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Capitalism is a fucking joke

He's a big guy

he gave the military 30 days to come up with a PLAN

Conservatives are easily manipulated because they aren't educated on a college level.

Sup Forums BTFO!

Pine this shite.

Yeah I'd rather have the economic system alternative (?)

isis is defeated woohoo thanks trump

Remove the stick from the wheel and see it happen

Lotta slide threads today.....

>Implying he issued it at day 1

The emperor has no clothes...

Nice shitpost dude, really nice shitpost.
I like it alot.

Open up those borders!


ISIS is a CIA creation. He has to fix CIA first.

His secret plan was to ask the military to create a plan?

Stupid libtard... trump wasn't being literal when he said he would "do anything"

The idiots are spreading their own fake news now

>> We've won. God damnit we've won.

What does that sign say

Refugees welcome!


>thiz iz what'z going to happen to thoze that are unrezpectful and lay a finger to the company
>t. Z

Never said which 30 days it was, doesn't have to be the first 30

This. Why would he explicitly say WHEN and HOW the plan would be carried out? saged

Yeah, OP's a dumbass.

To order them to, yes. Obama couldn't manage it. He thought air strikes would do it, rather than just make more enemies.

That isn't what he said at all


He's an idiot for even thinking they didn't already have one.

A trumpster fire