>tfw purple square at heart, but finally excepted the we need to become blue square to fix thing
Tfw purple square at heart, but finally excepted the we need to become blue square to fix thing
>tfw libertarian before a leftie and would sacrifice anything left wing to be more libertarian
I simply believe that maybe the state has some responsibility in keeping people alive and children educated, that's all.
god dammit.
fuck my dumb ass brain sometimes
This is how the cold war started
Sadly this is the truth
Maybe in an all white society libertarianism could work
Sadly we are well past that point and are only getting worse
national socialism really is just ethnic libertarianism in disguise lol.
That's what I'm saying though. We need education, but we need some hard and fast ways to make sure jobs are brought back. If that required some kind of Frank Underwood America Works style state funded program, I'm all for it.
Even if we got our white ethno-state tomorrow, we still have a culture and education problem that only a strong force(The state in my view) can fix, assuming of course the right people are in charge of it.
My "hard and fast" way is small business, my issue at the moment is that large corporations practice "anti disruption" tactics which essentially target small business. Small business are special because there can be as many of them as the market demands and they rarely do things like gender or racial quotas, they're far more egalitarian.
Small businesses hire more people and cause more competition, you get your lower unemployment, a job market in favour of the unemployed instead of the HR/Employers and you can even claim workers are starting to own their means of production because they have more power within their small businesses.
this is part of it
Small businesses need to make a comeback. We need to take the shackles off them
>we still have a culture and education problem that only a strong force(The state in my view) can fix
Yes, but I think authoritarian lefties know that gender quotas won't last long in such an economy. If everyone is competing, no one can afford to drop their standards to hire with "diversity."
The free market is very egalitarian, just not very equal, which left wing authoritarians don't really get. I'm a left wing libertarian, I accept that it might be a somewhat good thing if businesses have standards and certain people are rewarded for their talents. It promotes their talents, if women give up their dislike for STEM workers it could even be a form of light eugenics.
Small businesses are the egalitarian idea no one has tried. Why? Because large corporates can sponsor Obama's golf games.
> (((educated)))
in a white nation, we won't need to worry about lefties because they won't have the nigger and spic vote to get them into office
>tfw too intelligent to be classified
>if only the government was our guys then we could force everyone to be like us and everything would be great like all the other times this has been tried
this has been a good running joke for ten thousand years straight but humanity needs to get a new gimmick
It's too easy to deny poor children a competitive education in a completely free market state leading to a vicious cycle of poverty, the poor raise children too poor for education and then too uneducated for jobs to escape poverty.
This is not left wing libertarian.
I don't believe ethnicity matters, it's culture. African American culture is horrible for democracy and Hispanics are all coming from massive, big government state. Their children, who do vote, then vote for their parent's political positions which are big, cosmopolitan, left wing authoritarian governments.. unless they're those mean, cruel white Hispanics who love republicanism and casual libertarianism.
Identity politics has been horrible for democracy, at best it's highlighted the groups too tribal for democracy. Only really authoritarian parties would do this because it's anti democratic.
Either you're a boring moderate or in reality too stupid to know where you sit. I'm just left of center but recent polls show me right of center, usually because they can't tell the difference between right wing and libertarian issue. That's recent though.
I'm basically about the government safety net, but not too much or else the people will get lazy.
You're not actually in the right thread to be quite honest brother of mine.
>if only we kept what gave us most cool inventions and civilization the way it is most effective.
>and basically got us to the moon
Im a nationalist
> Better than all the other countries ( Don't have to worry about my head being chopped off or rapefugees)
> Believe that we need totake care of our own before we take care of others
> Hitler did nothing wrong
>implying ethnicity and genetics don't influence culture
Only somewhat and then sometimes desirable changes to the culture take longer. Deep down, no one wants a shitty culture so they have a vested interest in developing a decent one, usually by educating and raising their children well.
African Americans refuse to accept there's anything wrong with their culture. They believe all criticism is racism.
> It's too easy to deny poor children a competitive education
American blacks has never gone over 20% functional literacy and it`s going down since reagan.
Pity is a dangerous drug.
> This is not left wing libertarian.
To start with, there is no left, right or center. There are the useful idiots, who wage terror. There are power-hungry opportunists. And there are people, who want nations to rule themselves with their collective will.
Second thing you have to, and it`s really easy to understand. Canceling democracy for corporate rule would just cancel the democracy. And after any kind of "anarchy" somewhy always comes the corporate state.
And the finest example of corporate state in the world was USSR.
Of course methods of ruling employees and planning are developing, some day AI will plan when you have to shit and when you have to fuck. Currently that would be a fantasy of a retarded nigger. Same kind as in early 20th century was locomotive bridges between skyscrapers. Imagine people abandoning republic for this. What would we say about them?
- What a fucking retards!
Africans have bad IQ genetics making it impossible for them to truly see themselves in any negative light. They think they're the best because they're literally too stupid to realize they're stupid
Classification is a part of punga rhetorical fighting tactics. If you can name your opponent with something simple like "left" or "right", "far" or "alt", then you can shit on the "left", "right", "alt", "etc.", not addressing anything meaningful.
Usually it`s used to bash others, but since nationalistic socialism end, it`s also used by socialists to distance from hitler, as if he was not a fucking socialist with all the terror and repressions. Not to mention, that he was anglo agent of influence along with stalin.
Yes, you can't "revolution" into a proper libertarian state. Australia basically accomplished this by using other western nations as hindsight and accepting their political advances.
Russia didn't do that because Russia stronk.
Keep calling me a fucking retard, it totally helps your case.
I don't care about IQ especially when that's mostly maths and logic abilities, you can still get low logical ability people to conform to a pacifist culture.