Why is it always white female + black male?
Why is it always white female + black male?
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Strong real men and beautiful girls.
because flacko has a strong cock
Why does Hollywood push the gay agenda? Why does the media push for immigration? Why does most of academia push feminism?
The answer is liberals. They are everywhere.
Because its what (((they))) want.
Its 100 percent engineered
In America, black men generally have a more athletic build than their white compatriots.
On college campuses, you generally see white men being average or sometimes overweight whilst black men commonly are lean muscular machines with hot white bimbos flocking to them.
Also, black American men have bigger dicks than white American men.
Population replacement.
The amount of cuck mentality ITT.....for fucks sake
Black males care more about their looks
I think you already know why, user.
ASAP is actually kind of the least niggerish niggers
White men are much more likely to bald than other races too.
Also, if a black man does happen to go bald, at least he'll still look good while white men usually look ugly as fuck once their hair starts thinning.
Whites on average are undeniably stronger than blacks
Imagine how much of a cuck you would need to be to write this
Black men raised in the same socioeconomic class are usually stronger and more athletic than white men.
>that creature on the right
I don't know about that.
I think it's more about insecurity. Anyone paying attention and observing what's going on at college campuses across America will notice that this is a reality.
You're insecure if you're not going to admit it.
Sure if you don't work out then you will be a weak bitch but that's your own fault. It isn't a race thing.
The answer is jews
So, the migrants tear down and vandalize entire city blocks, yet you fuckin pussies can't even destroy these fuckin race mixing propaganda adverts? It's fucking pathetic, no wonder white women have no respect for white men
Yes it is. Most blacks descend from slaves and white people genetically engineered a strong athletic black American race by killing the weak blacks.
Hell, some of them didn't even make it to America. A lot of weak slaves were thrown off the boat if they somehow managed to be bought in Africa.
>t. nigger
Black bitches are disgusting. Even niggers know this.
That black guy is gay as fuck
No. Blacks are more likely to be overweight.
Oh man blacks are so strong
Look at how many of them have powerlifting records.
That's not what I've observed on American college campuses leaf.
Because you focus on them. Stop getting triggered by this bullshit.
And stop watching blacked.
White man + black woman = colonialism in their minds.
Either that or the fucking jews.
Just cause you're a frustrated mouth breathing virgin, it doesn't mean you have to be so rude.
Because white men are so cucked only black dick can satisfy them, and they make great lovers also.
I've visited 2 threads so far on my bi-weekly Sup Forums visit and mostly I see people role-playing for cheap (yous). Is it always like this?
That's an interesting paradox considering science shows blacks naturally have more muscle fiber density plus more testosterone.
Black girls don't want small white cock. Face it, you call black girls monkeys and shit well guess what, these monkeys don't settle for no small white cock
That nigger is so fucking repulsive. Holy shit.
yet he's fucked a lot more girls than your mouth breathing virgin ass.
Women are more easily persuaded than men. So, if (((they))) want to push racemixing, its more effective if the propaganda is directed at women.
Because white pairings evoke envy to the modern deracinated quadroon consumer.
this is the same nigger.
Because all propaganda is aimed at women. Women are much more susceptible to group think, men tend to be more pragmatic and self-reliant.
is it "milk"? jesus
Because the advertising people consider the white man to be too powerful so they think "we must represent one man and one female. We can't have a white man. And we can't have two black people"
They aren't going to choose a black woman to sell their clothes because they are ugly.
The nigger is there only as an opposite to the whiteness of the woman so they can't be called racist for the white woman being the focus of the ad.
White men are much more likely to race-mix than white women.
That is a fact.
Black men and white women are the most gullible easily manipulated people on the planet.
Basically they're prime targets for propaganda aimed to destroy the white race with race mixing.
White men have no pity from white girls like me until you start disavowing nips and chinks
japanese girls are not "honrary aryans", they are the same subhuman tier as niggers and should be treated as such
if you want white women to stop like niggers, stop liking chinks and gooks
ugly ass slant eye anorexic bitches
Because nobody finds black women attractive
Race-mixing won't destroy the white race you insecure tiny-dicked inbred.
The only thing that can destroy the white race is the ridiculously low birth rate.
But how many aspire to be anything other than a ball player or a rapper?
Most don't even know powerlifting is a thing
That horse has a dick, and I don't think that's milk.
