Are you pessimistic or optimistic in regards to the coming years?
Is there still hope or is everything lost?
Are you pessimistic or optimistic in regards to the coming years?
Is there still hope or is everything lost?
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I'm optimistic for my country and worry about you guys
>Even the Russians are invading
Worried, but not without hope.
The US seems fucked demographically, but at least we're waking up.
Europe seems fine demographically, but keeps going further and further beyond the pale.
>Is there still hope or is everything lost?
it depends on you germany if you go full retard again and decide to push your current political ideology to the wall we are fucked
on the other hand if you decide to take a level headed and moderate approach to things white people might die long and painless death as oppoused to be brutally murdered
so yeah we are fucked
My thoughts exactly fellow burger.
Codex on how to deprive a human settlement of their power and influence:
>And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
>Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
>So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
>Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
>Jewish Adventures II —Genesis 11:4–9
the US at least has the hope of our immigrants assimilating into our culture. Cant say the same for europe.
god is a pretty big asshole
[delusionz activated]
I don't believe in god. I believe that pragmatic approaches to destabilization are in progress and that the party to blame has a vivid sense of humour
a fictional asshole then
Even if the Occidental World crashes and burn, chaos is an opportunity that I will not overturn.
Optimistic Europe will eventually get its head out of its ass.
Pessimistic it'll take near collapse to do so.
I don't get this shit. I mean, Europe used to look at America and shake their heads over the race shit.
Now they start importing millions of foreigners with no ties at all to them, despite seeing the shit that happens with racial/ethnic tensions in the United States.
I just want Europe to be comfy again.
Pessimistic. The backlash against globalisation has come way too late.
Too many citizens very reliant on the status quo.
Aren't Germans normally pessimistic? I don't think hope will help much, because right now, the people of the west need to take action. Leaders are failing, the people need to pick up the slack and make a stand. Once we have done this, then I will have hope; but for now, no hope, only preparation.
There will be war in my lifetime, so I have a chance to go to the great hall, so optimistic.
>Sound I bid all,
>holy kin,
>high and low,
>sons of Heimdall;
>do you want that I, Valfödur(Óðinn),
>well to tell
>of ancient tales
>first, I remember
It is really needed, rampant pussies everywhere
We're fucked , lads.
>he is /ourguy/ if you only knew icelandic and mainland mongrel fishkike speak
>We welcome and want war
We welcome and want war
>We welcome and want war
The real deal
>notice the rhythm
It drives turks here nuts
>no no no what is this help stop it!
>I dunno what this is, but help, stop please right now!
it's in their blood too
Very powerful.
Blood memory
Looks like those Warhammer maps of projected tyranid invasions.
things are moving our way
media distorts polls and programs to make us think we are a minority who want our peoples to survive, but really it's at least 80%
>It drives turks here nuts
I can relate. Just like turk music drives me nuts here.