So how is Sup Forums twisting this into a good thing? Just curious. I'm sure there is some 84264D chess i'm missing or something.
So how is Sup Forums twisting this into a good thing? Just curious...
BTW the last time a President skipped a it was Reagan in 1981, due to him still recovering from his assassination attempt earlier in the year. So what is Trumps excuse exactly?
hes a busy man, has to golf with his investors and has to sign whatever bill stebe bammon puts in front of his face. toddler needs his rest
Is there a point to attending that dinner? Any benefits at all? How does it help the country?
i guess the same benefits as talking about his inauguration crowd size. or golfing every weekend
I wonder what it's like to be as butthurt as you.
Its a tradition. As a leader, you have to be able to socialize with your people. It makes you look more human and relate-able, helping you maintain a decent approval rating.
Though, I guess its understandable, he is a busy man. Golf just takes up so much time and is so exhausting.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump not show up to a correspondents' dinner. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
How are you spinning it to be a bad thing?
Nobody cares.
Stupid dinner with asshole reporters ain't gonna MAGA.
i voted for the guy, and the way he acts just about everyday makes me regret it more and more. he does stupid shit and is blatantly hypocritical. pol would be butthurt too if this place wasnt such a gigantic circlejerk of leddit fags.
but hey, maybe the real issue is the size of his crowd.
Old media is irrelevant and the MSM is getting the message finally.
Trump is going to be the first president to shake off (((the press))) and utilize new media exclusively.
I mean, do you subscribe to a newspaper anymore?
the (((people))) who funded it every year were using it as some sort of slush fund to move large amounts of money around. Something happened, now it barely gets funded at all.
News orgs made a gigantic show of "pulling out" because they didn't want to pitch in as they are all getting BTFO by the internet and their low ratings. Somehow this got twisted and spun into them pulling out not to support Drumpf™ in the Current Year™.
It was 50-50 it was even going to happen this year at all. I'd say it probably gets canceled all together now with no Trump.
Yeah, because the correspondent's dinner is broadcast over newspaper
You people are so fucking easy to spot.
And it's obvious why he's not going to the dinner. There's been a tradition of various "comedians" who go up there, and try and roast the president. He knows exactly what would happen, and so he's just not going to go.
You know, after almost a decade of Obama golfing constantly, it's a very effective way to completely and irrevocably alienate people to suddenly "discover" how bad it is that Trump plays golf
no one who matters cares what dinners trump goes to, i wouldn't go either. who wants to spend a night in a room with people who hate you, not me.
He should do a rally that night on his own, really rain on their parade, maybe even have some comics he likes come do jokes.
sorry liberal faggots, this president doesn't go where (((they))) tell him
>Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
haha shareblue that's just sad
Loser "reporters" and "comedians" BTFO.
dude, he's getting paid.
Why are you spinning it to be a bad thing?
Miss me yet?
Muh sides brutha! You too crazy
When everyone was jumping ship a month or so ago on this Correspondence Dinner thing, the White House were the only people saying they still wanted to have it.
It's collapse was financial and had nothing to do with Trump, the problems had started a few years ago. Although it's a convenient cover for these news orgs to pull out now.
Sup Forums understands - this whole board is just a safe space for all the snowflake alt-right cucks here. They understand President Manbaby needing a safe space too.
Trump wants to get rid of this.
>this whole board is just a safe space for all the snowflake alt-right cucks here
Prove it by leaving.
aww, poor baby might get insults! he need to hide in his safespace?
0.2 cents has been deposited into your account
you have earned 1 point towards a lick of David Brock's greasy pedophile forehead
He has nothing in common with those assholes for some shit started after the kikes took over. Go fuck yourself.
>haha, i'm totally one of you! totally not a retard getting paid to mess with a board of peace on a mongolian shadow-puppetry forum
Nah, he's just a pussy.
>you have to be able to socialize with your people
>media personalities and celebrities
>your people
Nah, this elitist shit should die twice.
It's not 84264D chess. Just normal chess desu. People have speculated that he would skip this for a while now. The whole thing is really just a big charade for journalists and celebrities to cozy up to the political class Trump has no desire to schmooze with these people like Obama did. Not going just further signals that Trump doesn't respect these people.
That's said I'm still disappointed that he's not going because he would have absolutely killed it. Would have been probably one of the all time funniest correspondence dinners. Oh well. Now WHCA will probably just pick some unfunny hack like Trevor Noah to host a cringe worthy event and further prove to Americans that libshits are not funny anymore and are actually pretty dumb
He's cutting back on eating. Trying to lose some weight.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump not show up to a correspondents' dinner. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the green beans.
Because it's not a bad thing.
Obviously to avoid assassination
He probably doesn't want to mock someone in the audience only to have them return 8 some odd years later and fucking wreak his party in an election.
You know. Like Obama.
Those insults would then be aired on television, and "trending" with millions of views on youtube.
It's almost like not going is strategically sounder than showing up.
you need to learn the difference between old and new.
Did I hurt your widdle feelings? Poor things.
Make sense
The WHCD was always a sack of shit. A bunch of ugly journalist assholes pretend they're celebrities for a night while they kiss each other's asses. I was actually waiting for the first President to skip that shit. It's trash.
Who wouldn't?I hate that jackass.
trump is literally a celebrity/media personality who has attended the correspondent's dinner in the past (whenever he wasn't in the big seat)
why the fuck would he go? its never funny (even when I don't like the president) and its basicly just another opportunity for self important cultural marxist kikes to mock the legitimate government
do you think China lets a bunch of useless degenerates and bloggers mock the standing committee and chairman of the Communist party in person and publicly? no because that is stupid and demoralizing, no nationalist country should invite kikes to publicly demoralize the country
Why can't conservatives handle a little humor?
