>supports national socialism
>identitarian politics
>ultimately wants an authoritarian government similar to Hitler's
>wants to "remove degeneracy by force"
These are pretty much all left-wing ideas. How is the alt-right not a leftist movement?
>supports national socialism
>identitarian politics
>ultimately wants an authoritarian government similar to Hitler's
>wants to "remove degeneracy by force"
These are pretty much all left-wing ideas. How is the alt-right not a leftist movement?
Other urls found in this thread:
It is.
No. Left believes everyone is equal. That is the core crux of the the Left. Equality.
>ultimately wants an authoritarian government similar to Hitler's
>wants to "remove degeneracy by force"
>identitarian politics
Those are authorian points of view and not necessarily exclusive for left or right wing politics.
The left says they want equality, but they still worship public figures. They also elevate people based on their victimhood as well.
The alt-right says that "you're only as important if you're doing something bigger than yourself", yet wants a cohesive identitarian movement that will bind everybody together into one identity (similar to Nazi Germany).
So I'm not getting it here. The alt-right wants people to do big things within their identitarian movement? Or the identitarian movement has to be doing big things for you to matter?
No, the core ideal of the left is the emphasis on the collective, rather than the individualism of the right.
Communism is a left-wing ideology, and is enforced by authoritarianism.
Right-wing values are typically for free market trade, small business, low taxes, and smaller government. All of those things are naturally anti-authoritarian. Yet the alt-right wants the opposite of these things.
What makes the alt-right platform a right-wing platform at all?
No, it's equality. You can have right wing collectivism. Left-wing positions are usually justified by the left as being correct as they lead to greater equality and to the left, equality is inherently a good thing. Meanwhile, right-wing positions are more inclined to accept forms of hierarchy as inevitable or even desirable.
what is the alt-right? This is Sup Forums
You can also get syndicalism, a left-wing political ideology focussed on organisation via voluntary syndicates of workers and a gift-economy. This ideology has no state whatsoever and no tax.
You forgot
>people representing it are all jews, jew sympathizers, homosexuals, possibly all of the above
The original Sup Forums ideology has always lined up with what is now known as the "Alt-right".
It's true, Sup Forums is not one person or one ideology. But most people on here agree with a pretty good amount of the "alt-right".
>inb4 alt-right is a media strawman
Has any notable country ever tried that though?
Pretty sure Spencer is anti-jewish elite though.
when did she get tits? swift has always been a board
Yes, revolutionary Catalonia during the Spanish civil war.
Right wing authoritarianism exist. Smaller government is right libertarian.
Let me break it down for you. The liberal left and almost everthing it supports and tries to force me to accept and support is the exact opposite of most everything I believe in and I am not alone. The harder they push their sick hedonistic perverted agenda the more people will hate them. You cannot force tolerance or acceptance and some things will never be accepted and should never be normalized.
So the republican platform is highly influenced by libertarianism?
>implying right wing and left wing actually mean anything
Left-right dichotomy is a meme
You could easily be both a hardcore traditionalist conservative and commie at the same time
Obviously the morality between left and the alt-right wing are very different, but that's about it.
I was watching the "greatest story never told" Hitler documentary and it struck me that Hitler was pretty left-wing. That's why I made this thread.
who is she?
inb4 >she
It's relative. Compared to "the left" of today, we're right wing. Compared to certain sections of "the right" which favor free markets, classical liberalism in the vein of JS Mill, and place little emphasis on culture/nation, we're to the left. The best metric for left and right as I've found it is egalitarianism v.s. antiegalitarianism. This in effect makes "the right" a negative movement, as it is simply everything not on "the left". I highly recommend this video to explain the topic in longer format:
Hitler wasn't left-wing. Economically he was centrist and socially he supported various hierarchical structures. Overall he was right wing and even had several of what could be described as the left leaning members of the nazi party (strasserists) killed.
>all this lolbertarian schreeching
Neck yourself.
Except for """white""" people
I suggest watching the video linked in
>left is collectivism, right is individualism
Jesus Christ are you retarded?
Have you ever looked at a country besides your own in your life?
No you couldn't. Not without MANY contradictions in your thinking.
