ask an Argentine anything
just to be clear
yes, I'd definitelly be considered white anywhere in the world.
no, I'm not a commie, although I am slightly socialist.
ask an Argentine anything
just to be clear
yes, I'd definitelly be considered white anywhere in the world.
no, I'm not a commie, although I am slightly socialist.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's your favorite soccer player?
Those islands on the right look comfy, you guys are lucky.
ever been to patagonia and/or tierra del fuego?
who do you think?
pls no bully
nope, I've barely left Buenos Aires in my lifetime.
What's the weather like
Did you vote for (((macri)))?
Who's Islands are they?
>although I am slightly socialist
REMOVE CAMPORA remove campora
summer is unbearably hot (constant 30ºC) and wet, the other 3 seasons are the best climate you'll experience anywhere, winter having 10-15ºC constantly, it doesn't snow.
but the country extends north-south so the climate varies drastically from city to city.
voté en blanco la verdad, el ballotage me dio sida.
google maps says picrelated
no, I'm not K
Tell me about day to day life there? Are the people good too each other or niggers?
Messi > Maradona. Unless you're a nostalgia fag.
Do you cheer for Boca or riBer?
Also, why is communism and socialism so popular in your country?
>messi can't even get us a cup
why do you care about the Falklands so much
why do you have a picture of someone else's clay on your money?
Oh look a CGI again, I wonder why we never have to see a photograph from space.
You have a spare room?
>"I am slightly socialist".
Looks like they forgot one in the CCD. Only thing good in the whole history of Argentina was how they killed Socialists.
>>messi can't even get us a cup
Messi, virtually, single-handedly got you in the finals. Against players that aren't glorified butchers and construction workers like in the Maradona era. There is no comparison in skill level between players and teams now vs 30years ago.
>although I am slightly socialist.
Fuck off, kirchnerite scum.
well, you can say that it's a shithole or whatever, but I would compare my city to literally any decent western european city, the common comparisons are Paris and Madrid, but since we have no blacks I'd say it's nothing like paris other than the architecture.
there's extreme intolerance towards immigrants, but it's based on culture and language (dialects) not on race.
I'm young so I haven't seen Diego play, but I wish I had, Messi is obviously my current favorite.
I wouldn't mind explaining but only if you're really interested, as it would take quite an effort from me to explain in a second language.
but nowadays it's mainly because of symbolic reasons rather than actual benefits.
not really, no.
can a brit post what the Falklands look like on their google maps?
top or bottom?
only if youre a qt trap
>Common comparisons are Paris and Madrid
Sorry bro, but outside of a few blocks BA is nothing like Madrid or Paris.
Maybe more so Paris, but not even close to Madrid outside of a few blocks.
are you white?
How are mexicans treated in Argentina if they go over there to visit?
Why you are so hated in southamerica, & why you are so fucking arrogant when your country has nothing to be proud about it plus your economy it isn't worth shit.
Why do you call us macaquitos? :(
You aren't white
Why can't you be our neighbor and not these fucking Mexicans? Or Canadians?
Why does Chile control your left coast?
a twink is ok too
they can come here whenever they want, we call them filthy drug dealers and make trump jokes
theyre fucking jelly, theyre always talking shit about us, but they wont stop coming here
my sides
is this like a gay thing?
yeah sure, you'd know.
come on m8 read the OP
I don't know, I don't like them so I'd treat them like shit, but I don't think that's the general feeling towards them, most people don't give a fuck since they're not a significant immigrant group like paraguayans, bolivians, peruvians or congolombians.
so I'd say mexicans would be fine here, yes.
well our economy is shit, yes, and it's based on agriculture, so it's not even industrialized.
but still, our citizens are amongst the richest in latin america, and our GDP per capita is amongst the highest if not the highest, so even with all the problems, we're still not that bad economically compared to the rest of latin america.
other than that, we are vastly superior to them in almost every field, so obviously some Argentines relate that to being white and the rest of latin america being brown, not me though.
and that's why we're so arrogant and get so much hate.
just bantz 2bh, we're friends outside our football rivalry.
don't know what to tell you, are Canadians really that bad?
