Can I be degenerate and fascist at the same time?
I hate globalism, multiculturalism, socialism, etc. but I also like to spend my hard earned dollars on hard drugs, parties, and have casual sex with women (and men).
Can I be degenerate and fascist at the same time?
I hate globalism, multiculturalism, socialism, etc. but I also like to spend my hard earned dollars on hard drugs, parties, and have casual sex with women (and men).
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You're a nihilist, all you want is big daddy state to come in clad with leather and a whip to tell you what to do, because making decisions about yourself is so hard.
All fascists are degenerate.
of course, i mean it really is degenerate (at least HARD? drugs), but it's your choice
What if want to /be/ the big daddy? Does that make me an anarchoindividualist?
It makes me feel extraordinary pity for your gf bro, that chick is probably so fucked up.
I would love to live in a libertarian paradise but the reality is you need an authoritarian/fascist state or you'll inevitable fall to multiculturalism, socialism again.
>Can I be degenerate and fascist at the same time?
The Nazis did it
>I hate globalism, multiculturalism, socialism, etc. but I also like to spend my hard earned dollars on hard drugs, parties, and have casual sex with women (and men).
So a Libertarian?
Actually the only right-wingers who started this "drugs are degenerate" shit are Christfags. Real fascists had no problem with hard drugs and were open-minded and pragmatic about their benefits/uses.
>have casual sex
Fuck you. The other shit was forgiveable but having sex? Fuck you degenerate sexual revolution chad fucker
Libertarians are degenerate, they want daddy state to leave them alone so they can smoke pot all day.
Hitler was a degenerate too so the answer is yes
Libertarians are pro multiculturalism and globalism
I'm not particularly drawn to authoritianism, but isn't it a give and take? You serve to strengthen the group, and the group grants you authority within the order the group extends.
The identity of the individual and group blur and become one sort of thing.
As long as you're contributing to society, nobody cares what you do in your free time.
So you're basically a walking corpse. GLHF, that life is pointless.
You're a Libertarian conservative (also gay).
Okay, so a Hoppe-esque Libertarian.
>he doesn't have a dd/lg relationship
Please lad
You need that state nationalism to keep them foreigners nervous, eh? Keep the people marching in time so their steps can be heard far off and interpreted as "fuck off, we're full."
Sure, in reality I think most low IQ people wouldn't be comfortable in a libertarian state, since it's so reliant on self sufficiency, and they wouldn't feel good in a left wing libertarian state despite probably being comfortable. The ideal situation here is that high IQ and high ability people become attractive and more likely to breed. That is, unless an outside force promotes against this.
Expecting self sufficiency can have eugenic consequences.
Why yes, I do want people like you to fuck off, how very observant of you.
I see it as acceptable limits, the less authority or state you can get away with the better. The better standard quality the people are, the less "state" is really needed until it becomes this invisible entity that ensures poor kids learn to use computers and take their vaccinations. If the people are shitty though, then yes, you'll need a complete police state to keep order.
I think a real libertarian society takes time. Australia really lucked out, somehow the original European settlers accepted libertarianism relatively well.
Wimminz no liek me.
This is very true. Most people just want others to contribute and have some sort of agreeable influence.
Why make the world more miserable than it has to be?
Fuck no you can't be.
I'm a National Socialist dreadlock so why not?
I'd just recommend getting off the hard drugs as they're poisoning you and your countrymen with every purchase.
how is it poisoning countrymen
so hitler wasn't a fascist.
>user goes and buys some meth
>meth dealer uses that money to buy more meth to sell to other people
>those people could be anyone even kids
>dealer rinses and repeats the process
>he sells to junkies, kids, old ladies, soccer moms and everyone in between
>he literally sells them poison but it's cool because muh trip
>user literally helps his dealer sell poison to people
>but it's okay because he's not selling it himself
Who cares about those people tho?
Those people are your countrymen and you should care for them rich or poor.
"We don't say to the rich 'Give to the poor', we say 'German people, help each other'. Rich or poor, each one must help thinking, there's someone even poorer than I am, and I want to help them as a fellow countryman."--Adolf Hitler
It's their responsibility not to buy drugs not yours.
It is every persons responsibility to prevent poison from infecting the people with an illness that in some cases cannot be cured.
Better to have a society without poison and keep your people healthy for the future.
How would it personally benefit me if drugs were abolished from society. I don't do any drugs so im wondering how other people not doing them would help.
society will always have its useless drunks
False, some libertarians. You understand there is a lot of different ideas within libertarianism?
