#ResistCapitalism trending

Twitter trending #resistcapitalism
gonna dump a few caps

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thats not capitalism, thats niggery

>Posted on from a smartphone

>could of been decently attractive dude
>become extremely ugly """"womyn""""



How do you get followers on twatter?

>tfw tweeting to the wind

> in USA some people are rich, some moderate and some poor
> in Venezuela everyone is fucking poor

Capitalism BTFO!


What, they're finally gonna stop buying those fucking iPhones?


>puts low-paid wagecucks on the same level as child slaves.

Holy fuck it's always about them, isn't it?

>resist capitalism
>while using Twitter
The irony is too delicious for words.


>a website/app
I don't think he knows what that word means.

i only have like 20. personally just btfo liberals and people see and like my tweets and decide to follow me

>call everything they dont like "violent"
>proceed to punch people on the street over a hat

to bad communist don't know what the American dream is.

too bad that's happening in 90% of venezuela and only 13% of the US

He isn't wrong.

>average Chinese factory worker was starving in widespread famines just like 30-40 years ago, while otherwise living on noodles made from bark
>implying this isn't a massive improvement


>man decided to make a device to allow people to talk to each other directly as a way to make money beating out the mailing service
>man decided to make a more compact version of the phone to beat out the rest of the competition
>companies constantly releasing expensive phones to beat each other out
>not capitalism because peoples labor made them
This means nothing is capitalism because everything requires labor to make.

WE should end capitalism, I'm sick and tired of being poor and all the people with higher IQ living better than me, it's so unfair!

Kek so your disgusting broke parents not changing the pipes in your 1930s house is capitalisms fault?

i have 14k followers on twitter and a soft posi twitter brand that sadly attracts #BLM and #feminist twitter like crazy, i have been low-key dosing everyone with red pills. this is my duty.

Fuck it I might as well embrace this shit and collapse the entire system. Then hope to rise up the food chain and become an Oligarch.

no, the socialist government not running acidic water through lead pipes is

>In a website administrated by a corporation
>In the internet, an invention created with auxilium from the private initiative
>Using a machine or device with pieces from different capitalistic companies

>orange juice on tap
I'm jealous.

So the learn - too dumb to learn - kill yourself cycle didn't work for it?

One shit city =/= an entire country on fire

systems dont make things. work/labor does.

Literally no argument

our education system has really failed us. unless that's what the democrats wanted to do the whole time. rip time to move to peru or chile

>nigger living in a nigger socialist city controlled by nigger democrats

Oh so the water rations have been highered again?

Gotta love socialism, sometimes giving us a little bit more than we usually get to hardly survive

>Three run down shitholes and a horrid pipeline system caused by democrat leaders is the reason why capitalism is bad
Leave it to commies to say something retarded


Why does this hashtag or something similar always come up every time something negative to the left tries to get pushed into trending?

Those are abandoned houses. Invest money in it and turn on profit.

But Communists would rather complain that others didn't do it.


looks like she could use a good butt-fukin

>Posting on a social media platform that collects their personal information unknowingly and then sells it for shekels
How can you fucking live peacefully with that level of hypocrisism?
Oh wait, they dont , they either suicide or go on degenerate habits to numb themselves of their nonsense... Must be a curse to be like them


>cant unionize or ask for better wages or put in prison for 14 years


theyre trying to bury the cnn leaks and malmo videos


>capitalism will never be sustainable, it seeks infinite economic growth within a world of finite resources

Unironically redpilled.

Commies do the same Comrade :V

>Cold War Part II

Where is McCarthy when you need him?

Seeking infinite growth is the best thing about capitalism. We have to get off this rock. Communism's "let's just equally divide everything in the immediate surroundings" attitude will doom us to death by gamma ray burst.

>niggers and commies saying stupid things
why do we need a thread for this?

Good ol' kike-programmed retards.
All of the fags bitching about this are free to move to communist countries, but they'd be the first killed under communist regimes.

>capitalism is bad

only keynesian economics seeks infinite economic growth and last time I checked that was mostly the left-wingers economic platform of choice. they are fucking morons twisted in a world of contradiction and delusion.

FUCK YES, We're taking Drumpf to the cleaners!

Star Wars taught us to rise up and fight the system right after we're done buying rouge one branded sweat shop merchandise!

#WeAreTheResistance !

How long have they had a commie emoji?

>what is an entry level positions

if your neighborhood had value you wouldn't have destroyed it


My first job ever was for 150 bucks/mo, a third of the minimum wage in my country at the time. I'm thankful for it.

These lazy faggots should get gassed

This. The answer is always more socialism to fix the issues created by socialism.

they're all shitskins

I guess kids in Africa should just start printing money to make their living. Or make their own Iphones.
Everybody can do that.

Can we bait theses tards into calling themselves communists? It would end this entire thing

I'm gay and I wanna bash these fags.

Lol its not like capitalism hasn't dramatically raised the standard of living the point where people like this can spend their days complaining in comfort.

honestly didnt like the threads in the front page. nothing happening tonight. figured this would be fun

You have faucets that dispense kool-aid? WHAT THE FUCK

>been dreaming of a life in america since my early teens
>years and years of hard work, studies and saving
>these commies now wants to put an end to what makes america great before I even reach the finishing line

The soviets unironically nuked an area full of tribal villages without telling them because it would cost too much to move them somewhere else
Stalin evicted tens of thousands to extract oil in the caucasus
The chinese genocided an entire ethnicity and continue to settle their lands to this day

>accuses everyone else of cherry picking
>by using cherry picked images
>criticizes capitalism
>on a capitalist platform with capitalist devices used for access
It's like the left are a case study on psychological projection.

>this makes me angry and laugh at the same tim




>man with makeup
>can't hide his mustache
>calls himself a femme
>calls his society fascist
>shows he hates capitalism by using makeup products he bought at a store
These people have zero self awareness.

but isn't this what trump wants to put and end to?

>calls out people for cherry picking by cherry picking

Oh, a Dominican. Wouldn't expect less from a subhuman. Doesn't he have heroin to sell?

>modern medicine was created by capitalism
>doesn't have the health care he wants
>decides to destroy the society that built it
>problem solved!

>The chinese genocided an entire ethnicity and continue to settle their lands to this day

and we'll do it again if the west cant sort the middle east out

I'm amazed that these fags thing they'd even be able to live in a communist state.

> I don't want opportunities to have a good future
> I don't want to rely on my own skills and goals anymore
> That's why capitalism failed me and you should just give me your money so we all can be poor.

Go to the south. There will always be enclaves there that resist the communists.

Don't those idiots realize that the European countries they praise like Norway and Denmark are social democracies?

Capitalism means that those workers can quit and find a better job if that's what they so choose


>go to any minority area
>capitalism resisted
guess we can hang up this hashtag


You're more than welcome to start killing the niggers and sandniggers, gooks. I won't stand in your way.

>Cherry picking poor neighborhoods
>Cherry picking pictures of memezuela

There shouldn't be any cherries to pick

>communists massacre all nonconformists
>capitalists tolerate differences because they want money
>so the nonconformists hate the group that permits them to exist
>while blaming them for the deeds of the group that does not permit them to exist
Makes perfect sense.


Well there aren't. We told the mexicans they have to go back.

>finite world
Bitch don't know about asteroid mining and colonizing the stars.