I thought people conisdered it better than USA.
we don't have left coast, that's Chile, they live in a hallway.
>I wouldn't mind explaining but only if you're really interested
Please, go ahead and explain why those islands are so important to you. I'm really interested and I am grateful that you are taking the effort to spare us from that ... language.
Also, bonus question if you please: How do you feel about brazilians?
How corrupt is your government?
How many of you live in poverty?
What are the women like?
>don't know what to tell you, are Canadians really that bad?
That's Chile.
Also, die commie scum. Jesuschrist why did the southern cone became a socialist shithole.
We were all supporters of Nazi Germany for fucks sake, fuck this timeline.
we literally treat well any tourist here
I would know, I lived in Madrid for a year, and visited Paris 3 times while there. I then worked and lived in BA for 6 months and then Cordoba for 4. My building in BA was on Calle Venezeual and Gral Urquiza, nearby the hospital Ramos Mejia. I like BA, but it's not a fucking European city. Not anymore at least.
(Cordoba comfy af btw)
whoops, Venezuela**
Canadians are basically albino Mexicans that shitpost but stay on their side. But Mexicans have at least given us Mexican food. You don't hear of "Canadian food".
>I'm in the mood for Canadian food.
Nobody says that.
in the 70's we had a coup orchestrated by USA to get rid of socialism, those dictators were basically shitheads that killed their own people and ruined the country in general.
the invasion of the islands was carried out under their dictatorship, so it wasn't really us who invaded, it was them, and they didn't even want to win the war at all, at some point they started sending 18 year olds that had never held a gun in their life to fight.
anyways, some people say the invasion was planned by Thatcher herself to gain popularity since our dictatores answered to USA (her allies), and it doesn't seem so far fetched.
and that's what generated the whole anti-english sentiment that you see nowadays, they could've handled things right, but they didn't, so now the islands are a symbolic thing, and we want them back, the claim is the same as it was 150 years ago though, we always wanted them because they are supposed to be ours.
>How corrupt is your government?
pretty fucking corrupt, if I'm not mistaken, this is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
>How many of you live in poverty?
real poverty about 8-10% (living in slums)
statistical poverty about 25-30%, but it's really misleading since I'd be considered poor even though I'm doing perefectly fine, I have money to get all my basic needs covered and then some, and I'd still be statistically poor.
>What are the women like?
pretty hot and difficult, but 2bf this is rather subjective.
I have been to Buenos Aires, and also every major city in western Europe. Outside of your beautifully colorful downtown, Buenos Aires is as ugly as any other Latin American capital. Cordoba is nice though, and their people are based.
why are americans so obsessed with race and being in charge of deciding who's white and who isn't?
What secrets are hidden in your National Library?
very informative. thanks!
What about poutine?
My brother just played Peron in their high school production of Evita. What are your thoughts on peron and eva?
Never left BA wtf are you a poor fag?
You are not white, boludo.
>Buenos Aires
HAHA lol no. In Baires argentinians think they're europeans and think they're hot shit. Handsome and pretty but no fucking brains.
How hard is it to get a legal firearm? Like is it even possible?
If I ever go there on vacation what places should I visit?
>I am slightly socialist.
Kill your self zurdito
You are the one responsible of your life
I was in downtown BA everyday for work. It doesn't take long.
why did you try to steal the falkland islands from england ?
>we always wanted them because they are supposed to be ours.
lol the alien photo is more real than this
also, forgot to say, Brazilians are kinda bro tier,
Peron was the right kind of leader for the right time.
pure socialism like peronism nowadays would sink the country.
but back then it was perfect, it gave the working class (the vast majority of the country) a great standard of living and life quality in general, with universal healthcare and free universities.
but today I hope for a perfect blend of capitalism and socialism that would encourage a free market but at the same time give us a great healthcare system and keep the free unis.
I answered that already, but anyways, I don't have to, literally everything you'd want/need is in Buenos Aires.
already answered.
This may be a dumb question, but you would vote for vidal in the next presidential elections?