>Fuck you degenerate sexual revolution chad fucker
>Waahh I was born ugly please force women to pretend I'm just as good as the attractive men
You realize this mindset is at the heart of socialism right?
>they want daddy state to leave them alone so they can smoke pot all day
Actually, I just want all these drug addicts and STD ridden Chads to fall to the bottom of the hierarchy naturally without being uplifted through welfare and incarceration.
Didn't know that. I'm a socialist so I don't get into right-wing beliefs that often but I like to learn more about them
>wahhhhhhh i fuck women and don't want to be ashamed wahh wahh
You know you're basically a capitalist right?
That's what i want too.
>not all libertarians
oh boy here we go
If all government outside a "nightwatchmen" sate is evil how do you think you are going to enforce borders?
Sure, the Nazi party was full of degenerates. Just be sure to not oppose or be inconvenient to Der Fuhrer or you will get 'night of the long knives'd. Just like any other fascist government, enjoy your authoritarian government.
That's why you have open borders.
tomahawk heat seeking missles faggot
do you even technology?
the answer to libertarianism =ROBOTS
a robotic gov could never be corrupted and would never wish to expand its size as efficiency would be its main drive
You would never again have to worry about your children, friends, neighbors or family having to succumb to the menace of hard drugs destroying their lives figuratively and literally.
Are you saying you'd prefer to have the charismatic drug dealers pushing their products freely without recourse?
Because you are a retard confusing ancaps with liberatarians. Ancaps is just one of many ideologies within right wing libertarianism.
Rothbard opposed to immigration policies later in life. Hoppean libertarianism is everything more extreme on border protection.
You get on the helicopter.
Because drug prohibition has worked so fucking great so far.
You can, it just makes you a shitty fucking fascist, as what you're doing is making your country markedly worse for everyone living in it.
Authoritarianism is good tho
>worry about your children
I don't have children
I don't give a shit about them
Don't give a shit about them
I don't give a shit about my family
>having to succumb to the menace of hard drugs destroying their lives figuratively and literally.
Again I don't give a rats ass
>Are you saying you'd prefer to have the charismatic drug dealers pushing their products freely without recourse?
I'd rather have drugs legalized and taxed so instead of me having to give half my money to the government tit could be payed with drug addicts money.
>get on the helicopter
Fuck off fascist.
oh yes of course
I forgot "we don't need roads we have jetpacks"
classic libertarian autism
Society becomes far better when you discourage idiots from engaging in self destructive behavior.
Of course not every self destructive behavior can be banned. The question is "which behaviors are destructive enough to society they need to be banned"
Most civilized societies since the dawn of civilization for example banned murder for obvious reasons.
>Ancaps is just one of many ideologies within right wing libertarianism
a libertarian society can't enforce anything.
sure totally.
I'd expect nothing less from the country that makes a living on drug trade.
Prohibition doesn't work with drugs because it's not really enforced. The CIA still runs drugs behind the public's back and yet we arrest kids for small amounts of pot.
I'm not saying we should let the latter go. More than we either have a universal ban making it contraband for our country and enforce it in totality or we allow our countrymen to be poisoned by smooth talking con men looking to make money off their suffering.
social policy isn't terribly relevant if you are a misanthrope.
thanks for the input, antifa
This. Holy fuck have I met some edgelord tryhard Christfags. They won't even have a beer! Fuck them!
>I don't care about anyone other than myself
It really can't
How can you collect taxes without the use of force? If using force is fine than how do you philosophically complain about any government project (assuming the intent is to improve society)?
Just by having a military and using it to ensure order you are approving of the state.
how about stop being a cuck and letting literal no names dictate your life by making retarded threads like these
>Alcohol prohibition
Biggest example that you are wrong.
The only thing you are going to achieve with that is drive the prices higher (which wink wink means even more attractive corruption). You aren't going to remove drugs, only in your authoritarian fantasies this kind of magic "total" solution works, people will find a way. Tell me how you are going to do that on a national scale I want to laugh.
No you cannot be, the degenerate impulse are used by the elite to control you. wake up you utter faggot.
You are again confusing ancaps with libertarianism. Some believe in just small or smaller state not the absolute abolition of it. So yeah having state military is absolutely possible.
>and men
seriously op are you really going to let someone like this have any real influence on your lifestyle at all? you know you only made this thread because you are an attention whore
Being against alcohol is largely a protestant practice. When the only person you answer to is god it's hard to make excuses about your actions. You should look up the concept of the Protestant work ethic that largely shaped behavior in the Anglo world.