Gas yourself sami, she always had tits
Liberals are a cqncer on the nation. Also I am not alt right. Alt right is a made up term used by liberals to label anyone they dont like. A boogy man they can point at so they dont have to face their own personal failures in life.
The alt right wants to use the government power the leftists gave us to clean house.
In the words of Tom Woods "they wanted a massive government, they got one. Now that we find ourselves in power, we should just let them walk away? I don't fucking think so!"
Yeah you suggested it like 2 posts up, nobody wants to watch you vlog about politics or give you ad revenue.
>the alt right is left to JS Mill
>capitalists are to the right
What the modern left does in practice may not be representative of what it means to be left wing. You could easily for instance, be all in favour of the continuation of the white race in theory but spend all day masturbating to hentai rather than actually reproducing. Actions =/= theory.
>photoshopped enhanced breasts
No thanks.
>he criticized something he must be libertarian
you first faggot
>all liberals are evil
>the alt-right doesn't exist
do you even know what a liberal is? or what the alt-right is?
holy shit why is everybody on Sup Forums in 2017 so fucking dumb
The alt right is a misnomer. An oversimplification to put a finite descriptor on a movement of mid twenty somethings to 50 year olds of all races and both genders who are singular in one vision; stopping the degenerate liberal agenda.
It is and they'll share a mass grave with their fellow jackbooted red flag wavers on the left when I come to power and establish a minarchist utopia.
>mentions force
>complains about Hitler but still wants to be right wing
>thinks the state is a boogeyman obviously
"alt-right" IS a media strawman you blistering faggot. Nobody was going around calling themselves that until the MSM coined the term to describe people it opposes. "alt-right" is the new "neo-con" hyperbole; specific language designed to fit a narrative. Sup Forumss political spectrum ranges from un-ironic nazi to lolbertatian to unironic leaf posting. Anyone self-identifying as "alt-right" ate the jew bait.
White nationalism isn't leftist.
Out side of my country I dont care what they consider liberal its not any of my buisness because those people have no authority over me. In my nation what we consider lliberal effects me and offends me daily. So when I refer to liberals being evil assume I am referring to American liberals. Once they are dealt with maybe I will take notice of politics outside my nation.
If they are in favour of smaller government, then yes.
Objectively false.
The media coined the term "alt-right" a few months before the election ended to brand us, us being the somewhat racist and enthusiastic segment of the internet that liked trump. Then they field a guy like Richard Spencer to make "us" look bad. He says things that a leftist thinks a white supremacist would say and the media know that he's /theirguy/ so they signal boost him whenever he does something dumb. "We" are a legitimate grassroots right wing movement, shills not withstanding. I actually like Ghost's Capitalist Right, for all his insanity. If we grabbed that label I think we'd be on to something.
Are you retarded? At least 90% of socially authoritarian policies come from the right
>Pornography bans in UK
>Prostitution bans everywhere
>Abortion and contraception bans everywhere
>Drug prohibition
>Union freedom of association crackdowns
>Euthanasia prohibition
>Gambling prohibition
The only unique left wing social authoritarianism are guns and speech in certain countries
You mean subjectively mr. Fischbein
Heres a (you)
Label it however you'd like, I'll never be your comrade.
Because politics is not a straight line, but circle.
The Far Right wants to preserve and protect traditional society by brute force. The Left wants to destroy traditional society by brute force.
They're only mirror images of each other because they're right next to each other on the circle.
Stop with the Jonah Goldberg stupidity.
>I never heard of it so it never existed
>We made it up so it has to apply
>believes left means more state and right means less state
American education
Retarded way of thinking. Two ideologies have polar opposites in terms of their goals but just because they both use force to achieve these goals this makes them the same?
>cant provide an archive link where the phrase was used before the MSM
No I mean objectively, the alt-right has always been white nationalist and had never been muh "all races who're only against liberals" meme until faggots like Cernovich/Milo/PJW started co-opting it because it sounded cool.
Learn what terms mean before you use them faggot.
>alt-right = white nationalism
>eating the jew bait hook line and sinker
>that flag
I remember reading a large argument on Sup Forums a while ago that argued the exact opposite to this.
You mean the made up term that didnt exist 8 months ago thats used as a catchall to cut out and marginalize a huge segment of voters ?
