kek wills it
We all know it is.
It's a white male
>New Orleans
Probably black, probably drunk
>New Orleans
Don't get your hopes up. Most likely some drunk dude.
If my post is trips it was definitely a Muslim
Will it be an angry alt-righter, a mudslime, or just an old fogey with no business behind the wheel? LET THE CHAOS INTENSIFY!
> injured
>Implying any other group of people would do this
bump for OP
I have nothing to add, but this will probably be on the news.
>hoping for terrorism
stay retarded Sup Forums
It's Mardi Gras weekend. Alcohol being involved is a given.
>new orleans
He's black friendos, probably on bath salts or some shit.
They're saying it's suspected that it was a drunk driver. False alarm.
At least we don't lie about it though.
close but no cigar
cheered me up a bit
thanks m80
>mudslime plows into a bunch of degenerate gay Mardi Gras paraders
Why do we hate these guys again?
This is honestly Drumfs fault.
I was once a Drumf supporter, but I have seen what he constant hate and racist rhetoric has done to this country, and if we had stopped, these attacks would have never happened. Why cant love and acceptance win? This is why people take to the streets and riot, becuase there is no love!
KEK wills it to just be some drunk black thug who ran out of weed so he was out to get more and got lost.
It was a Buddhist
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
>CNN: Suspect Tariq Al-Fatir in custody
Old person accident. Kek
Already confirmed nog:
If doubles, it was whitey
no deaths, no happening
>killing degenerates is a bad thing
fuck off redd*t
What is wrong with you?
Very fake news
Probably just another drunken asshole. Who is muslim.
>no deaths reported
amerilards are lucky they are so shock-absorbent
Naw, def a nog
Mentally ill white nale
Fuck white people
Police Chief just gave interview and said it was a white kid DUI.
Further reinforcement that vehicles are factually more dangerous than guns.
Oh no
if ends in 27 its muzzi
shit i meant dubz
Checkd for 88 Kek
keke confirms its a white boy. i wonder what Sup Forums is going to say to justify this act of terrorism?
>not all white people
>b-b-but muh mental illness
>he's a hero
>he dindu nuffin, just a kid that made a mistake, he had affluenza
Coulter's law
Ok white people are crazy and violent.
There I said it. Are you happy? What do we do about it
Let's pretend it's Muslim instead.
confirmed for affluenza kid
seeing as how this happened in new orleans i doubt it'll just pass
Apart from posting dank memes do we actually do anything?
This is honestly Drumfs fault.
I was once a Drumf supporter, but I have seen what he constant hate and racist rhetoric has done to this country, and if we had stopped, these attacks would have never happened. Why cant love and acceptance win? This is why people take to the streets and riot, becuase there is no love!
You're a retard
A Muslim it is
Wait, there's no Muslims in New Orleans. Dammit.
Please be black
I may be retarded, but at least I'm not Canadian.
wrong image kek
Not gonna lie, former Mardis Gras partier here. This is fucking hilarious watching trucks crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy be identified as Muslim.
>New Orleans
It's a nigger.
wtf is that hole
Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Drumpf drive and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the keychain codes
I want 0 Muslims in this country
Why is no one else pointing out how that guy has a "3" tag on him & how that picture is professionally done?
I figured Sup Forums would notice these things.
its a street loo.
at the end of the day the whole town gathers and pushes the poo on the street in the big loo.
really nice i was there when they did it, very diverse experience.
Driver found
Coulter's law. The longer it takes them to name the race of an offender the greater the likelihood that the offender is non-white.
he's kinda cute
>this retarded larpfag is already trying to spin the conspiracy angle
kill yourself shill
>raheem kassam
Have Muslims just decided it's more cost efficient to plow into people with vehicles now rather than bombing them or are they just too simple minded to figure out how the technology works?
it took awhile to name that canadian mosque shooter, ans he turned out to be white.
>police do not suspect terrorism
I think that's it boys, usually they tell us they're not sure if it was terrorism when they don't want to say it was a Muslim being a Muslim
we had a similar, but smaller happening today in Heidelberg
2 people dead and some wounded. driver is said to be 35yo "German", that the police shot dead after attacking them with a knife.
The term "German" is nowadays without any meaning since any shit is able to get citizenship. Name of the suspect is still not known, but I would be stunned, if it would be a Martin, Christian or Otto.
He was a lone wolf bro, the dude was mental.
He was off his meds and had the glaucoma so he din see so gud, the crowd attacked him it was self defense, fuck niggers.
The only things that come to mind when I hear Otto are Doctor Octopus and Otto Strasser, you never know
Two in one day?
these digits confirm its a muslim
>New Orleans
Yeah guaranteed it was a dindu
I see a 9 and an 11 in there, looks like we were right
you never think about the capital of North Dakota?
Just another mundane day of "drunken nigger ape kills respectable people."
>drunk driver that crashes into a crowd. Wow its every satuday in New Orleans
It's a female dindu protesting that she didn't get enough beeds KEK WILLS IT
>part time performer in a New Orleans street jazz band
>lost home during Katrina
Screenshot this, it'll all be true
>thinking about North Dakota
Forgot they were a state tbqh
New Orleans resident here.
Good chance is was a drunk tourist.
Not gonna lie, former upvoter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sup Forums crash and burn. But in all seriousness Hitler did nothing wrong.