Yet again

...Sup Forums gets BTFO. 40s England would never condone or stand the current administration.

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Fuck Churchill.

>inb4 "not an argument"

I know. Fuck Churchill.


not an argument. I don't give a fuck about your stupid inb4, what you said is literally not an argument and it deserves to be pointed out as so.

And what art did the anglos produce thanks to public monies?

>"the purpose of living is to have governments tax its citizenry in order to subsidize art programs

fuck off.

>beautiful paintings and sculptures

77 years later
>menstrual blood body painting
>real dead fetuses sculpture with living buttfucking faggots

Yeah sure fuck off

pretty good memeception. I like it.

Arts 1940s and before>Arts 1960s and forward

This isn't a hard concept.

You deserve a dragon dildo pointed upside your kangaroo-loving asshole.

Fake and gay. Pancho needs to go back.

Trump has a Churchill bust sculpture in his new office. It replaced the black one Obama had.

Is this from the Hillary timeline?

Good call on his part. Britain's WW2 defenses were top tier so they never got attacked, and post WW2 art is the pinnacle of western civilization.

Oh wait

>fuck churchill
>it was totally fine for germany to invade Czechoslovakia, coerce Austria into annexation, divide Poland with the USSR
I love how neo-nazis like to conflate the need for national controls with rampaging huns.

>beautiful paintings and sculptures
kek, no

If he could have seen modern art, he would have cut funding to the military instead.

>and then cut arts funding
>not a real quote, paco

Churchill also said "Hindus are a beastly people". This "quote old famous guys" thing cuts both ways.

If anything that David Irving says about him is true (and I suspect a great deal of it is) then he's responsible for a lot of the bad shit in the world, least of all WW2 actually escalating.

There was always a winnie bust in the oval office since ww2. Obongo got rid, the don put it back.

>what are we fighting for

The kikes, stupid.
>the promise to win WW2 if England helps kikes get the holy land

That's funny, I was pretty sure I don't live in 40's England...

What you said isn't an argument either, so you're at a stalemate you dumb faggot.

Let's be clear: OP didn't pose a valid argument either.
This entire thread is a sham and should be deleted immediately. Stop wasting our time you degenerate nigger.

fuck you

This. All art is now is fucking SJWs smearing their shit on a canvas while they're depressed and high on something so the shit comes out in different colors and they'll write a sentence on why it was Trump's fault that the shit came out red.

I'm fairly certain art students in the 1940's weren't smearing their fecal matter and menstrual blood on a canvas and calling it art, but what would I know.

No one makes art today, who are you kidding?

>>the promise to win WW2 if England helps kikes get the holy land

For those that didn't know what I meant by this, the kikes promised Churchill to get America into the war to win it for the Allies, and in return England would help the kikes get Palestine.

The rest is history.

K, keep worshipping a literal cuckold


Churchill hated muzzies and Islam. He would have never let them in.

David Irving is full of shit. Hitler's society would have been as bad as anything the most insane leftist could imagine. We dodged one bullet and now we're about to get hit by the other one.

>A true human

Pick one

Lord Churchill really knew how to keep the Kraut in his place.

I miss this man.

True human meaning good goy?



That was World War 1, not 2.

I promise you that most leaders of that time will definitely hate the shitty modern day and would immediately commence an ethnic cleansing

Socialism was cool in those days.

Real art is made for its own sake, not for a government program.

It's all the same shit. It was history repeating again after a little while. The state of Israel now exists because of England now, right. Right.

Both statements are incredibly neutral

That wasn't even WW1. The British supported a Jewish homeland long before WW1. They had prime minister named Disraeli for christ's sake.

Yeah, more or less. The British controlled the Mandate of Palestine, and they established a jewish state in line with a policy that had been floating around British political circles for decades.

>takes a punt at the British empire
>Austrian flag
we've all lost our wonderful empires. Don't be mad because some were more successful than others old chap.

>40's era globalists that started isreal and sided with the USSR would never agree with a nationalist president

They served their purpose, they wern't wrong they just wern't right either
Jackson was the closest to infallibility that we had, and he never would have approved of 40's era english administration.

>That wasn't even WW1. The British supported a Jewish homeland long before WW1. They had prime minister named Disraeli for christ's sake.

And it's all continuum. Just as the world war events are all the same shit as these same kikes seeking Greater Israel by causing destabilization in Syria/Iraq. And these goals are for making Israel superpower of the world and eventually leader of their world government they've also 'had floating around for decades.'

>40s England would never condone or stand the current administration.

The "arts" in the 40s weren't degenerate, edgy bullshit like it is today. It used to refine culture. Show me modern art which will be relevant in a century or two. Shit these days won't stand the test of time.