In other news about my fellow neighbors, yesterday 24th of February Argentina officially denied access to information regarding 2 sunken Nazi submarines off the coast of the Rio Negro province
They could just deny the whole story, but instead the Court replied to the historian that got the insider tip and asked for the information to be made public, that this is "classified information" from military archives that will not be disclosed in the near future, which in my understanding pretty much proves its true
What a coincidence that the 2 scuttled subs are just east of where all conspiracy theorists say Hitler was hidden after the war...
maybe, depends on how she manages the province.
so far she's not doing so bad 2bh.
van a adoptar BTC como moneda corriente porque ser blanco no te da una economía estable y prospera.
You're not white, Argie.
Have you visited the Iguazu Falls? I really enjoyed my trip there.
how much free space you got? patagonia looks perfect for innawoods
Not OP but the patagonia is a barren tundra for the most part so is not that great, only a few parts have forest and they are close to the andes normaly.
pls, your b8 is weak yes, one of the very few trips I've done is to Iguazú falls, they're fucking amazing.
I've heard people say the Victoria falls are better, but I'll never go there so whatever.
loads of space, yes.
our population density is extremely low.
I have not been to Victoria Falls. I have been to Niagara Falls - Iguazu was far superior, the Brazil side was a bit better.
oh, right, because being brown helped you people a lot.
how bad is non-white immigration to argentenia and uraguay
there's like 5% immigrants in Argentina.
sure they contribute a lot to the poverty population and crime, but it's not like we wouldn't have any of those things without them.
people who are afraid of immigrants are usually not that smart.
that being said, being intolerant towards them is only natural.
it just isn't something to worry about.
OP how old are you and what do you do for a living? How did you find /pol?
What can you tell me about Argentina regarding lifestyle? Are you just as laid back as Spain in general?
I've lived all over Western Europe and I think most cities are fucking disasters, Eastern Europe is an ever bigger shithole. Right now I'm in Barcelona but it's like every place is going to shit, refugees protests here have been fucking insane and I need to leave.
I'm considering moving to a place like Argentina or Uruguay. Europe is going to shit and I want out. Will I be welcomed, how are my people looked upon over there? Do you have any negative stereotypes about romanians in general? You haven't been culturally enriched with our gypsyes which is why I'm wondering, here in Spain especially shit is pretty bad in that regard.
I have a job online so it wouldn't be that hard, I just have no idea what to expect and only started to look into Argentina this week after reading another /pol post.
inb4 gypsy I have curly blonde hair and blue eyes whiter than you 60% burgers for sure
nigger the maldives are not the same thing as the malvinas
>mfw I went to Argentina for the first time
We hate fucking gypsies here in south america, stay away or I'll put a bullet through your skull.
>although I am slightly socialist
Those look like Peruvians though. They have thick black hair and are dark skinned as fuck. Argies aren't white but they aren't literal apes either like the Peruvians and bolivians are.
I don't really know what it is that you don't like about western europe.
we don't have muslims or gypsies or any of that, but you're gonna see a lot of brown people here, they're pretty common.
also, we're not laid back, most working class people are socialist as fuck because they want welfare and stuff, so whenever there's something they don't like (which is every odd week) they protest like monkeys setting tires on fire and cutting streets or whatever.
the whole country is very sindicalised, and those groups have a lot of power, they're basically mafias.
in terms of economy, we're normal, except our inflation rate is huge and that makes our currency weak as fuck, so you would have to buy USDollars if you want to save money.
that makes everything, incluiding prices, quite unstable.
nobody knows shit about romania so you'll be fine.
people hate gypsies but they don't associate them with proper romanians, so as long as you're not one, you'll be perfectly fine.
>there's immigrants in Argentina
woah, big news.
t. chilean butthurt mestizo
That bald guy in a suit looked like a textbook Argie to me.
Everyone knows the german subs landed 300km south of BA
This guy ignoring the homeless looks like an argie to me.
I'd rather be a monkey -which I'm not- than a gypsy subhuman. Anyways, everyone hates your people around here.
He looks like trump lol.
Argentina is one of the best sons
He is right we hate gypsies
You are the second worst father we could have had.
>at least the Portugueses didn't conquer us
Can you post your mate for me? I always love to see them.