>pol hates black people because they shoot people more than whites
sure sweetie, but whites are the majority of mass shooters, and its not even close
>white people are not dangerous
Pol hates black people because they shoot people more than whites
Other urls found in this thread:
>names 3 people over the last 6 years
yeah, not going for it
forgot to include
what are crime statistics?
Low tier sweetie posting, sad!
Which one reflects a race as a whole and proves they're dangerous?
> race A has neighborhoods and cities all across the country where violence, murder, rape and various violent crimes are rampant & out of control. bunch of murders and shootings every single day. also disproportionately over-represented in all major crime statistics
>race B has 1 person of that race, every few years, commit a mass shooting
And which one is an anomaly that doesn't reasonably reflect the race whatsoever?
weak wait
If you want to fan the flames to start a race war go post this on black twitter or another social media blacks frequent.
We're all ready here, just go make the other side start shit so we'll be historically justified in ending it so the outcome doesn't swing back to hit us in 40 years.
Disclaimer: All posts by this poster are satire. This is a board and poster of peace.
Once in a while a white person shoots up a place, while niggers shoot up inner cities like Chicago EVERY NIGHT. lul
Jesus Christ how did that typo get by me
Pol is getting so fucking boring with you shill faggots posting the same tired bait 50 times a day.
Sage in all fields
>but whites are the majority of mass shooters,
Citation needed.
>but whites are the majority of mass shooters, and its not even close
Awww isnthat pweshious. Whites mass shooting are the minority. That's why it's big news when it happens.
Nigs have over 3 mass shooters a week in just Chicago alone. Now hurry and finish that cool-aide honey, you never know when it's your last sip. Some highlights from just Wednesday.
literally 1 in 100,000,000...
and mr. orange is actually a jew
get ur shit straight faggit
> tfw libtards still messing with white people
>but whites are the majority of mass shooters
[citation needed]
Aside from that, more people are being killed daily by blacks than in months by whites.
>> 3 mass shooters
>> 100s of thousands of black murders
Clearly the term "mass" isnt being understood properly by suicidal leftists
even going by those bullshit stats that exclude gang shootings
>"If you look at the whole list, it turns out that whites and blacks are pretty proportionate to their population"
Chance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for something that happens once every 2 months
>but democrats are the majority of mass shooters
Fixed that for you.
What did you reply to me for?
>trying to talk shit to white people about shootings
>individual shootings
Whites are the best mass shooters because they go in with a plan. They don't instantly chimp out and give someone free lead.
>show my brother crime statistics of how blacks are heavily overrepresented in both shootings and assault
>"There you go, just ban guns then :)"
How the fuck do you break this conditioning, I'm so close to giving up on him
If people don't have guns, they'll either get them ilegally or use other weapons like knifes. According to the latest FBI statistics, gun deaths are going DOWN while murders done using knifes and the sorts are going UP.
Really actives your almonds, huh?
Why are people so scared of guns?
They act like they'll be cursed if they look at any given gun wrong
Guns are really simple. I could make a repeating bicycle pipe air gun that would kill just as well as anything on the market
>how do I convince x person y.
You misunderstand.
You aren't trying to convince your brother. You are trying to change his core values/beliefs because those values and beliefs are preventing you from winning the argument. Different story.
1. Use the words why? Because? To identify his core beliefs. You will know you identified one if he reacts emotionally.
2. Present an argument that runs with his core values OR change his core values.
3. All beliefs have a condition or conditions to be true. Attack the conditions to weaken the belief. (Google sleigh of mouth)
Trying this hard.
Yeah I did a pretty bad job this time. Last time I've actually managed to explain him the alt-right by basically pointing out that "racism" is a rigged game against whites, and alt-right is basically just a white advocacy group. I think what made it work is that I confirmed something he found permissable for other ethnicities, then applied it to something else and pointed out the hypocrisy.
I probably should have taken the angle of "if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns", and "a gun evens the playing field, an enviroment without guns is in favor of the criminal"
>You are trying to change his core values/beliefs because those values and beliefs are preventing you from winning the argument.
Hm, Not sure if I can follow. I always think in narratives, and what I've noticed is that most of his arguments just resemble stuff you see in movies. I think one needs to shatter those images and replace them with more realistic ones. Like the gun scenario for example, nobody ever really talks about a mother being able to fend off a burglar simply by having a gun, and basically being a sitting duck for the malicious burglar without one. All you ever hear about is stupid rednecks shooting each other over petty issues.
I'd appreciate it if you elaborated more on your points, but I'll definately google "sleigh of mouth"
What a retarded fucking statistical analysis
White people are more efficient killing machines.
>white people aren't dangerous
who said that, faggot?
Was it autism?
Exactly. It pisses me off when I hear this virtue signaling
>I'm more afraid of white people! I have more of a chance of getting shot by a white person than an african/Mexican/Muslim person!
When that's statistically so untrue it's not even funny, it's just dumb. It proves those people aren't willing to look at reality if they don't like what they see.
[Citation Needed]
I'll take 6% of 0.02% of 0.06% of all death in America over 45-55% of all murders committed by roughly 3-6% of the population any day famalam.
>whites are the majority of mass shooters
MotherJones did a study on this, actually.
I know, very liberal and borderline communist rag, but they're a bit more intellectually honest with numbers, and anyone can replicate what they did if they just did the homework with the government data out there.
A look at every single "mass shooting" since 1970, stratified by race.
Whites were almost 70%, which was the average population of white people when you account for all the years blended together. Whites were considered very proportionate - as in there is no tendency of whites to be more likely to be mass shooters.
Latinos, which may surprise Sup Forums, were actually far less likely to be mass shooters than whites on a per-capita basis. Heavily under represented.
But guess which race was actually the most likely?
Yep, niggers.
Nearly 20% of all mass shootings were by blacks. Now yes that is only 20% but compare that to the fact that throughout those years that the national black population never really exceeded 13% of the total.
The biggest demographic factor to determine likelyhood of being a mass shooter was being male. Only three shooters in US history were women, and two of them were part of a "bonnie and clyde" pair with another man.
The second biggest was age: nearly all of them were under 30.
The third biggest being black, then asian, then white, then latino in that order.
It's only "mass" shooting by white man standards.
It's not used in relation to black on black violence because it's superfluous.
>mentally unstable white guy snaps and kills people
>regular everyday black guy goes from chill to kill in 15 seconds over a scuffed nike
Tell that to the liberals that lump the black on black shootings in with real mass shootings to skew the figures. You hear mass shooting and you think columbine and the like. So when a liberal tells you that there's been 10 mass shootings but only one was columbine and the other 9 were dindus trying to nuffin each other that's a problem. And they do it on purpose.
>blacks kill more white people than whites kill black people
>white people get sick of this shit and snap going on a killing spree
>LOL It's whiteys fault