>Show me modern art which will be relevant in a century or two.

Top Gear.

back to r/thedonald faggot

>And these goals are for making Israel superpower of the world

Well, this is new.

>and eventually leader of their world government they've also 'had floating around for decades.'

Enlighten me on this one, I love a good historical conspiracy theory.

>Well, this is new.

Are you kidding? The Bible itself is their proof they claim says they will 'inherit the nations as their birthright.'

Art 80 years ago was actually something that required skill, cratfsmanship talent and mastery of the arts.

Art today is a faggot carving a huge cok on a log, women making cookies with their menstrual blood and dykes pissing on canvas.

How about you go search the Talmud for some enlightenment about what these kikes are planning.

>bumping the thread, 3rd time

Oh, I see. Are you also aware that every shy person is engaged in a conspiracy to take over the planet? After all, Matthew 5:5 says "the meek shall inherit the earth". Maybe we should toss quiet people in camps just to be safe.

For the bankers that funded Churchill.

Uk fought to lose it's position as a world power.


Ok, so you're a kike. I see. Talmud shows these people are not at all meek.



kek, that is why you cucks forced the Austrians to put an article in their constitution which prohibits them from forming a union with Germany out of free will , right?

Eat a bullet you fucking kike servant

Money well spent, especially when they are making masterpieces like this.

The arts of the 30s and 40s were largely not the (((arts))) of today.

and the funds for "the arts" were mostly used to indoctrinate generations of people that now hate him.
good job old chap.


That's beautiful.

Thank you.

Yes they were.

Nah Churchill was a mistake mate he even realised it desperately trying to stop England turning white before he died

Churchill was faggot


When did Chuchill ever say that? I've tried searching for a source other than kikebook. People wouldn't just be spreading lies about Britain's favorite cigar smoker?

I'm the early 20th century artists still made art and more often did more studying under actual artists then in (((formal university)))

>why the Talmudist, Zionist Ashkenazi kikes are not meek

Because they're not the real Hebrews.

I bet that when Churchill said that Islam in a man is as dangerous as hydrophobia in a dog you didn't agree with him?

I love this. Where is it from?

couple of generations out there buddy

also friendly reminder that the falklands are british

but the nazis loved art and beauty?
hitler was a fucking artist

The international Jewish banking cabal, you fucking pudgy drunken Anglo traitor.


What Churchill mean is he wanted to secure the future of degenerate art in order to decimate white children.

Most artists openly shit on him and his legacy and you know it.

Where did they get this quote from? I can't find it anywhere.

One might say it is a spurious claim.

meh, one of the fashwave threads

>this is what we should be fighting for...
Fatass should have been worrying on how to preserve the empire after the ((("victorious" war)))

Churchill was the second biggest war criminall/all around shitty person of WWII, behind Stalin. If you do not believe this you do not belong here.

"I hate indians they are disgusting" - w churchill

"it is a shame gandhi didnt die" - w churchill

it always makes me laugh when libcucks quote churchill, like wtf. he was the biggest most aggressive racist imperialist who ever held office in the UK, in the fifties he even campaigned on a platform to "keep Britain white"

>Import shitskins who breed like rats en masse.

>Shits on the anglo for decimating white children.

Wew, junge.

People dying, people starving, families ripped apart, a lifetime of memories and stuff destroyed, and he wants art saved?

You know who goes to art shows all the time? Faggots and Liberals.

Liberals want to take my guns, silence me. Well fuck them its time we take their prized shit, good bye art, good bye PBS, good bye NPR.

Watching them cry will be glorious

is this now a right wing aesthetic thread?

this is what it was all about for this fat sack of shit. He was an elite under capitalism and when Hitler installed a new socialist state it was so effective that if the millions of underclass Brits decided they wanted it he and his Jewish friends wouldn't be so elite anymore.

Funny, didn't Churchill say openly that the reason Germany had to be destroyed was because they refused to be exploited by international bankers? The only thing he was fighting for was his ultra-.0001% owners.

hahah you fucking retard, we are your puppets since 1945.

All the brainwashing laws were instated by YOU.

The EU was a French Idea and so was the Euro.

This is all your work because you like to be such a good goy

but my friend, you must admit that real art, real beauty is worth funding. it is just this modern bullshit that we need to get rid of. true art is always worth your dollar

This. Thank you for posting this.


You guys are absolute idiots for giving it up. Like what were you thinking?

Hitler bombed England repeatedly

(after England declared war on Germany and started the bombing war)

I legit feel bad for Ted. If it weren't for the CIA he could have been something brilliant

Hitler didn't want to but he was left with no choice. He respected England.

The BBC at least