Here's your redpill for the day

Here's your redpill for the day.

Other urls found in this thread:

which defines which?

>left: kill yourself
>right: don't kill yourself
>centre: like just shoot yourself in the foot.

Text above the dotted line defines what's above the dotted line.
Text below the dotted line defines what's below the dotted line.

>reddit horseshie theory
fuck off faggot. saged

>Thinks most Trump supporters are right-wing.
Hahahaha, Trump supporters are just regular leftists, as opposed to the Marxist Democrats.

America has no right-wing political parties or candidates because they are illegal; it is a theocratic society literally built around the religion of liberalism.

The whole point of the horseshoe theory was to highlight how authoritarian the left can become and ultimately be the enemy that they oppose. It helps break the conditioning that blue pills have where they think that "left=freedom and good things and right=oppression and bad things". Its meant to disprove the left as a valid position and redefine the spectrum away from left/right to more realistic aspects of politics like libertarian/authoritarian and nationalist/internationalist.

falling for the alt right meme

>some dude calling leftists delusional faggots on a Croatian deep water diving forum means he's triggered

I've trolled SJWs and edgy alt right people on twitter, and the SJWs just instantly block you while the LARPing white nationalists either argue back or at worst ignore you.


Any group that takes amusement from acting like idiots should not be surprised when they end up surrounded by idiots.

Especially in an environment where newfags are only told to "lurk moar".

In short: "I was merely pretending"

And I'm using the same argument against you. You're becoming the enemy you oppose.

...The SJWs ignore you... while the white nationalists ignore you.

Yep, sounds pretty similar.

Far right people aren't bothered by being accused of being authoritarian considering the whole point of being on the right is recognizing natural dominance hierarchy and seeking to achieve order congruent to that natural truth. Pointing out that the extreme ends of right/left are more authoritarian does nothing to address their actual beliefs or principals and definitely does not equate them on that level.


Enlightened Centrists report in

...You aren't actually looking at the text I put on there in the OP image, are you?

I'm not just saying you're authoritarian. And I believe you have eyes, so I'm not going to bother restating the text in the OP image.

Far right is anarchy

It is a bunch of useless accusations and insults that adds nothing to the conversation. I hope you didn't think there was anything substantial about whatever text was poorly inserted onto that chart.


I'm not a robot

Libertarians prefer results based authoritarianism. Having an owner of a business control everything is authoritarianism, however, if they fail the business goes bankrupt and he loses all his money.

The same should apply to governments, those that cannot govern shouldn't rig the system to keep them perpetually in power. This happens in many authoritarian states as they use a cult of personality and not their results to justify their rule.

no.... the SJWs can't even deal with seeing shit they disagree with intheir notifications. the alt righters just let it be.

this is a bullshit shill thread anyways. even if your theory is true that both sides get triggered easily (which is false), that doesn't justify the insane SJW policies. it's a nonsensical ad hominem, if some dude gets triggered and screams when I tell him 2 plus 2 isn't actually 4, that doesn't make him wrong.

Lol. K faggot.

Here's a redpill for you, my homosexual OP:
Trump is a centrist.

Wrong. Do some research into the matter if you are interested, anarchism is almost universally regarded as being a far-left ideology. Which makes sense because the primary principal of leftism is the elimination of social guidelines/restraints.

Whatever these people think is the "centre" today was radically leftist 50 or 100 years ago. Likewise, whatever was the boilerplate "centre" consensus back then would seem irredeemably reactionary to them today.

Does this never occur to them?

Let's post some meme labels

>Classical Liberal
>Radical Centrist
>Basic Bitch

>Libertarians prefer results based authoritarianism

I would say that comes from the point that proper functioning libertarians are right wing ones (as "left-libertarianism" is an oxymoron) and thus too recognize the natural hierarchy we operate under that is essentially under the authoritarian rule of physical reality. They just were able to realize a theory of freedom that is actually functional (by basing it around the controllable variable of conscious human action) while being, again, congruent to the natural authority of nature/reality.

