire fourrer en prison et crèver dedans.

AI predicts a Le Pen victory, as it did a Trump victory. I'm putting my faith in the robots.

une gauche molle oui , melenchon lui est un danger vu ses prises de positions

Exactly. this is a repeat of cameron/brexit/trump. Pollsters are putting her at 26% when she's probably in the 35-40% range because of the Closet voters, which would give Macaron and Fillon no hope of winning second round.

I've met plenty of them, my whole family vote le Pen, every friends of mine vote Le Pen or don't vote, even some shitskins will vote Le Pen, my childhood best friend who is a gipsy will vote Le Pen too because gipsies hate muslims, since i left school i've never met any leftist in fact, the only anti-FN i've met were brainwashed shitskins

putain mais t'es con ou quoi?
>Tu me fatigues, lis
dois-je encore... non laisse tombé t'es trop con. 5% vs 23% voila

les sondages peuvent etre influencé, mais ils demontre une proportion qui est encré en quelque sorte avec la réalité. Regarde par example de trump a 5% de clinton, c'est p-e une fauseté au moment du sondage, mais en réalité c'est tres pres des résultat final compte tenu aussi du temps écoulé jusqu'au jour de l'élection pour que l'intention de vote change. Donc Marine a 23% derriere Macron c'est p-e faux... probablement faux, mais c'est pas faux a dire que la réalité la met a parité ou encore mieux en tete des intentions réelles.

Have faith in people, they won't let themselves disappear as a people, if today Marine which is milktoast as far as what she wants to do with strangers in france has no chance of winning, how long do you figure people are going to hope for a democratic answer to their problem of becoming soon a minority in their own country? Don't you think eventually and before it happens that things will click in people's mind that the answer is other than through the democracy which rules over them? You don't think they'll all soon in europe start putting those in question? I believe people will do that, i have no doubt in fact, not everyone but enough to make the switch back to monarchy, there literally is no other answer to the demographic problem. Everyone who's not an ethnic native needs to return back to where they come from.

The Arab Spring was in part caused by climate change and you could draw links between the current conflicts and the AS

>extremely unusual climate in parts of Russia causes Putin to issue grain export ban
>causes grain prices in Tunisia, Egypt and other ME countries to spike
>bread riots in Tunisia spread throughout region

>c'est évident que Marine a ses chances contre Fillon,
Ah non c'est pas ce que je disais. Pour moi, Marine perd contre Fillon, et gagne contre Macron, mais comme Fillon ira pas au second tour on a gagné. Enfin on verra bien.
>inb4 un sondage bidon du 2nd tour

Is that the same AI that predicted Hofer's victory ?


Yes Bog Understood...

I actually used machine learning AI to mine user comments from websites, twitter for cameron/brexit/trump to try to predict the closet voter underrepresentation and it was always significant

Brexit my AI model gave Brexit a 80%+ probability which went to over 90% when the weather was factored in (huge rainstorms from France travelled overnight to London which destroyed the turnout there as London was flooded and people have problems travelling). Then once Sunderland came in at 61/39 the AI put the probability at 99.5%

My model is predicting Le Pen at over 90% right now overall (that's with French keywords which might be a bit off but generally it's quite accurate)

les sondages sont des réactions à froid, à chaud je peux te dire que les gauchistes auraient bien du mal à voter Fillon, alors que tout le monde serait prêt à s'allier avec Macron pour contrer le FN

I don't talk about it at work because, public worker, so that's a no no.
My friends and fiancée know, and half of my family (the rest is too much leftists).
And I will definitely answer Le Pen to a poll, even on a phone with Rachida on the line.

But yeah, my point was that they oversample her. Less than her father but they do.

Also they overestimated her on previous local elections (at least regional elections). One could argue that FN voters vote more during the presidential but it's hard to tell if it is still a rule that applies.

About Macron, people don't know nor care about him being a globalist kike. But they don't trust him. He's just the candidate of the media so I doubt he'll be in the second round.

Well you're really lucky. Do you live in a region that traditionnaly votes FN, or is it just a social class thing?

Because she only has 1/4 of the vote, and none of the voters from the other party would switch to her if their candidate doesn't make it to 2nd round.

does your AI have a stupidity factor ?

>hope you goy enjoy those migrants, tyeres a lot more comming
>remember its all because of global warming, so pay your EXTRA carbon taxes this month

consider my almonds activated

This Macaroni is the same cunt that came here and tried to poach our bankers?

lel good luck with that one you idiotic cunt with your stupidly high tax rates.

heh it has many customizations, it actually takes people's IQ's into account when it comes to turnout and voting tendencies

also religion, economic status, etc

Tu comprend pas que la France a 10 ans de reatrd sur le monde anglo saxon. Et c'est pour ça que l'on est baisé. Marine lePen fera 40% max, c'est pour ça qu'il faut voter fillon.
D'ailleurs en cas de Macron vs Lepen, beaucoup de gens de droite voteront macron qui penche plus à droite économiquement qu'un Benoit Hamon.

Cette confiance de gagner si elle tombe contre Macron pourrait les trahir , surtout que comme en 2002 les sondages pourrait influer les votes , aveugler par les chiffres ils ne verrai pas le "danger" et peu de gens voterais alors que chez les partisans du fn ils y aurai un vote massif + les conservateurs

kys commie

Vas-y, ponds-nous une thèse sur la fiabilité des sondages, t'as l'air d'être un putain d'expert.
>les sondages peuvent etre influencé, mais ils demontre une proportion qui est encré en quelque sorte avec la réalité
un vrai scientifique mdr. J'en attendais pas plus d'une feuille en même temps. Mais continue de croire aux sondages, c'est pas grave. L'avenir me donnera raison bien assez vite.

Ils auraient du mal à voter fillon c'est sûr, mais ils voteraient sûrement pas MLP non plus
> tout le monde serait prêt à s'allier avec Macron pour contrer le FN
Franchement je vois pas pourquoi. Pour moi une bonne partie de la droite se retournera vers MLP. La diabolisation du FN c'est fini pour les droitistes.

don't do that. If too many people do what you do she won't even get to the second round

Is there any way our gal wont become the next president of France?