>alt-right is a false flag made by the hillary campaign
>eating the jew bait hook line and sinker
>that flag
Trust a spic to obey the jews.
Coined by Richard Spencer in 2008
You misunderstand. They operate the same way because they're both extreme. But their core essence is completely different.
How was neocon hyperbole? There were jews influencing the right who willfully adopted the name. Then, there were Republicans and some Democrats who willfully did the bidding of self-proclaimed neocons who were also referred to as neocons.
Taylor Swift is a tranny
You guys got subverted so hard. Holy fuck. Enjoy your Baphoment worship
This doesn't make them close ideologies just because they operate in a similar way.
You mean a term that existed before 8 months ago and was then boosted by the media with the wrong definition?
Fuck you "alt-right doesn't exist!!!" faggots are so retarded. You LITERALLY believe if you haven't heard of it then it doesn't exist.
OP you're confused and not making any sense.
You yanks really struggle with the whole left-right thing, don't ya?
>thinks the alt-right is a legit political movement with clear set goals and ethics, rather than just whiteys being butthurt expressing their feelings.
About 90% of the discourse can be broken down to THIS.
you're all fucking bluepilled for thinking the left has any ideology WHATSOEVER aside from pure evil destruction and the opposite of beauty.
Seriously. Stop fucking talking. When I read your posts and posts like your, I'm struck by the utter worthlessness of nu/pol/
Fuck off.
The belief in hierarchy as natural and good.
Don't be stupid, they're brainwashed not ideologyless.
Authoritarianism has absolutely nothing to do with the political spectrum. There have been right-wing authoritarians as well as left-wing authoritarians; it is ideology and actions, not the means of selecting government, which determine your political position.
I'm sick of all these people who think "right=less gov, left=more gov." That's such a gross oversimplification. I just finished a socialist novel literally advocating for a stateless society; you can't get less "authoritarian" than that, and the guy was far-left.
The alt-right isn't one ideology, it's an identity movement with traditional values. .
And national socialism is a centrist ideology, not a leftist one. Frankly nat soc is a retarded ideology, I much prefer reactionary politics, they're much closer to the historical american mindset.
The people doing the brainwashing are brainwashed?
No you're stupid. The left since the inception of this country has been about the exact opposite of truth and justice.
>women should not vote
>women should not work
>immigrants should be immidenied.
every decision overturned, because everything is designed to KILL WHITE PEOPLE
So attaching a bigger legit movement to this false flag nonsense thats literally latched on to the Trump presidency like a small parasite is the same as Trump supporters (and left detractors) actually being part of that movement?
The people at the top doing the brainwashing are marxist/communist, they do definitely hate America but they aren't ideologyless.
is that an extremist wing of left wing politics?
they already exist, the anarchists.
>it's a false flag because I say it is
Wew lad.
And sorry to break it to you but unless you believe in the JQ, race realism and white nationalism (the absolute essential requirements) you can't possibly be alt-right anymore than a you can be a car.
Collectivist movement would be a more accurate description.
Ayn Rand would be ashamed.
Fucking nigger
>If i use "clever inside memes" like wew lad they wont know i'm a shill
>if I call someone out for using a meme to respond to my shilling they won't realize I'm a shill
Classical liberalism with a nationalistic flavor.
they are all jewish and gay
just like socialist
who's shilling whom?
>tfw you're about to pull out the WE WUZ KANGZ but the flag shows a country that literally wuz kangz
Both the Tzarists and he communists were collectivist. Hell, Republicans fighting gay marriage and weed are pretty blatantly not pro-individualism.
The crux of a political philosophy doesn't depend on the reverence of leadership.
>Muh founding fathers
Your premise on what defines the goals of a movement or philosophy are wrong. Conservatives and liberals meet up and discusses shit, doesn't make gem,the same thing.
The alt-right is the top of the iceberg, how do you redpill normies starting with "I want national socialism" mmh ?
When you are so red pilled that you realize communism and facism are the same shit. Both opressive cuck mentalilty.
>Muh oppression
A Niggers argument. Fascism is hierarchical that recognizes property rights, is anti big bank, pro-corporate structuring. Socialism is anti-bank, anti-property ownership egalitarianism.