Red pill me on how Multiculturalism cause ethical problems in society.
Red pill me on how Multiculturalism cause ethical problems in society
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Brown people are unaesthetic and unpleasing to look at.
>red pill me on how bringing in different cultures and allowing them to exert themselves at the expense of the host culture is a bad thing
I really don't see it as being a bad thing, how is their culture bothering you at all?
Unless they are interfering with your life, it really should not be of your worry.
Multi culturalism isn't bad. I actually like our Korean, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Greek, Persians etc etc immigrants. Only problem are Black people from Jamaica, Somalians, Arabs and Pakis.
Clashes of ideas never ends well, especially when said ideas comprise an entire way of life by which people have followed for hundreds/thousands of years.
selective racism is ok huh
>Red pill me on how Multiculturalism cause ethical problems in society.
You have to come to Brazil and live here for a while.
We need fences and walls against each other.
Nothing works properly.
The best people are slaves of our commie government, worst Orcs receive all the attention because they are incapable to do anything right.
In the long run everything degenerated, more and more.
Pic related our gangsta rap. Is not that fancy when gangsta are out of the stage.
Equality of cultures, which is needed for a multiculture society to be in harmony, is an anathema to general gender and gay rights.
The problem is, at one point Multiculturalism stopped being a cultural and mostly slow trend and it has become a political doctrine enforced on people in totalitarian manner.
Typical liblogic. "If it doesn't affect me immediately, then there is no problem." Shortsighted as fuck.
Unironically this. Brown/black people or walking trashbags piss me off to no end even before they do something or even open their mouths or do the stupid fucking shit they are used to do.
I don't know how those fucking cucks here are okay with this.
Fucking hell. Fuck them all.
so basically "P" means you're a twat who cannot contribute to the advancement of civilization while "J" means you're pretty alright
It doesn't. Immigration is good for the economy.
Start by asking how it has affected you personally?
Different cultures, depending on how wide and on what grounds is the difference, aren't always compatible. In case of, for example, Islam of variety practiced in middle east rather than hipster posing of western teenagers - the very morals and attitude do not work with the western ones and the approach is based on trying to dominate it as the belief defining the religion and culture stemming from that religion is "we are carrying out the will of absolute and only God, those who aren't with us defy the God and thus are the enemies".
Though even in less violent cases, multiculturalism may pose risks. While different cultures may cooperate, they often stem from different parts of history and trying to substitute one fundamental element of one's culture waters down the others as well.
ENTJ master race
>I am the only one in the world who matters
Why are libs such selfish shitheads?
OP is a bullshitter, but here are some scientific findings for anyone's who's interested.
>Social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity, case study in Denmark from 1979 to the present.
>Ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions positively impact individual and societal levels of social trust
>In longitudinal perspective, [across European regions], an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust. In longitudinal perspective, [across European regions], an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust.
>The negative effect of community diversity on social cohesion is likely causal.
>Diversity hinders between-group cooperation at both the one-on-one and group levels.
>Using data from US states, study finds a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust.
>Diversity is associated with more White support for nationalist parties, except at the local level where large immigrant populations cut into vote totals for nationalist parties
>After controlling for a self-selection bias, study finds that ethnic diversity in English schools reduces trust in same-age people and does not make White British students more inclusive in their attitudes towards immigrants.
>Increasing social pluralism (diversity) is correlated with increased chance of collective violence.
Multiculturalism is generally fine tbqh imho but Islam isn't "multi-cultural", it's mono-cultural. It seeks to destroy and convert and erase everything it touches. #RESIST!
It doesn't, racists who think they're better than everyone else thinks it ruins their country but it actually makes it better and more profitable.
Point here:
>mfw INTP...
The host nation lose their original culture. Wouldn't it be much better if we all stuck to ourselves and we could go on holiday to said place and go "oh look I'm in England. Everyone here likes bangers and mash." instead of "whoa there's 24 Mac Donalds here and Muslims everywhere! This isn't very English!".
White people working hard on everything.
Asians working hard on sciences.
Mexicans stealing white American jobs.
Blacks stealing everything.
Woman want to go back to doing nothing for everything.
Mexicans and black feel like they deserve more.
Wimmen feel like they're not getting enough attention.
They band together, and now you have a shithole.
Welp, there goes multiculturalism.
>let all kinds of brown people in
>"we live in a divided country!"
Gee I fucking wonder why.
I bet you couldn't even find a list that big of Negro politicians and they are a way larger demographic group in those countries