You're seem to actually believe what you say. You really are an idiot.
gotta wonder how small your penis has to be or how much of a frustrated virgin you have to be if you're fuming over an interracial ad.
Because Jews secretly hate white males, and do everything in their power to mindfuck and undermine them.
nah, with the amount of white men being race mixing degenerates, our race is doomed to no end
white men race mix 100x more than white women
i live in california and every fucking white male had a chink girlfriend instead of a white girl like me, when i have fucking GREEN EYES
maybe you fucks should stop being degenerate, it doesn't hurt them because theres over 500000 trillion of them, meanwhile you guys are breedng with every ching chong and spics you see, fucking disgusting
This made my night thank you
>12 posts by this ID
>39 posters and 54 replies ITT
You're one deluded idiot.
You Swedish inbreds sure are stupid.
If every single minority married a white person in every country, the white race would still prevail if white couples had a decent birth rate.
(((who))) is responsible?
This. Fking weak white males.
that's a rapper
>he fell for the nigger women meme
Enjoy them sucking the life out of you and your wallet while you support their 5 kids with different baby daddies. You think they wont cuck you? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Because they want a mix and hot black women are fucking rare
Americans for creating niggerworship, exporting niggerworship, and shunning non-niggerworshippers.
They need to have a white to appeal to the base, and women are the least privileged of the two options. To appeal to males they have to find a minority to fill that slot, so they cover all the bases.
They don't realize that white men are realizing this shit and not buying products advertised this way.
>Irish flag
>Irish penis size average 5 inches
>White men are much more likely to race-mix than white women.
usually black male/white female intercourse is forcible rape
Seems legit
kikes using subliminal messaging to out the white race.
You are a grade A cuck
How aware would you say blonde Swedish women are that because of their blonde hair and blue eyes they're the most attractive women to men from any race?
>white women push feminism and become generally horrible cunts
>start dating niggers because muh dick meme and rebelling against daddy
>white men give up on white women and go looking for asian women who are, apparently, more feminine
Top kek. Have you, as a group, tried not acting like cunts?
You don't know what you are talking about. White conservatives in the US are above replacement, ethnic Swedes are almost at replacement, the problem is that foreigners are far above replacement.
i'm white and my dick is 10" and isn't jew'd, fuck you worthless niggers
considering how gay and dorky the accents of white canadian men are, it's no wonder a lot of your are frustrated virgins
it's libs virtue signaling how non-racist they are and that's the pairing that causes the most racial tensions in the US
Prove it, idiot
You're just obsessed, you fucking cuck
Bullshit. Head shape matters more than skin color. Pin heads look bad bald.
We should lobby to take in East Asian refugees from the poorer places. You know women would be extremely vocal about how jealous they are of the asian women getting all the guys
I was just wondering that.
My girlfriend is actually mulatto. Don't blame me for being attracted to the sexiest biracial group on the planet.
Are you retarded niggers don't go to college the only ones that do are on sports programs so you have a skewed sample, go to the ghetto and you will find the crack addicts and obese niggers that make up the majority of them, I know you are baiting but shit you have come up with something better
>t. small dicked white guy who likes asian girls because they are used to small dicks
Yeah good thing I got my dad Italian dick ain't it
no. KYS racemixing kike
kek, too true
You should acquire a K-Aryan gf.
Yuck, and gross. Tell me how it could possibly be better to gaze into a completely black asshole than a nice, warm and inviting pink one whilst fucking?
Worlds Strongest Man competition is whiter than a domino. Long arms are good for jabbing. Terrible for lifting.
I thought canada was too cold for niggers.
Ok buddy, nice LARP there but anyone who has actually been to college knows that girls flock to 6'2" white Chads at the frat houses who drive nice cars and have access to daddy's money.
The dindus fuck around with fatties unless they are athletes.
are you seriously trying to argue that white men look better bald than black men do?
The guy is odd in many ways. Or he's just baiting.
You know like 98% of asian women dont look like that right?
what's a good place to see lots of chicks like this?
They're so cute. I know they all get plastic surgery, but still.
Nothing where they sing though, they sounds like screeching cats.
Best combination for low IQ outcome.
Then stop rejecting every white man that isn't a rich built 10/10 you fucking roastie. Also,
>Tits or GTFO
>inb4 buh posting muh tits on an annomyous website is dangerous and degenerate and will totally get me haxxed and doxxed ;((