Trump just got OWNED by Bernie. Top kek!
Trump just got OWNED by Bernie. Top kek!
Nice fucking cherry picked image it the crowd ,fucking kike
Bernie can win now!
Haha, Donald is pretty funny, but seriously we can't let him have the nuclear codes
im not very involved with american politics. how long until hillary moves into the white house now?
That wasn't a rally all of his supporters were able to attend Bernie, you dumb kike.
hah, jews are the best
who here didnt attend the inaguration. as always burnie cant do numbers
It's over for trump now guys.
Send this kike to the oven already
>people thought Hillary would debate against Trump better than Bernie.
>Implying every Trump voter went to the inauguration
>admitting trump is lying
thats not how it works round here
Still bigger than any audience Bernie had.
The rally was november 11th and it was the rally of the American people
LOL @ thinking Bernie owned the God Emperor. Trump is sitting in the white house laughing because Bernie is the eternal loser.
True or not, it's pretty funny. Especially because the topic annoys trump so its even more effective.
Im gonna go ahead and give bernie a 9/10 on thst one. Sick bern.
I voted trump btw. So dont go there
Well shit, I guess those Bernouts were right when he said he'd become president. Trump's presidency had a good run.
Wasn't that picture taken before they let everyone in?
How many people showed up to Bernie the sell out Sanders inauguration?
That's land you goddam retard. Land=/=people you fucking dipshit.
Fuck off shill.
this is jsut retarded
Oh yeah all those 85-90IQ subhumans are worth more somehow.
Not an argument. Great to see you concede.
You're the real shill. You fucking cuck.
I hope Bernie dies of some kinda cancer or something. Really can't stand him. His demeanor, his voice, his hunched over posture, he's like an old, miserable, unfriendly Larry David.
Please kek, send Bernie to hell.
You're not worth a good goddam yourself. IQ of 85-90>IQ of 75
I'd be proud because of how few people attended the meaningless rally that you can rewach over and over again on youtube.
I'd be proud because my voters are rather busy, you know, working and shit, unlike those who voted for Sandals.
That's funny, I was about to say the same thing about you.
Guess we can be retarded together.
This guy is still allowed to talk?
Didn't the Cruz missile him down?
I am pretty sure he told a small business owner to fuck herself and go bankrupt because she couldn't pay them enough AND provide Obamacare.
They picked that Perec guy over him and he is salty now.
what an sad old man.
No you can go be a retard elsewhere.
>Be Bernie
>Genuinely want to help blacks
>Blacks storm your stage and call you and your supporters racist
>Be Bernie
>Genuinely want to help the LGBT community
>LGBT community vocally supports the candidate who takes money from a nation that would throw them off a roof
>Be Bernie
>Explain in detail how you want to help females and your support for them
>Opponent just says she has a vagina and you are called a misogynist for trying to spoil her chances of winning
>Be Bernie
>Rally up a large number of the youth to become politically involved and supporters of you
>They don't show up to vote for you to beat the person you're running against
>Be Bernie
>Revealed that the DNC was working against you to prop up Hillary
>Have to get on all fours and lick the shit off of Hillary's asshole that you slung while campaigning against her
>Be Bernie
>Support the movement of the democratic party towards the ideology of left wing progressiveness
>The corporate, warhawk, big bank, anti-worker, and faux socially liberal candidate wins and becomes the head of the DNC and you can only smile and say you can't wait to work with him
sanders brought the bantz, kek can appreciate that. what he can't appreciate is your heresy. kek will kill your mother in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post "sorry bernie"
>middle of a work day
>middle of a school day
>groups purposely threatening violence for weeks
>groups not letting people in
you got a better one?
Did I strike a nerve? It must be tough for your loved ones to have such a tremendous failure on their hands.
>Millions of people who voted MAGA
>in Washington DC
Oh Bernie, you big dummy.
Lol. He mad.
Does Shariablue pay well?
Doing pretty fine desu. Get fucked, cuck
>Be Bernie
>Be a kike
>Fellow kikes work actively to ensure that you're not nominated
Yeah, it's all fake. Trump has 0 supporters.
It's settled, you can go back to R now
reddit is my favorite place these days for tapping into lib tears, all the dorks at r/ourpresident larping that bernie is their president right now
We can't just show up anywhere at any time as we've got jobs and familial responsibilities unlike most democrats. Any real MAGA rally would have to be on a weekend and planned at least a month in advance.
It's funny when you morons try to appropriate cuck, it's like you don't know what it means.
Not what I said but nice try you shill.
It means letting an alpha male (more alpha than you) control your life. You're a cuck. Just accept it. Let me fuck your wife btw.
Listen to me you degenerate losers!
Bernie is lying!
The crowds at the Donald Trump inaugural rally were just as big as the crowds as president Obama's!
The left is lying to try and make Trump look weak and unpopular! We know the truth! We MUST spread this whenever some cuck starts talking shit.
CNN got caught lying and you keep going along with it saying shit like
"Well trump voters had jobs"
"There were no trump voters in DC"
"His supporters came out at the polls not the inauguration"
NO his supporters did come out!
He had a HUGE crowd!
Man what a BTFO. Its reason like that that made Bernie Sanders president. What a gr- whats that? Hes not president? Hes just some random old jew fading from relevancy? Huh... I wonder why he goes out of his way to respond to almost every tweet by one of the most popular people in the United States.
>0.05$ has been donated to your campaign
>Be Bernie
Drumpftards on suicide watch
Read, kike, read!
does anyone still care about bernie the bullprepper anymore?
Bernie for pres 2020
about as mad as ur currency
I'm 100% a Don supporter, but I chuckled. Now I feel bad.
it only gets so many retweets because people think it was actually bernie sanders who wrote the tweet.
not knowing that there was obvious twitter handler who writes these.
Honestly, why was he even driving a car like that? Did he just give up and take his silver?
Its not even Bernie Sanders
pretty much, he also bought some pretty nice houses after (((bowing out))) to Shillary and the DNC
Shekels > Principles
>11 hours for a response
Fake commie sander news.
That picture has been debunked so many times.
Only faceblind autists think it's real.
Bernie should of been sent to the oven years ago
CNN, of all places, too. It still looks smaller compared to Obama's, but then again, his voter base were taxpayers with jobs
Trumpers need their safe spaces, dammit!
Poor widdle guys
>rural and suburban RETARDS
iq of whites verus iq of hispanics and blacks
where do things go blue? where hispanics and blacks are
>cletus and sister mary
>inauguration day is the same as a rally
Okay Bernie, go take your meds.
But seriously, how and why does this kike have ANY credibility left? His complacency in the DNC kikery last summer was inexcusable. Plus, he got fucking shoah'd by the Fax Man, Ted Cruz.
>still acting this smug after the Democratic Party being absolutely decimated
man if white people fuck their sister so much, how is our IQ so much higher?
regardless, this is a bigger inauguration crowd than bernie is ever going to see
how much of a loser do you have to be to think this way? I fail to imagine it
i learned from leftists
Yeah sure it is, kid
Link to it being debunked
double kek
If digits, Bernie won't be alive to see the next innaugeration crowd size. Careful Bernie
top kek!
regardless of how you feel about sanders and how you suck trump 24/7...that was funny
>nerdy basement dweller builds own computer
Oh gee, no shit. Only gets attention cuz its a nog
you lost mate, accept it.
dats the joke