I would say essential the divide between authoritarianism and libertarianism, divorced of the myth of leftism, becomes a debate between how the social hierarchy should be structured and to where power needs to be centralized and where it needs to be decentralize. That to me is where I hope we can shift the political landscape towards, as that will actually lead to productive outcomes for our society.


True redpill.

>muh horseshoe theory

centrists are the worse. at least communists believe in something


Good read thanks

I truly wonder how the minds of people either on the far left or the far right works.

It's truly unreal how one can succumb to emotions over facts and rationality, whether it's SJWs or alt-righters. One side accuses you of being a cis-scum shitlord, and the other accuses you of being libtard cuck, both being as bad as the other. The terrifying thing is that since these two are the most vocal, the rational opinions of centrists seem like a minority. The masses are still as retarded as they were 500 years ago.

Why is a centrist able to think for himself? He has no beliefs, he only adamantly clings to the empty virtue of compromise.

A centrist is forever beholden to the status quo which in the world of today is leftism. Sorry, you're a communist!

>Horseshit theory

Imagine being so dim-witted that you minimize the incredibly complex world of economic belief, social mores, and geopolitical maneuvering to a fucking horse foot.

that's far left

>haha dont you realize that all forms of political discussion are stupid, im the only smart one because i am a...

>left: doesn't believe in social hierarchy
>right: believes in social hierarchy
>center:believes in some social hierarchy

hurr durr left and right are da same goys!

>large, totalitarian governments are leftist and the absence of government is too for some reason

Really makes me think you're an idiot.

Leftism is about creating unnatural social orders through force. Anarchy is the left's worst nightmare, because it results in the natural order.

Anarchy is far right.

Except it's actually a circle.

Close though.

no asshole

do the characteristics you think apply to left/center/right define those regimes

or does the left/center/right determine an individuals characteristics

so now that you can't prove a bijective function kill yourself


>already calling names
How am I not surprised

>A centrist is forever beholden to the status quo which in the world of today is leftism

Most centrists lean left, and they do so according because slightly left-leaning is the most intellectual stance one can take.

Anybody who has studied history knows that both conservative and liberals evolve, however there is one important difference between the two. Liberals are advancing forward, while conservatives are always trying to catch up. Meaning that the conservatives of today, with the exact same beliefs and opinions, would be considered liberals 100 years ago.

This is why leaning to the left is best, you're just following the natural path, but not being too radical about it. Both SJWs and alt-righters rely on emotion too much to make judgment. Their IQs tend to be very low. Trump greatly attracted the votes of uneducated rural retards to win the election, while Hillary greatly attracted the votes of idiots with useless degrees in liberal arts. Meanwhile educated people mostly voted for Hillary, but not the overwhelming majority. Truly tells you something.

op posted a tautology and i'm to intelligent to want to have a civil discussion trying to explain that to anyone who believes in this horseshoe garbage.

ur a fucking faggot

I'm far right socially but far left economically

I bet you're the kind of idiot who thinks the Republican party is right-wing.

horseshoe meme is just centrist circlejerk confirmation bias to appear so reasonable and "unideological"

just find two things which differ entirely in a certain way and then find a way in which they are similar. wow, what a horse shoe! centrism really is great!

you could resort to a civil discussion without being this mad

>middle ground fallacy

>Puzzling Evidence

"oh i'm so cool look at me i'm a centrist we're better than everyone else by definition" is stupid it's namecalling tier memeing

Sure, you'll get (you)'s if you pretend to be retarded, but at what cost?

i'm not looking for (you)s you dickbutt i'm trying to ruin a thread

>not looking for (you)'s
>didn't ignore that post

You really have everyone fooled, you know.

