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That is a fucking man with a wig on.
That's horrifying. He's ugly even for a half-breed
Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly - FUCK Sup Forums
>be rich
>be famous
>marry a woman that looks like a tranny
So many cases. Sad.
>De Niro has no dinero.
New York Post is Fake News.
Jesus fuck what the hell is that thing on the left
the Trump curse strikes again
Why do they do it
He is a desired actor
Why would he marry it?
before reading the headline I thought it was a tranny
>he doesn't know how to ascend to the top ranks of freemasonry
dumb goy
DeNiro is just hating his life and regrets his decisions. He just wants to watch the world burn has he drills for oil.
that is funny.
That's what's battling to me aswell. He could be drowning in quality pussy and not have a guy in a wig blowing his cash away on hormone therapy.
thats unfortunate,
Old De Niro has got to have the least intelligent look of any famous Hollywood actor. He looks like an Opossum, ready to hiss and lash out at any second.
pay the toll
good chuckle
Drill oil sit and boil
>Robert DeNegro
This is just sad, how did he ended with an ugly black woman like that?
he really fucked up that part of his life. still gotta love the man for ronin and taxi driver
Is his wife's head glued on with photoshop?
The leftists accidentally made one of the more funny Sup Forums catch phrases. Truely we are in the best time-line/dimension
Robert DeNero
Is this shopped? Looks like a black man face with a wig.
Aren't the ugly ones meant to have a decent personality?
Lol, dipshit got TRUMPED.
It says "KEK".
W-what did Kek mean by this?
Lol does he still want to punch Trump in the face?
nah, he pussied out saying something like "hurr now that's he president i can't punch him cuz trouble"
>tfw Scott Eastwood will never hold you down and make love to your asshole
I legit thought this was a shopped photo for a good 5 minutes.
Reality isn't that kind.
>no dinero
"KEK - made for you by local growers and producers"
Literally what did KEK mean by this
That's a man's face and everybody who sees it knows it.
will he have to get a job as a taxi driver soon?
So what? All women do that.
Is this real?
That is a dude.
no the ugly ones have the shittiest personality. Constantly rejected often bitter sometimes in denial.
Yuck, that disgusting nigglet even has wall eyes. I knew De Niro was a piece of shit but fuck, his genes are garbage.
Eastwood's son is even more handsome than he is
why would De Niro marry that baboon? i just read that he met her while she was a waitress at a Chinese restaurant, dated her for 10 years, married her, had their first child (when she was like 42) and a year later he filed for divorce and then they apparently "worked it out" and have been together ever since.
Shits retarded. I mean De Niro is extremely famous, he starred in quite a few A-list roles back in the day, he could have married a much higher quality woman. Seriously what the fucking fuck.
Black women are basically black men with vaginas. Dating a black woman is a homosexual act.
RIP Robert De Niro
Worst MK Ultra victim of this era
he does always look super fucking disheveled like he's either got alzheimer's or just got in a scuffle at the old folks home and the orderlies had to settle him down.
This thread again...
Robert De Niro is a fucking Jew.
You fucker, I was drinking as I read that shit. kek
>that little autistic gremlin
a lot of (((italians))) are cryptokikes
like podesta
>Implying burning the coal, paying the toll only works one way.
I don't know man, it's like looking in a mirror.
I mean, so called "right wingers" whining that a swarthy Jewish manlet did not marry a white woman...
How fucking cucked is that?
I seriously showed this to a friend and 10 days later her interracial relationship ended. She's going to pay the toll eventually but hopefully she's mitigated the costs.
Jesus, Im not even gay but I'd fuck Clints son.
will Goys ever learn?
Kek favours growers over showers. BLACKS BTFO! GROWER MASTER RACER!
I-is that his w-wife? Jesus Christ, was she hot in her youth? She looks like Lurch.
Add no Dinero to the KekTrump curse collage
Burn coal pay toll
Jesus, young eastwood is hot. Not into dudes but damn. That is one handsome fucker.
he has to be the definition of live on easy mode, born famous, rich, 10/10 looks
really makes me feel like killing myself when i'm struggling making like $40k/year at 29 years old, living a boring lower-class life with 5/10 looks at best.
Hindus dont have this problem. Convert and become him in your next life.
Has Eastwood's son even done a western film?
Life ain't fair man, even if he wasn't famous having good like can get you anywhere in life. I couldn't even imagine what it's like to have Women and men lick the floor you walk on because of how handsome you are.
astonishingly ugly children.
come home white men
No because the Western is a dead genre.
better diet and exercise + better makeup/lighting will do that
>De negro
I ain't gay er nuttin', but I'd let little Eastwood light my cigar.
Probably thinks a 1/10 is easier to handle than a 10/10.
Not anymore.
pools closed
When did Robert E Lee marry a nigger?
Drill the oil, bound to toil.
>wife is an ugly gold digging goblin
>his offspring is an assembly line of duds
>stuck doing shitty Happy Madison ponzi scheme productions because he's an over-the-hill hack like Pacino
No Tengo Deniro (I have no money)
No, no, no, dude, no. It's good as it is. Too much. It's perfect as it is.
Got a nigglet that doesn't look anything like his father, JUST indeed.
>implying he didn't spend his money stupidly creating ugly mongrel hybrids
Sides lost! Man down Welp!
Nobody's pointing a gun at his head and saying "Now make Dirty Grandpa 2!"
This guy can get any script in the world. He just keeps playing the same rich dad character because it requires no effort.
All of DeNiro's iconic characters required tons of preparation. These movies he can do in his sleep.