
We need more people like this to push free speech to the absolute limit and arent afraid to trigger feminazis

t. gay pedo

push pedophilia, homosexuality and degeneracy

yeah sure user

milo's an attentionwhore faggot but i like watching him trigger idiots

fuck off shareblue


op here yes he defends pedophilia with a poor choice of words. Yes it is disgraceful. However watching him trigger literally anyone is a work of art. He makes politics fun with trolling and just intentionally pissing people off. I haven't wanted to read a book in a long time as much as i do Dangerous. This my first post in Sup Forums btw


What did he mean by this?

I agree, until someone presents a better option.
>inb4 HURR DURR do it yourself
I'm not good at public speaking, and hate people in general.

Free him from what? His pedophilic man-boy love?


We still have Drudge

you're totally not trolling

I will support him when he outs the priest that molested him.


>free the kike pedophile promoting degenerate

No thanks scholomo


Fucking right! Milo is Kekworthy.

He made the biggest mistake you can make against SJWs, he apologized. No coming back for him.

>free speech
>I dont know what this is re-run

Don't forget... he was a victim.


Fuck Milo, he's never been anything more than a pandering cunt to fill his wallet.

so basically trumpanzees are emotionally unstable pedo nazis who hate everything including themselves. ok. i mean, if that's the way you want to portray yourself....


Milo can say anything he wants and it's free speech. Anyone says anything back "LOLOLOL TOLERANT LEFT!"

The Right is fucking pathetic

Feminists and SJWs are safe targets bro

He needs to take some minor time off and see a therapist about the damage that his molester(s) have caused him.

Is it true that Milo goes to parties where children are drugged and molested?

The right is pathetic but god damn they are no where near as bad as the left holy shit.