The Redpill

Humanity's duty is to protect and preserve the enviroment and ecosystems
In order to achieve this we need to completely genocide the chinks, poos, niggers, and southeast asians, who are responsible for most of the worlds enviromental destruction, poaching, and pollution
Only low iq whites hate Jews, because only low iq whites are vulnerable to their manipulation and are intimidated by them, low iq whites have an inferiority complex towards Jews
After we genocide all chinks, poos, niggers, and southeast asians, the regions they formerly inhabited should be completely made into protected land, free from human interference, vast swathes of land would be left for nature and animals to flourish and grow
We should stop relying on fossil fuels, we should expand alternative forms of energy like geothermal energy
Wind energy and especially hydro energy is bad for the enviroment

Why GLOBAL JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY WHITE RACE is hiding cure for autism if all of their conspiracies are discovered by autists, and every "Globalist resisting movement" is autistic? If they would have cured autism then nobody would have resisted them

>we need to genocide these people for doing what my people did less than 100 years ago

Really gets the old noodle a burnin

really makes u think

t. zhang
The enviroment is already absolutelty fucked up from us 1 billion whites industrialing, imagine if billions upon billions of chinks poos gooks and niggers industrialise?
The entire planet would be a toxic wasteland
In order to prevent this from happening, we need genocide of billions of people

ok then

Good luck competing with your 'green energy'. The paradox is that there is short term advantage to exploiting the environment. No one can break the cycle because it makes you non-competitive and crushes your ability.

Provide solution please.

Genocide all chinks poos niggers gooks
With billions and billions less people in the world, energy sources like geothermal would be more than enough energy for the remaining people on the planet

>Genocide all chinks poos niggers gooks
You will need to burn all the fossil fuel to do that. It will take probably 1000 years. In trying the fix the problem you just made it 10x worse.

>Only low iq whites hate Jews, because only low iq whites are vulnerable to their manipulation and are intimidated by them, low iq whites have an inferiority complex towards Jews

Nice projection. For all you know, I just hate blood-sucking vampires who circumcise babes and then sell the stem cell tissue to Foregeb without paying their family a dime.

I don't think you "get" the Jewish problem.

>take 1000 years to kill all chinks niggers poos gooks
>use up all the fossil fuels to do so
In your dreams zhang
USA alone could destroy all Chinese cities with conventional weapons over one night, killing a billion chinks

You do realize we have armies, nukes and stuff right? You don't have the one ring this time


Genocide is way harder than you think.


>implying usa doesn't have anti nuke shields in secret
Their technology is so much more advanced than you that it would be a slaughter

weirdest chub right now... natural, enviro friendly semi-chub.

Man the NWO is not subtle anymore

No. Our duty is to advance humanity and spread our existence to the stars. That way no single event will be likely to wipe out human existence.

>Only low iq whites hate Jews, because only low iq whites are vulnerable to their manipulation and are intimidated by them, low iq whites have an inferiority complex towards Jews
Sorry Shlomo, you and your repulsive Semitic merchant clan are going into the oven along with the rest of the subhuman trash.

Do you really want niggers and chinks spreading around the galaxy like a virus?
Fuck no, purge those pests for the betterment of our planet and our race

We have them too smart ass, Israel has a technology sharing pact with the US and we have one with Israel now you connect the dots yourself sheep shagger

This is now a bikes thread.
You ain't beating my quads.

omg those soles.

>purge those pests
How though?

You are advocating Total War. There are many possible unintended consequences. It will not end that way you think.

Why doesn't India genocide their own low iq people so we don't have to come in and wipe you out?
India has 1.2-1.3 billion people, but a billion of those are abbo tier in intelligence
Why do you let those fuckers live?
They shit on your streets, pollute your cities, and ruin your country's reputation
If you slaughtered those parasites, India would become first world

what soles?

Cause those people are not abbo tier a certain percentage of them yes all they lack is education we will become first world it has been 70 years since our independence these things take time

Only 30% of the population isn't eligible for affirmative action
70% of your population are the equivalent of America's niggers
Niggers only got civil rights 50 years ago, so your excuse of "70 years we've been independent" is invalid

Yes the Britishers left us a country which couldn't feed itself but it's somehow equal to niggers getting civil rights in a developed country and affirmative action dosent work the same way here only 1 percent of the total jobs in the country are reserved and they only get reservations in government colleges for admission nothing beyond that they still have to pass the course. Secondly they are not nigger the caste system was supposed to be skill based the upper caste made it patriarchal this is just an effort to make it a level playing field

You have to kill a lot of people though, because you are way overpopulated, and tigers are going extinct, etc

I like you.

user we literally worship cows it's the poachers, people in our country are literal tree huggers look up the chipko movement countries like America contribute more to ecological destruction per capita than we do I think you are looking in the wrong direction

Wouldn't the competition issue be solved by banning polluters' products from westerners' economy? They won't embrace any environmentalist policy until they reach western-tier standards of living anyway.

then half the shit we get in West won't be made, cost of living and cost of production go way up.

>banning polluters' products
>only allow local, renewable products
This will collapse the economy and destroy large scale industry. Without large industry efficiency goes down. Without efficiency quality of life goes down. Foreign powers hold your country to ransom because you do not have the infrastructure to compete, ban trade, blockade ports etc. which you are powerless to resist because you stopped large industry.

I know the west produces lots of greenhouse gases
New Zealand releases more methane per capita than most countries in the world
But we don't release deadly toxins like developing countries
Have you looked at Chinese rivers and cities?
It looks like a dystopian sci fi movie
Chinese need to be wiped out

Ever had a nice juicy steak user?

Who gives a fuck about large scale industry screw the imaginary economy the world has
I don't buy stuff often, apart from food
Only shopaholics will be majorly affected

See fuckers bicycles aren't that bad afterall huh?

>Who gives a fuck about large scale industry
Then prepare to get steamrolled by chinks.



All those alternative forms of energy harm the environment in their own respective ways.

Oil will never be changed, cars even rely on their specific gasoline to function properly.

Obviously, the beef rule for me only applies in India


fuck off hippy scum

>tfw I saw a milf once just like this

This kills drivers


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....


I need that ass right now!
>dose fugging hips, dat thight ass
she can bare me many strong children

Why am I diamonds right now?

why is there only 1 pic of this womyn!?
What is her phone number?

>implying niggers will ever make it to space

What, do you think they are going to carjack a space shuttle? Retards like niggers and street shitters will stay on earth while the elite members of society will head out into space. Luckily for you that will include a disproportionate amount of whites because whites fuckin rule

Are outback niggers the new leafs?

this started on Sup Forums, right?
This feels like something that would've started on Sup Forums

>we must remove the undesirables
>but lets not remove the jews, which are also undesirable because of reasons

how about we remove you jews first instead, including you op

Chinks rely on the west buying their products you retard
If the west stopped buying chinkshit, China's economy collapses

Liberals will call for nonwhites to come into space just like how they call for nonwhites to come into Europe

>Wind energy and especially hydro energy is bad for the enviroment

can you please explain to me how the fuck wind energy is bad for the environment?

I don't think you understand how Communism works.

Sigh, again we have a very good space program that was developed by us and was mocked by the West for a long time now they come to us for satellite launch

really wish i could see the front of her. look at that hint of tit on the left. those things are very nice.