Why are you still here?
why should he need to appear at a dinner honoring correspondants that smear and attack his administration and were in bed with his campaign opponent? do you accept every dinner invitation you receive?
Here's two articles from Feb 03 2017,
Notice how the first one tells you why, the second from a libtard fake news site tries to spin it against Trump. This has been going on for a while.
>There’s also a question of what the WHCA really is. According to their Form 990 filing for 2015, the not for profit group had $330,000 in expenses in 2015. Nearly half of that money–about $145,000– went to their president, Julia Whitson, in salary. Only $86,550 went to grants to individuals like journalism students. Indeed gifts, grants and other monies received have declined sharply from $293,189 in 2010 to $63,420 in 2014. They claim total net assets of $602,550 for 2015.
Here's a fake news story about how news orgs are 'pulling out due to Trump's "War on the Media"'.
>Sup Forumstards are so delusional they actually think there is anybody in this world who would paid for someone to insult them
We do it for free, cuck. It's stress relief. Come in here, insult all you dumbfucks for a few minutes, then go happily on about the rest of my day.
Trump ran on a platform of fuck the media and the elites. Would be a bit odd to see the same man sitting at a dinner laughing and bonding with these people.
Even if he is quietly cool with the elite, it's political suicide to become a clear cut Washington elite
Why give an opportunity for your enemy to attack you?
Yeah its not like they are roasted by their inferiors 24/7 or anything.
Here you go cuck:
It makes me feel good to make you feel bad!
It is a good thing. He's making the liberal media irrelevant.
>So how is Sup Forums twisting this into a good thing?
How is it a bad thing? The media has become irrelevant. Why should Trump help MSM get ratings?
Why would he go? He's proven for OVER A YEAR that the press r a bunch of faggots. So is the OP
shills for the globalist bitches
You do know trump did a comedy central roast a few years ago right?
the whole event is a joke
media are too in love with themselves
If I was him I wouldn' t go either all the leftist reporters will just find sonething else to lie about. There is no point in speaking or assocating with people who will do and say anything to try to make you fail. Avoiding these people is a smart move. They should be given no attention until they stop telling lies and half truths.
Did it hurt his ego? He dont go.
>pardon that one typo
Spotted the shareblue thread. Are you all in the same office or do you coordinate in a chat room?
time break that tradition. Stop enabling the liberal media.
I'm sorry you live with so much stress. Since I backed a winner, mine's gone down naturally.
Because partying with NBC and CNN isnt that important, especially because they lie about him and try to foment civil unrest EVERY DAMN DAY
The correspondents association being complete dicks and trying to destroy him. Why would he go there, give them publicity, and allow them to try to take him down in person?
Digits confirm
Never said he wasn't.
But he's the President now, and this dinner has always been un-American.
Government and Press should be enemies, not buddies.
And celebrities should piss right the fuck off.
Its nothing but a literal media circle jerk
The Correspondent's Dinner is nothing but a media class circle jerk. The whole point of the event is to shore up the corrupt connections between the media and the federal government.
Trump should have canceled the event entirely.
i wish people would read what i've posted 3 times now instead coming in and making excuses for Trump that are just not true.
the WHCA is under water, it looks like it was most likely a con to begin with, no one is funding it, they probably can't get anyone to chip in and half the media do not want to attend an event that might turn into a Donald Trump roast as their number tank.
I would put the actual reason for this thing falling apart at about 0.1% Trump's fault, 99.9% the fault of the WHCA and the media. Trump isn't going to waste his time on an empty room.
a shame, could of been a chance to roast the fuck outta them
This. They are flaunting their international elite status, smearing the goy's president and government over a glass of imported champagne
6 but holy shit i still get chills from looking at trumps face during that dinner
I can only imagine what was going through his head
It's a swanky party - Trump hates parties.
nugars are so stupid, he's president now and he can do what he wants
The Media are a den of Vipers and Trump intends to rout them out.
Not gonna lie, former Jeb! voter here. This is fucking disastrous watching Trump not show up to a correspondents' dinner. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the guacamole.
Especially clinton's wedding
Why concern yourself with the opinion of people beneath you?
By avoiding this opportunity to engage with the press for a little ribbing and self deprecation, Trump simply plays into the narrative that he's a thin-skinned little manchild.
Trump is, after all, the person who went to a Comedy Central Roast in his own honor - under the condition that none of the jokes could be related to his wealth.
None of this looks good for Trump. The "based" thing he could've done is actually attend the WHCD and flip the script back onto the media and start calling the crooked media out. But instead he slinks away. It's not a good look.
He's not going because doesn't want people looking over his shoulder while tweets about it in real time.
U sir(?) r especially stupid
>Why concern yourself with the opinion of people beneath you?
Ask him. Have you seen his Twitter?
The Correspondents' Dinner is just an excuse for smug reprobate "insiders" to get together and get s-faced drunk and do drugs and each other. It was started by President Wilson to "smooze" the press. That's when the press started rotting and becoming comatose.
how mad are you that your liberal feminist wymyn hero candidate lost to mr reality show pussy grabber? must really twist you up inside, having to live with all that stress of having lost so horribly.
Your tears are delicious.
He's scared of Seth Myers
Not gonna lie, former Reagan voter here. This is fucking spectacular watching Mondale not show up to an election. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the electoral votes!