What's wrong with Japanese culture Sup Forums?

What's wrong with Japanese culture Sup Forums?

Why do they work all the time? Why do they not want to reproduce?

Can it be changed?

Or will their country slowly die off?

Other urls found in this thread:


Half of this looks fake.

Japan needs more immigrants.

Get lost


NO pics of Hiroshi tanahashi or jushin thunder liger
Your NJPW thread failed

>Why do they not want to reproduce?

1. Extremely high societal expectation of what parents must be able to provide to a child.

2. Women expected to give up work after childbirth

3. Very few men make enough money to pay for the insanely high cost of rearing a child to the level expected by social norms

Japanese people don't have kids because they don't want to be seen as deadbeat losers, basically.


It (life) is all about cock size. They do whatever they can to avoid facing this fact. Things have been getting worse for them over the years. In 1980, the average cock size in America was 6 inches, and now it's 8.


You need to hear the headbutt. It is brutal. I don't have the link, so hopefully someone else will post it.

japan is doing fine stop talking shit you stupid weeb faggot

If Japan is a eight of what OPs gif shows...I love Japan ;)

Men>Women 4ever4always

different to OP

What's the story? Why wasn't it stopped? They must have known. You can literally see the difference.

should've knocked out some of them snarly ones

It would suck to be female. You lack the ability of males and have to carry their disgusting seed inside you, there won't be women soon.

wheres the source on OPS webm

Not really, some females are very highly praised.

It's pro wrestling, you fucking weed. That's Minoru Suzuki vs. Most Dangerous Kana.

I found it. At about 19:35. also the image I posted was from Act Yasukawa vs Yoshiko. You have to watch that to believe it.


Being cummed inside and having to carry around some faggots abortion has to be pretty bad I'd imagine.

she should've wore something more provocative to remind the men her true place

Thank you
1:26 whelp thats her fault.
>we are fighting
>I can show you now
>who is boss

>Oh shit this is a fight not society they are allowed to fight me back and I cannot cry to the police

Hope no.

That way, you stupid faggots will have to shut their mouths when you run out topics to talk shit about when the common factor that revolves around them is no more.

Japanese female wrestlers are insane people anyways

I don't understand the meme about flat feet.

That match also took place in her own promotion and she told Suzuki to stiff her to high hell to show she's tough enough to hang with a former Pancrase champ

From what I've read on the match, Kana is a huge fan of Suzuki and his wrestling style, and when she got the chance to work with him in a match, she personally asked him to beat the shit out of her, and was excited to get the chance to do it. When it comes to Act Yasukawa and Yoshiko, that was just a whole shit show. Act almost went blind and had to retire, Yoshiko was blacklisted for only three months before being allowed to wrestle again.

We really need to help push feminist agenda towards "diverse" wrestling.

Totally worth it. Just watching this makes me jealous.

I agree, but only because I'm a degenerate.

>at first I was like..

jap culture is good,especially the conformity over individuality. the only problem is the very rrow birth rates.

>Low birth rate
>A problem

Good goy

>rrow birth rate
>popuration riterrary dies away
schromo shekeruburgu, prease

Why don't you go eat some garbage or something

You are not degenerate, this is equality ;)

you cant just eat raw garbage.
he needs to cook the garbage before eating it so he won't get cholera. its also an indusrty like chinese gutter oil.
they dont do it up to this day tho, they now recieve welfare bux so they can eat clean food.


>notice how the bull asserts his dominance over the cow, by flapping his right fin repeatedly over her fore-plumage.

>Another male approaches at attempts to lure the bull away to mate with him, but the bull isn't having that faggotry today.

>A second cow attempts to lure the bull into to copulating, and the bull, seeing his opportunity to spread his seed among a growing harem, sends her to the corner of his nest for later pairings.

this is now a domestic violence thread


It isn't about equality for me at all. Pretty much the opposite, really. Women being put into wrestling matches they can't possibly win and all that.

Was Shawn Michaels red pilled?

Also based Tajiri.

Women are women no matter how old

Yep. And the other half looks not real.

Please post more.

So your saying Men are the superior sex?

Most of my stuff isn't converted to webm. Sorry, fag.

Men in Japan need to be let loose, just like white men in the west.

Maybe its bloodlust or maybe its just lack of sex or societal pressure, but men are fed up and dropping out.


>mfw talking to a grill online who wants me to do this to her

life is good brahs :^]]]]]]]]]]]]

Same for a lot of whites.
With the added:
>inability or lack of desire to maintain long term relationships in our modern culture
>rampant hedonism/narcissism
>taught since grade school that the world is over populated
>white people are the source of all badness, inequality and misery in the world

>rubbing someone with fiberglass insulation


he's a pretty big guy in that ring



you got me with that file name

it's fake you retards

>headbutting the top of someone's head
they're slapping the shit out of each other but that's about it.

the backyard shit is real because rednecks are fucking retarded and kill each other

the Japanese stuff is just well choreographed but not dangerous if done correctly.

They gotta earn that $20.

You always lose with a headbutt. Doesn't matter where it is or how choreographed it is. Headbutts suck.


WTF they have men fighting women?!

not much of a fight it's generally the girl agrees to get flung around, maybe she fireman carries him at some point, but it's just mutually-agreed abuse with limits.

if you see what he does, it's a pretty soft kick but legos are pretty sharp.

I never understood the appeal of abusing women

You'll never get that shit out of your system until you get in a fight with a guy bigger than you and win.

Smacking around a girl, there's really no catharsis. They're weak and don't know how to defend themselves.

It's about as satisfying as abusing a dog.

muffin top aftermath

How do you know how satisfying it is to abuse a dog?

I'm sure everyone's done it to some extent as a kid

>grab dog by the ears

>it yelps and cries

>you feel bad about it forever