What happened to HWNDU? Is it not up anymore?

What happened to HWNDU? Is it not up anymore?

Don't tell me Shia got arrested again.

Other urls found in this thread:


shia didn't like that all the fun people were against him so he shut it down

They got gangbanged by some spics.

the camera got spray painted over and then there was a shooting the next day so they shut it down

There were bomb threats made.


They got divided.

Why would trump supporters do that? Don't they believe in free speech?

After the first shutdown Shia was butthurt and put the cam in a very anti trump area so trolls and trumpsters would be afraid to fuck with him more.
Nevertheless /ourguys/ got together and BTFO most commies and libs and started to redpill everyone.
I guess that pissed them off so they used the first excuse (in this case a gunshot a couple of blocks away where nobody got injured) to shutdown the stream

I don't believe shit, where is the proof?

look in the wiki.
Also no bomb threats. That was a lie by colgatefag

lmao Shia's rant on night 1 was comedy fucking gold

Tache Bro streaming there now with Lando:


Sup Forums divided Shia. If he's not careful he'll end up redpilled. HWNDU NM backfired big league. He's probably embarrassed.


The museum shut it down or some shit like that.

It was actually entertaining to watch until that bunch of autists led by the Asian fag took over. I lost interest after that.

Nigger they were in New Mexico you autistic cuck

The fuck you talking about? New Mexico? I saw them together on the cam spouting cringy memes.

Yeah, in New York, dude that was ages ago. The camera was moved to New Mexico. OP is asking what happened to the New Mexico camera you cuck, get with the times.


I believe the new one was taken down. Not because Shia was violent to his own supporters, this time it was a shooting.

They should bring it someone near a central business district, with enough police presence, like Times Square or some shit.

It's funny the audio is so much better on /ourfeed/.
... also the "artists" did a shitty job repainting the wall. What FUCKING LOSERS

Post liberal titties, I need to see how she btfo pol

Yep. Good ol' Spicville.

I hate this place.........

You missed the titties

Bump so titties are seen

was it Gang Gang who did the shooting?

No. Random spic shot


Arizona/Texas takeover when?

excellent link, thank you

They haven't taken down the camera/mic or the sign so I believe they will most likely start up the stream again on Sunday/Monday. Why else would they keep the camera/mic there?

>implying it was Trump supporters

I recall some anons suspecting some worker from the nearby workshop as there were complaints that the whole HWNDU thing is making their business suffer - but no proof that it was anyone in particular. Shooting could be unrelated, at least I didn't yet read any news where the violent parties were identified and their motivations verified.

In before they do it for free.


Cringy as hell, but it's good they had fun.

>on a side walk
literally anywhere else would be better