Catholics on the other hand never really banned it.
On the other hand Islam has always banned Alcohol (of course full bans are really practiced)
Post a source for that factoid.
This, essentially. Degeneracy isn't a 'victimless crime', it has subtle ripples.
Yes, those who most fastly adhere to an ideology are typically the least likely to practice it in private. Hypocrites are everywhere, just look at all the kiddie fiddler politicians saying, "Won't you think of the children?"
You stop pussy footing around and actually arrest people.
We have the capabilities to take pictures of a fly on your shirt from space, monitor every American from a small device in their pocket, scan huge areas with drones and have cameras literally everywhere.
Alcohol prohibition didn't work because they didn't have an efficient way to monitor the people. Now we do.
There are 2 steps to removing this kind of degeneracy from a society.
1. Remove the source of the poison permanently.
2. Normalize abstinence from known poisons in your society instead of enabling it.
>tfw hate all forms of degeneracy and have never taken any kind of mind altering substance, gone to a party or had casual sex but also hate all forms of facism, authoritarianism, globalism, multiculturalism and socialism
>>tfw hate all forms of degeneracy and have never taken any kind of mind altering substance, gone to a party or had casual sex but also hate all forms of facism, authoritarianism, globalism, multiculturalism and socialism
Hi, Dad
just don't have gay sex or be a pedophile and you're ok
An ideal 'libertarian' society would consist of people like you.
>Can I be degenerate and fascist at the same time?
Sure. Just be a neo-Nazi.
Fuck I'd bury my Nazi cock so far in those Neo-Nazis titties she'd be reciting the 25 points for 14 days and 88 nights.
You can't really apply some of these things nationwide without spending a shitload of money on surveillance. It may work but we are entering fantasy levels of government planning and suggesting there would be no backlash or ignoring that the profit from drugs would become so high that it will just keep happening.
>Remove the source of the poison
Like how? For example coke, make the plant extinct? Nuke Bolivia? Again fantasies.
>Normalize abstinence
You may actually reduce usage, read about political positivism, but I doubt that's gonna stop people from promoting on a microscale something that in your authoritarian fantasy already has a considerable price (underground scenes and such).
I wasn't talking about changing our current surveillance programs to accompany this. We already have this level of surveillance in the US. People literally walk around with the best source of surveillance in their pocket.
>Like how?
You find the drug dealers, their leaders and any local affiliates and either kill them or arrest them. We can't control what other countries do but we can stop it coming into ours.
Price be damned. This is the exact problem with people now is they think money before country. Cost means nothing when compared to the longevity of your people.
>protestant work anglo ethic
more like being a stuck up fucking cunt who isnt even cool enough to drink a god damned beer on their depressing as fuck hellhole island
jesus fuck
Murder isn't self destructive
I may be a misanthrope but you are a very evil person
>I want to bully others
stfu whore
It's because of apathy towards society that our world is so fucked up my friend.
I'm sorry that in leafland you don't know what it means to have pride in your country.
Remember that the world doesn't revolve around you and grow up a little.
So... what the DEA did before becoming a corrupt organization (again thanks to immense profit from drug trade). You are going in circles.
It's dumb when it's already proven that decriminalization and legalization reduces usage, examples: your own country with weed, post alcohol prohibition and cases like Portugal. It's fucked up that people think putting people in jail just for using drugs is okay. I get the case for the dealers, but for the users you are just making more fucked up people.
No actually, it's the government caring so much about how non-degenerate society is and trying to ban anything degenerate is why the first world is so fucked up.
Because you wouldn't have to deal with people who are addicted to hard drugs all the time. Living in proximity to people who are a net loss to society is obviously going to lower your quality of life as well.
Ever lived in a big city? Tons of ruthless drug addicts everywhere that are constantly stealing shit and killing people for more drugs. Explain to me how removing them or preventing their addictions in the first place isn't going to raise general productivity, social trust, and efficiency in society which will include the extended benefits of those things for you?
yeah sure thing genocide white people!!!!!
Drug laws in general were more lax at the time because people didn't know too much about the side effects, addiction or mental health at the time. That being said I still think prohibition isn't the answer.
You're totally not trolling
>Because you wouldn't have to deal with people who are addicted to hard drugs all the time
No one does drugs anymore and nothing changed about society
>Ever lived in a big city? Tons of ruthless drug addicts everywhere that are constantly stealing shit and killing people for more drugs. Explain to me how removing them or preventing their addictions in the first place isn't going to raise general productivity, social trust, and efficiency in society which will include the extended benefits of those things for you?
