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Only gentleman can agree on binding notion of duels.
Savages will just attack you anyway when they lose.
t. Goliath
Let's select only the strongest, most brutal, ruthless combatants as our leaders, indpendent of leadership skill.
The we allow them to stake our entire nations on a boxing match.
Surely this is the better option
clearly the solution is that each nation must nominate a champion to fight for them
What if we still elected our leaders and thinkers
but each nations army consisted of a single "champion" that would fight the wars?
You're not getting it.
Do you think slimy chinks are going to honor the result?
what's the difference to civilians between a truce being decided on a champion fight to the death or an exhaustive war in the millions of casualties?
It's not like they would have fought either way.
I can think of many motivations.
Getting what you want
Having nothing to lose
Arms race
Do you even understand humans?
This could be the best way to re-instate nationalism. Tapping into the power of the goyim's fanboy-ism.
The kike bankers still win.
war became boring with the invention of gunpowder
why just 1 guy? Why not 16 men? Why not with an inflated pigs bladder trying to score points. Some sort of Blood Bowl?
Isn't this literally the plot of mortal kombat?
Why not Rollerball?
Germany btfo
No, I get it.
Even if you could honor it, even if the new rules were universally followed, it would have completely degenrage game play and strategy.
People can't think that far ahead though
Winning is winning. The loser stays dead.
Everyone should abandon nukes so we can have colossal world wars again like the good old days.
Cry more.
The Celts used to do this. The Romans made them stop.
Who dies?
We need a communist revolution and weed out every last globalist. Then walk away and live in happiness.
Thread clip
>Facebook political philosophy
You mean..the olympics
Right wing fagggots are so delusional
Putin is a manlet, he would probably be cucked to death by based KANG obongo
The wet dream of the USSR was to create a global communist order. Actual communism doesn't exist, it is just socialism in disguise.
Who cares mate. Give me another Stalin, purge those Bilderbergs. I'll be happy with my potato and vodka.
They stole their idea from All Quiet on the Western Front.
The Irish used to do that I think, the leaders or the champions of each side would duel and whoever won, won and the armies would accept it.
the fact that a nation got beaten into submission and if they don't honor the treaty they can get fucked in the ass again?
boy this sure is stupid, it's almost like it only takes a second to realize why this is a dumb idea that's fun to think about but would never actually work
> Give me another Stalin
You mean like you want to be sent to the concentration camp in Siberia, and then shot into back of the head when time comes?
lmao dude
Yeah screw freedom, let's have the state own everything and give us what they feel like.
Pinko scumbag, ask an Venezuelan how that's working out for them.
Yeah mate. Senpai would notice me. No magic tricks. Not like that current lizards in power.
Sup Forums starter pack: Literally anything that exists.. "BTFO!!AHAHHAHHAH"
Fuck off n kys.
Look where that got you. Free to do anything that changes nothing.
Too bad that would do nothing to resolve the reason to go to war, huh
So it would probably still happen afterwards
>freedom is bad
You can't even grow your own fucking crops to eat in venezuela or they come around and beat the shit our of you for stealing from the state.
How does giving more control to the fucking government get rid of the NWO you moron? Communism doesn't work, it's never worked and it's killed tens/hundreds of millions of people.
>How does giving more control to the fucking government get rid of the NWO you moron?
Depends who or what is in power.
>putin taller than obama
We used to do that here until the fucking Mongols tried to invade
people dont realize whites would conquer everyone immediately.