>tfw to intelligent too have a political opinion and believe in horseshoo theory

underrated post

y do u think it's important that you one up me? centrist faggot

Despite being a blatant shitpost, this picture is actually a pretty decent description of the range of political ideologies.

alt-right is the remaining free thinkers, the classical liberals at this point, who still stand up for freedom of speech

Centrism means nothing, being in the middle ground for the sake of avoiding any association with a bi-partisan ideology is dumb

What OP is describing by saying "Center" is being moderately pragmatic, if you check any left/right party in most democratic countries you will see that they evolve in time.

All this to say that using words like "horseshoe" are just strawman to disregard the opinion of someone who is trying to explain that his party (left or right) need to shift to a more pragmatic and rational ideas (that we call by leaning ""center"") when he is saying that its deviating to a completely foolish and aberrant ideology (eg. InfoWars)

fuck meant
*when he is seeing that it is deviating to a completely foolish and aberrant ideology (eg. InfoWars)

your horseshoe is upside down, all the luck will pour out

Slow down, gather your thoughts before you hit post.

Tanya a cute


then why feel the need to compare it with far left or far right ideologies? maybe there are ideas from each side that are important. maybe we shouldn't say we discard ideas because they're too far out there.


Compromise is neither a virtue nor a principle.

>For the sake of avoiding any association with a bi-partisan ideology is dumb

Except that you're wrong, this just isn't the case with most centrists, but it's a definite bonus and advantage. Not submitting yourself to political parties and their ideologies is the first step towards thinking for yourself.

The thing is, people who have strong emotions towards one issue tend to associate with other similarly-minded people, even though they have differing beliefs in other issues. Then these same people, after being constantly indoctrinated, just flat out abandon their initial beliefs to better associate with others.

Basically, you become mentally assimilated to either far left or far right. Being centrist however means that you're able to think for yourself and refuse to be a servant or slave for anyone. You might have favorable feelings for gay rights, but you will not associate with leftist parties because you also oppose accepting refugees. See what I mean? Centrism is true freedom.

>horseshoe theory
Is there any better way to indicate that you don't have any meaningful political opinions?

>something that exists

Centrists are just normies who think not being right or left wing makes them so above it all and smart. When in reality all they're doing is fence sitting and not taking any stance whatsoever.



I like the fact that they just stick their thumbs up their butts and act superior to everyone else. Those people are useless and obnoxious, and I don't want to deal with them.

not even close to a red pill

>Anarchy is far right.
Again please do a little investigation here. Anarchism is universally considered leftist, and is in fact commonly associated with marxism. We can debate as to WHY this is but if you believe Anarchy is "right-wing" you are alone.
"Anarchism is usually considered a radical left-wing ideology," right in the intro.

>Leftism is about creating unnatural social orders through force. Anarchy is the left's worst nightmare, because it results in the natural order.
Anarchy results in no order at all, which the the whole point of Leftism. Leftists use force to abolish existing orders because they believe the basic problems of the world are structural/social rather than inherent to human nature itself, as rightists believe. See leftist attacks on the old Nobility, the nuclear family, community organizations (churches, ethnic cubs), natural hierarchies, etc.

Oh yes, because there have been no right-wing totalitarian governments in history. None at all.

Read some history, retard. "Totalitarian" is just a bullshit pejorative thrown by a centralized government's enemies to discredit it. It has nothing to do with the classic political spectrum whatsoever; there have been leftist "totalitarians," rightist "totalitarians," and centrist "totalitarians." It is your ideology and actions, not your method of selecting leadership, which describes a political position.

A right-wing government does not have enough state power to be totalitarian.

There is no logical reason why it couldn't. All you need is a strong grip on power. Lots of right-wing governments have done so in the past; today China (whose leadership I greatly respect btw) is a perfect example of rightist totalitarianism.

You and I have a different view of the right/left spectrum, so we cannot see eye to eye.

Fair enough. You obviously see the spectrum as simply right=less government and left=more government. There's nothing wrong with that per se, it's just interesting because classically (in the 19th century, for example) often the opposite was the case; i.e., rightists were the "big government" camp.

For example, I just finished a book by socialist William Morris ("News from Nowhere") advocating for a stateless society.