Who does Sup Forums support, Israel or Palestine
Who does Sup Forums support, Israel or Palestine
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I don't support any semitic peoples.
I only support my country.
I hope both explode
>Outcome A: Jews die
>Outcome B: Muslims die
I don't see why we need to interfere in this.
If you were forced to choose between a palestinian state and an israeli state, what would you choose?
See: khazars
Nuke it all, Johnny
Gun to head, Palestine. They're less likely to meddle.
Palestinians. Just look at my fucking flag .
I don't support Palestine. Why should I? They have given us nothing but suicide bombers.
I also can't defend fucking assholes which is what Israel is being. If they didn't treat Palestenians like utter shit then they wouldn't have turned to suicide bombing
Intermarrying with Mediterraneans and Slavs doesn't remove Semetic blood, but it does get rid of some of the ugliness.
Israel, greatest ally of Croatia
around leftists, israel.
around neocons and zioniggers, palestine.
Israel should really turn Westbank into something like Puerto Rico. Security under their control but the people within have autonomy
only correct answer for these scum
>Totally still chosen
>Totally still deserving stolen Palestinian land
No, they are impostors. Political converts, and Mongolian rape seed. Fuck Rothschild and his lies.
I agree
They should also cut down in making those settlements and should stop bulldozing houses. It leads to nothing but anger. Israel says settlements aren't the main problem and I might agree but making more of them ain't helping
I support a plague that would wipe out both from the earth.
Neither. But I hope Israel keeps expanding their borders.
No one. Let them sort their stuff out themselves. We got enough problems to deal with at home.
I used to support Palestine, but now I support Isreal after rediscovering my Jewish roots and realizing the Palestinians were the bigger assholes. I don't support West Bank settlements though.
But I'm the end I support Isreal because we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children.
That's why Israel is India's best buddies and India buys lots of Israeli weapons. Just because Palestenians have the same religion as you doesn't mean you have the same values
I support the kingdom of Jerusalem.
Neither, both are fake states
I genuinely don't understand this picture.
How do globalist corporations gain from the suffering of Muzzies. Caterpillar I can understand but not the others
Semites are not worth any support, neither one. It's better for the world if they just genocide each other.
Neither one. It's best for all of us if they genocide each other to the last one.
Deus Vult!
Nuke it. Sterilize the middle east.
Autonomous muslims shouldnt exist.
Israel is lole a jew magnet that helps keep the jews away from other countries.
Though france did give them nukes so if they ever fealt like expanding it would be bad but im doubting that bevause it goes against jewish modus operandi i.e. sneaky sneaky
I honestly don't know what to do with Gaza. If any other country had a terrorist lead city beside them then it would be eradicated.
I listened to a podcast by SoA a few years ago when he was still a moderate and he recommended that if Israel stopped being dicks to Gazans, stopped retaliating against missile barrages and provided more luxury, medical and food aid then HAMAS would lose support from the populace. He thought it was extremely optimistic and probably won't happen but Israelis really can't do anything right now. After Saudi Arabia bombed cities with Houthis people actually started joining the Houthis and they are stronger then ever. You can't bomb desperate people into submission
Sup Forums supports mutual eradiation.
Palestine because the Jews cause too many problems- namely pushing all the Muslims into Europe
Supporting Palestine is the true red pill.
I support both. All peoples have the right to self determination
I have a Jewish "extreme left communist" professor who says the Jews should go back to Europe and Palestine should get it all lol. He's a self described "emancipated Autist" so I wouldn't give him much weight on the matter.
>being this retarded
Oh right, you're Germany, the capital of mudslime invasion and cuckoldry. Germans seem to really like starting shit but never win for some reason.
Ironically Saudi Arabia has under the table deals with Israel due to their Iranian proxy problems. Saudis provide aid to Palestenians only as a UN bargaining chip. They threatened to pull all aid if their human rights abuses on Yemen weren't cleaned.
Israel any day.
I stand with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.
MAGA and may God bless His Chosen People.
>do you support the Abrahamic religion that wants to take over the world or do you support the other Abrahamic religion that wants to take over the world?
Keep supporting your cucked (((foreign policy))) that has resulted in country after country after country getting destroyed and destabilized just for the benefit of your Jewish masters.
I know that most of the mudshits are violent fucks who cry MUH OPRESSION at every opportunity. Israel is the only democracy down there and keep the mudshits in check. I srsly wouldn't mind if they could expand down there and cuck even more muzzies.
Palestine, only to counteract Israel infiltrating our government and fucking us in the ass at every turn.
Keep not doing anything about it and also having women leaders run your country into the ground and also letting in tens of thousands of (((migrants)))
The architects of the Iraq war were all Zionists. There wouldn't BE a refugee crisis if it wasn't the destabilisation of the Middle East. Keep sucking circumcized cock like a good little Goyim.
