How will the degenerate pedo ever recover!

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I thought liberals loved pedophiles?

They love left leaning pedophiles.

>Get called out for fake news.
>Double down on it.
It's not the preferred method, but it's a method.

As annoyed as I am by this whole thing, something tells me that milo will be just fine but they put off him becoming a big thing for a while.

If anyone if trying to rationalize pedophilia it's the Liberals

everyone loves a good redemption story. comebacks are all the rage.

What is a Potato Nigger?

Why doesnt anyone talk about what Milo said? i.e. that pederasty is extremely good for homosexuals

Dude, he is finished.Once you are associated with pedophilia you might as well be a leper.Nobody is going to want anything to do with you for fear of being guilty by association.

People forget things pretty quick, most people don't even remember the Bill Cosby thing.

>16 year old canadian girl

dox her

and i will avenge milo


he's gonna be just fine.

he has twice as many fb followers as before, and he didn't really need breitbart anyway.

a good marketing team and he'll be up and running again in a few weeks.

Haha it's funny because he thinks he's a real country.

that Ed McMuffin guy hinted he paid for opposition research, along side neocons so he wold not show up to cpac

are liberals not down with pedoshite anymore?


Up the RA

Why aren't people doxxing this Egg Mcmuffin faggot and kicking the shit out of him for being a twat?

it was coordinated attack of media. liberals think they won kek. we get rid off nigger loving jew faggot and they had to step down with their pedophilia normalization. and they might have took down Maher with this fag lol. we cant stop winning, and ofc this 16 yr old girl is just some ruse, that video was old and a lot of people saw it, its just manipulated but whatever.

Is it for real?

Milo is a left-wing pedophile though.
Nothing he advocates for is even remotely right-wing. He's a left-leaning libertarian.

If it was a Canadian girl, which it clearly was not, then its a good chance it was her seeing as she is the only conservative teenage girl in Canada.She is also against that degenerate Milo.

Yeah to but honest he just goes with whatever is hot at the moment, he is an opportunist.I guess he flew to close to the sun when he decided to talk about Pizzagate/Pedogate.

He wasn't talking about per-pubescent boys.

He was said that he had a relationship with a man who was in his late 20's, when he was 17. 17 is even legal in the UK. And he thinks the relationship helped him when he was lonely and had no one.

Getting essentially raped by dudes when he was 13 wasn't something he approved of, but he was just saying that on a personal level, he didn't really object to it. Gay shit disgusts me, but he isn't a fucking pedo.

> The left defends the action of grown pedophiles that assault their own family tree.
> Wants to bring down a man who was sexually active with an adult at a young age.
Op is probably a pedophile himself.

Also, where the fuck did this right wing milo meme come from? He only says that he supports free speech, and everything else he says is just annoying gay humor.

The left has shifted so far into insanity that he is basically a Nazi rn tho.

Is that the same 16-year-old Canadian girl who died waiting for her surgery that she already had a donor organ lined up for, or is it a different 16-year-old girl who took advantage of the legal bestiality?

>McMuffin is a 16 year old girl

And she praises Hitler as well so yeah


The left is completely detached from reality. They couldn't even give a single example of him being an extremist.

Roman Polanski is winning academy awards m8

He's not. He's pro capitalism, pro Iraq war, pro Israel, pro life, thinks gay people "have a choice" and that there should be a gay pill to cure homosexuality. None of those positions are leftist.

His problem is that he says extremist shit all the time and then when confronted says he was trolling or whatever. On the Joe Rogan Podcast he says that he completely supports Ann Coulter's position that the only solution to Muslims is invading their countries, killing their leaders and forcing them to convert to Christianity. That's very extreme.




"Age of consent is 12 in Mexico. Deport ALL the pedos!"

That did not work out the way you expected, did it libtard?



In what universe is this exposing? This was public knowledge.

Trudeau's going to award her The Maple Syrup Cross for her gallantry in autistic researching and screeching.


Perhaps it is because the liberals finally started to see Milo as a real threat.

If she is 16 now, how old is the blog? I smell bullshit.