I've never even been offered drugs. Drugs don't really exist anymore unless you live in a really really shitty trailerpark and in that case at most there is weed. And guess what life still sucks.
Users have a sickness and should be taken care of with therapy and help.
Dealers are the ones we need to focus on.
The DEA did become corrupt BECAUSE of drug money. Eliminate those members who accept that money and there you go.
So would you want decriminalization of ALL drugs?
How the hell can you say you know what's wrong with the world when you yourself have said you don't care and therefore know nothing of their suffering?
That's the most backward ass thing I've ever heard.
>herp derp fuck everyone I don't care
>b-but the people I don't care about are fucking up the world by outlawing things that are bad for us
>so I know better because I don't know any of them and don't care
>as such I'm going to tell people how the world is fucked up even though I don't care
Oh and my favorite part.
>WW2 was totally started because of the outlawing of degenerate things
>Operation Desert Shield
>How the hell can you say you know what's wrong with the world when you yourself have said you don't care and therefore know nothing of their suffering?
If you actually care about shit you will never know anything about the world ever
>the world is fucked up because apathy towards society
how did that cause ww2 dumbass?
>No one does drugs anymore
You're retarded if you actually believe this.
And yeah I think drugs should be legalized, taxed, and ENCOURAGED to everyone so we won't have to pay income tax.
I've never met a person who's been on drugs ever. Most of these stats are manipulated by the DEA to get more funding. Or the other explanation is because about 0% of people did drugs in the past so it's going up due to the 1% of sketchbags in ghettos that neither of us will ever see in our lives.
>spend my hard earned dollars on hard drugs, parties, and have casual sex with women (and men).
Into the oven you go. I'll never understand why people do this to themselves.
Just like the original Nazis!
>and men
>If you actually care about shit you will never know anything about the world ever
>If you care about something there's nothing you'll learn about it just look at Tesla, Einstein and Galileo!
>how did that cause ww2 dumbass?
The Polish didn't care enough about their people and as a result didn't negotiate with Hitler for almost 6 years. Even though the people of Danzig would've been happier under German control the Polish DIDN'T CARE. They would rather watch their countrymen die and ally themselves with the Russians who later betrayed them than care about the longevity of their people. They even had the chance the day the German blitzkrieg stood outside of Warsaw for 24 hours but they didn't give a fuck. They didn't care if they lost way more people than they would've by just giving Danzig back so long as they got what they wanted.
Which they didn't.
Well i do care about one thing, making money for myself so what would make me the most money? Taxing drugs and banning income tax so i don't have to fund the government, druggies do.
Once again you care only for yourself and have apathy towards anything contrary.
You truly are a sad little leaf with a small world.
Because it's fun, and if you don't do it all the time it's not any worse for you than the occasional big-mac
I'd rather be selfish than be a sick control freak.
Nah, I sell drugs to pay for my drugs
Yes. You are among the most absolute worst pieces of filth I've ever seen on this site.
Being selfish is what causes sick control freaks.
That's literally the basis of every warlord in history. Greed and apathy.
You don't care if men die beneath your boot or starve in villages so long as you have all the money.
You literally embody everything that fucked this country up. You don't care who it hurts so long as you get what you want. God forbid if someone dies from a decision YOU made because it didn't effect you.
Nobody who is apathetic towards the world can ever truly do anything for it.
Lets name some awesome people throughout history that cared about something more than themselves.
>Every American founding father
Pretty much every person who has done anything of merit had the interest of more than themselves at heart. Fuck even Hitler cared about his people.
No, true dictatorship spawns from dictators wanting to improve the lives of people around him
"altrusim is the cause of every evil" - Ayn Rand
Literally any noble person was selfish
- Edison
- Rockefeller
No altrusitic person besides awful dictators are remembered
Milo is that you?
Not even close.
Executive order 11110.
>Nelson Mandela
>Da Vinci
>Alexander the Great
>Karl Marx
>Marie Curie
>Pretty much every communist leader or philo ever
>Joan of Arc
>Mother Teresa
You're vastly outnumbered and you have it backwards. Selfishness promotes not serving the people around you which makes you a dictator. Because your word has to be law.
I can pick quotes to fit my argument too. Altruism is the only way a society can function as humans are social animals.
You're just a selfish dick.
Executive ordder 11110 was very selfish because it gave unlimited power to the FED which probably paid him
All the people you named were very selfish. And dictatorship is ALTRUISM because you believe it's for the "greator good"
You're just a control freak