I don't know how any Sup Forumssters can still support Pallywood. Israel by a landslide!
Fuck. All. Sandniggers.
>North Korea and China on the side of Jesus
Keep supporting your cucked (((foreign policy))) that has resulted in country after country after country getting destroyed and destabilized just for the benefit of your Jewish masters.
Palestine. You can't just gift land to random people and pretend people won't get mad.
>support kikes; get blown up by jihadists
>support shitskins; get blown up by jihadists
Yeah, the Middle East was such a flourishing and peaceful place before the Iraq War, the Iraq War was really the single event which forced European countries to allow all these mudslimes in to rape their women and take their money.
if palestine was a country they would have civil wars and their people would die and go to europe andyway. palestinians are some of the rudest refugees.
most israelis were poorfags from the pale or north africa. dindu jews.
the jews people causes problems mostly live in london, ny, la, stockholm so on.
>children of Sam
so...literally anyone white if you go by Christian history?
It's a tough situation, but if I had to absolutely choose one it would be the Palestinians.
I understand how the Zionists used WW2 to leverage sympathy for their nationalist ambitions, and ideologically am not opposed to a Jewish State, however the treatment of the native community (genocide) is too much, especially as a burger whose tax dollars go to fund the Israeli war machine.
Take out the Jews, and you will remove the head of the Abrahamist snake.
Israel, but if I had a choice, neither.
based brazil
I support whichever one the liberal I'm arguing with doesn't so I can call them racist nazis over it.
Israel does not exist, its all Occupied Palestine, taken by a cancer calling itself the Israeli regime.
Western democracy so bad it turns the skies gray
Palestine, less jews.
Israel. Palestine and any other Arab country that sympathizes with it needs to take the fucking loss.
Pretty sure before British colonial rule they were mostly minding their own business since the Ottoman Empire had collapsed. After the territory was ceded to Jews it got all fucked up. Again.
your country is most likely a corporate oligarchy run by rothschild banks and interest. keep being patriotic though be a good little slave
Israel since they are western and hold western values and contributed more to humanity than Arabs have in a thousand years.
It wasn't generating a shit ton of refugees for sure. It was stable. Go to YouTube and search for videos of Syria and Iraq before the war, Christians, Yezidis and Shia/Sunni Muslims co existed peacefully and the historically cities were crawling with Western tourists. You ruined it all by invasions and bombings and arming rebels to wreck these countries. And now Europe has to deal with the subhumans that are fleeing for their bombed natons. Fuck your country and your Jew appeasing foreign policy.
Probably Palestinians because they never had a desire to come to Europe or have a desire for a lot of power, they just wanted their own country. Unlike power hungry Jews..
Israel took the land in question by right of conquest in a defensive war (which is a fine thing to do IMO). Their mistake was that they didn't send the Palestinians across the border into the countries they beat on day 8 of the 7 day war. They never wanted to integrate the Palestinians. They also didn't have the balls to just kill them.
They sowed the seeds of the present situation.
its a measure of how bad we fucked up that we liberated a shithole that had no where to go but up, and somehow made it much much worse.
fuck the jews
well said
>And now Europe has to deal with the subhumans
Wrong. You choose to let them in. You could easily turn them away.
Stop blaming us because you are cucked as fuck.
You're talking about a time where England owned those lands not Arabs themselves. Once Arabs gained independence from France, England and the Ottomans they proceeded to ally with the Nazis and persecuted every minority in their country into submission. They made sure they had no say in the fairs of the state and literally made them silent ghosts with no mouth.
Oh fuck off Mohammed. Genocide of the Palestinians is a meme and you know it.
> Israel since they are western and hold western values
You mean the West has jewish values now. Our current (((values))) are not ours.
Arabs are greedy people they have 26 large oil filled countries and they keep on wanting more meanwhile abusing the wests immigration laws in order to flood there too. Fuck them and Fuck Palestine
I support a two state solution. Picking sides isn't right. Israel needed to be created as a safe space / sovereign state for Jews.
And you seem to love to live in a "Jewish hellhole" over a "Muslim heaven". I wonder why?
Those people would eventually pile up around the borders and even bigger chaos would happen.
nuke the entire region.
Beirut would be a bitter loss as I spent there as much time as in Istanbul during my University years. It was cheaper to fly there, party for 3 nights then club entry fees + 2 drinks in Zurich.
Good times
Palestine. I don't like the tribalism and subversion. I don't find that to be smart but evil.
Get that FAKE NEWS shit out of here.
He was quoting an Iranian in that speech.
When you travelling back to canada dude?
Saddam's second in command was a Christian. Iraq was a secular country before the 2004 invasion. Same with Iran before the toppling of the Shah in the 70s.
Palestinians should be reimbursed for having to move from their established communities and into the desert though.
Why do Greeks hate Jews?