I'm a Trump supporter but even I think its really weird that he is always touching her. Do you think he ever molested her?
Why is Trump so handsy with Ivanka?
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I hope so. That would be hot.
Probably spied on her in the shower and stuff. Dreamt of molesting her but never actually did it, uses handsiness as an outlet to those urges.
>Ooh Daddy take me
Why can people like you vote?
Stop reading hentai
idgaf if he fucks his daughter, as long as he MAGA
Who wouldn't?
> why does a father touch his daughter?
Humans show affection with physical contact, you degenerate subhuman shill.
>opens up with claiming to be a Trump supporter
>no actual Trump supporter opens up a statement claiming to be a Trump supporter
This is for you
"Fuck me daddy"
-Ivanka Trump
>that father is showing affection, is he a insestuous pedophile?
Sometimes north americans are so fucking autistic
Not only his a corporate establishment politician, but also a corporate establishment pedophile rapist. Wouldn't be surprised if he raped her with Bill the Jeffery, they're all in on this whole thing together.
Hes saying back the fuck off
>Fuck me, Mr. President
>Shilling this hard
> TrumpMolestationThread56(remove title before posting)
He's providing the strong and masculine father figure that daughters so desperately need so they don't turn into degenerate whores - I don't see anything wrong with Trump's parenting.
Permanent obedience is obtaining by being physically domineering, not verbal conditioning to attempt to obtain temporary obedience.
I would be worried if she looked uncomfortable/creepd out, but she always looks pretty relaxed.
I am sure he didn't stop at just touching. Pretty sure Ivanka made plenty of trips to the abortion clinic because of him.
OR maybe he is just close with his daughter and the touching is innocent despite what a bunch of angry perverts on the left think.
Seriously, you guys couldn't touch your daughters shoulders without wanting to fuck her?
It just figures that A FUCKING LEAF is being paid to shit up Sup Forums by ShareBlue. Dems can't even hire Americans to do their shitposting for them.
Is it my imagination or in every picture of them together does she look kind of like she fancies him?
it's the look of a daughter that loves her father
ITT: People raised by single mothers.
Pretty funny coming from you guys. The whole reason guys don't teach K-12 is because they're afraid to be called a pedo.
Trump has a healthy relationship with his children. You all never had that. That's why you are posting here on a Saturday night.
Certified shill or simple shit posting?
It's almost like he's her father and she respects him. Like they have an intimate relationship like kids and parents should have? Yeah, must be incest. I can see how someone who never had a real respectable father could think that.
He is her mentor.
Trump has talked about how he would take Ivanka to business meetings so she could experience how to make good deals.
He's called her a hot piece of ass, talked about how she'd have great tits when she was a baby and bragged about having sex in common with her whatever that's supposed to mean.
He's flown on Epstein's pedoplane to babyfuck island numerous times. I don't think it's way out there to assume he's probably fucking raped some kids in his life. The thirst is clearly there.
Based jap
Because she was born to a different father in a different time line apparently and they were dating.
Jews molest their daughters.
Drumpf is no different, it is expected of him.
You happy now, Goy.
you are fucking dumb
Fascists are all fucked in the head, no suprise here
He knew about Pizzagate from the start. He always kept her at an arms' reach because he knew what those fucks are capable of. It's still a force of habit.
I'd be more worried if he didn't
Ok, ok, this one made me kek.
What's facist
I don't like how he has given Ivanka and her husband, Jared, so much power and access at the White House. They need to go back to NYC and run their businesses and leave running the country to President Trump and his people. I just do not trust Ivanka and I definitely do not trust Jared.
Even if they did do some shit together, she has her eye on another man now.
Nice filename faggot.
>TrumpMolestationThread56(remove title before posting).jpg
Realize now that you are a bigger faggot than the average retarded faggot.
Honestly, this is the way that most women look at that leafy faggot.
id fuck the jew out of ivanka.
>why is he affectionate with his daughter
Jared helped win him the election. Jared is, for now, a good kike.
>Jared helped win him the election.
So says the fake media. I do not believe it for one minute.
>that filename
>that flag
She's just jealous of his hair.
>Has to constantly tell her dad not do make retarded policy moves
I'm sure she respects him immensely
Japs always savage AF
wtf i am an art collector and pizza enthusiast now.
>morons still falling for the filename meme
Because i'm not from Argentina.
Stop wasting your time with these shill threads
Come watch tv with Sup Forumslacks instagib.tv
I think hes just proud of himself for making something so fucking hot. Also, who else stiff4tiff here?
Oh shit thats actually pretty hot
Who are you? Woody Allen.