Websites like this ( push a fattist agenda.
Fat people usually lean left because they claim victim status.
Absolute degeneracy.
Fat love
wew that filename
I'm on here (as are quite a few other Sup Forums users) it's a fun place to trigger lefties and pick up THICC hunnies
This so much.
These guys get offended by anything
not gonna lie shes hot but 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of fat/chubby/pawg/thicc girls are fugly as shit
I'd fuck her.
Your gay if you wouldn't.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel, fags, trannies, fatties, and nogs. They have a profound hatred of Trump and post shit about him constantly. It's so obvious they hate him because they are fat disgusting losers
The truth is that they want Trump's cock.
Fattist? That's a retarded word for these Biggers
>being that fat with such small tits
Way to lose twice in life
Also looks like a young Linda Blair
What a shame. You can tell she'd be a cutie if she hadn't put on that extra 300 lbs.
Pretty sure she's on there
I swear saw that girl on that site lol
To be she put on another 300
This is just as bad as those "before college, after college" pics. Mental illness really sucks
Eh, these people will go away when the collapse really gets going. They'll slim right up once they start standing in line for food at the grocery store, like they do in Venezuela right now.
I understand they've lost 20 pounds already down there.
Communism is the new fad diet