Post a more blue pilled website

Post a more blue pilled website

pro tip: you can't

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yep, you can't.

Everyday Feminism


You really can't, it's either there or fucking Quora. That shit is ridiculous

christ, this website makes me fucking angry

Read about white genocide there. And while you're at it, search the same question on Quora.
It really does depress you to read some of the bullshit they push

Do they still hate Jesus?


Kek i can't believe they actually call themselves "rational wiki"

fuck you, I'd forgotten about Roko's basilisk

Here come the nightmares.

I practice skepticism, however this naturally leads down so many rabbit holes it's not even funny. These stupid mother fuckers act so snarky on their half truths and omissions, I won't go near it and I won't use it for citations. I think a rabbit hole will make them cover their eyes and ears and make them sing "la la la la, not listening!~"

There is a point where you must take the skepticism goggles off and say "Holy shit, it's true" instead of naysaying "professional debunker" bullshit. I'd much rather spend my time on wikispooks.

remember, people peruse that site with the smuggest possible attitude.
and remember, people will send links to friends while telling them to 'educate yourself'

>tfw you practice skepticism and it starts out with atheism and ends up with white supremacist from just looking at the evidence

Basically, yes, absolutely.

Look what happened to 70% of lolbergs. All of them had to confront the race question after further immigration to the US, and the data is unambiguous when it comes to that. So much for the open borders dream, and good riddance

are these real arguments

Nope, you win


what happened to based metapedia?

its down...

>own a gastropub in dubbalynn
>get out blackie
>arrested for hate crime
at least we arent libertarians, fuck having control over your property amirite