Sup Forums laughs at libertarians a lot, yet the single greatest place on earth, to this day, is still Hong Kong. It was a libertarian social experiment, probably the most successful social experiment in human history, yet no country wants to repeat it? Why is that Sup Forums, or why don't you think Hong Kong is a masterpiece?
Hong Kong was a libertarian master piece
Highest economic freedom of any country in the world
>it was a libertarian experiment
Go on....
>why don't you think Hong Kong is a masterpiece
It is part of China. And if you think the lack of free speech and lack of government representation is "libertarian", you've a twisted idea what libertarian means. You can get "disappeared" for dissenting against the mainland government.
Highest personal and economic freedoms in the world.
Does Hong Kong even have roads? How are its ROADS?
China is an issue, the umbrella movement is attempting to curb it, doesn't change the fact it is still, after nearly two decades of chinese rule still the most economically free country, and probably the most socially free country in that part of the world.
I dont see the problem with this.
Infrastructure is still great user, no need to worry about your roads
It was done deliberately by the Brits to be te polar opposite of communism, in the hope that in 1997 Hong Kong would force the end of communism by example, unfortunately china saw through this and created the two system policy. This ensures communist slaves would manufacture and hong Kong would act like the capitalist business front for the regime.
Asians are easy to rule over. North Korea will probably be an eternal dictatorship because no one there is courageous enough to revolt.
They also aren't burdened by muslims, shitskins, and Africans.
They are not a libertarian society, but rather, they are the most libertarian economically.
The Chinese bubble will burst soon... and this little island is still good for decades.
But are there still chinks? Its not a true success unless there are people with working eyes.
To be fair the north koreans can't revolt. The army has guns and the farmers are lucky to have steel farming tools.
China was forced to agree that Hong Kong would remain unanimous otherwise the brits weren't going to give it back. It's only recently that China has been pushing Hong Kong backwards and very few of the citizens support it.
Sorry, fellow "Viking". But you're very wrong... asians are easy to rule??? I suggest you go study history.
Why was it an economic powerhouse when the British had it then ? It was and will continue to be an economic powerhouse with libertarian policies, personal liberties may suffer with China at the helm however.
Autonomous, you fucking sparkle.
You mean a British Colonial Masterpiece!
Autocorrect, Phone peasant here
When you say "Hong Kong" you're referring to a lot of different enviornments.
Are you talking about central/kennedy, kowloon, or what?
You could argue that the British legal system played a large part in the success of Hong Kong. It formed a very solid foundation for the country.
Sup Forums laughs at ancaps a lot, yet the single greatest place on earth, to this day, is still Somalia. It was a ancap social experiment, probably the most successful social experiment in human history, yet no country wants to repeat it? Why is that Sup Forums, or why don't you think Somalia is a masterpiece?
Hahahaha no one cares you irrelevant shit
The entire place, Kowloon was a dump but it isn't as bad now. I still find the Kowloon walled city very interesting. Wouldn't have wanted to live in it, but it would've been incredible to walk around in.
Speaking of irrelevant, isn't your country running out of money in a year?
Yeah kowloon is or was a hevkuva masterpiece. Also I enjoy walking in a city full of blue pilled gweilo being hawked at by street vendors while the mainlanders BTFO of hygienic standards I take for granted as a westerner
Actually, Somalia is the result of a failed socialist government.
I'm pretty sure op means the hundred years the British control it
>can you tell me the exact street where the prostitutes are
Thinking Niggers could ANCAP, come on now
Hey burger brain! Are you so bluepill to think that Somalia = AnCap?
are you so cucked by your government that you think anarco-capitalism is something serious?
I personally like Kowloon, it has a lot of character but maybe that is just me LARPing some oriental fantasy
Explain how it isn't
YES, Hong Kong is amazing. Too bad they demolished Kowloon Walled City, one of the most fascinating places ever.
Somalia is to ancap like North korea is to a democratic republic.
>living in a meme country
>calling others irrelevant
eh, if you're white you probably wouldn't want to go there, the triad targeted tourists who went in. full chinese and fuck i wouldnt even go in there.
sure, just a moment. can you give me your moms address?
It actually was incredible, the mainland chinese could only live in that small boundary. They saw the prosperity in Hong Kong and all moved to live in that small area. Think about how terrible it would've been in communist china that moving to the walled city was better. 1.2m people per square kilometer. It is fascinating, probably not somewhere I would want to live but as I said before, I wish I could've visited it.
One of the great cities of the world. Sad to see it fall into the hands of the Chinese.
Ok, that's it, I'mma dump what I have.
koreans are basically the latinos of asians. they're a mix between chinese, japanese, and tribes indigenous to the korea peninsula.
I think it's a worker ant phenomena.
Do you see Japan? Apparently the average Japanese has no problems with 12 hours work day.
The suicide rates are going through the roof, and yet you don't see any revolting against it.
On the contrary, some of them seem to want to work that much.
How can this be?
I don't see this happen among the other races.
In China they also put people in factory cities, and I heard strange things about the workers only being allowed to visit their family 1 time a year for a few days.
No revolting here either. Just a lot of suicides.
Don't you think that's worth a point?
I wish we still forced mainlanders to live in a cube
It is sad. I don't understand enough of the political climate of hong kong to talk much about it though. I know about the umbrella movement but I also know there are local hong kongers that want to stay with China, mostly because if they leave China, they might have all business ties cut with China which would be devastating for the country.
Maybe Hong Kong bro can fill us in
Australians are losing their edge
its a mixed bag. brits built us up to the incredible standard, but being the trade hub for china drove us even higher. the influx of business, cash, and tech that can't or wont exist in the mainland is why we can do things like expand the MTR constantly.
under the brits we had freedom, but an absentee government. it was good and bad. under china we still have freedom, occasionally the leash is yanked (like with the sexy senator last fall), but we have made a shitload more money.
imo we would be best autonomous, like taiwan or singapore. there are groups in beijing that want to cast hongkong off, since shanghai has become a big trade hub they arent so dependent on us, but its really up to the polits to decide, and until the old ones die nothing will change
Br bbq bro, I understand, I still find the whole thing fascinating. Think people chose to live in those conditions rather than on say farmland in mainland China. The people in the walled city came with nothing and built themselves up with no government assistance at all. It is truly a testament to the human condition. It is also an architectural wonder, theoretically the Kowloon walled city should not have been possible yet there it was. They still study to this day how the city could have possibly functioned.
And this classic pic.
looks comfy as fuck a true ancap utopia
Apparently there were parts of the city where you couldn't even see the sky.
I don't know if people realize this, but it wasn't that long ago, when the West didn't do business with communist China. None of our goods made over seas came from China. Go check some vintage electronics, toys, car parts to confirm. I think the world will do fine if China hits the wall.=, and goes belly up. In all actuality, we are doing them a favor, as their manufactured goods are no where near the quality once seen from Japan, HK, and Taiwan.
Kowloon Walled City is the closest thing we have to a true AnCap society, and remarkably it wasn't *that* bad. I mean, yeah, the place was one bad fire away from a total holocaust, but keeping in mind how many things were working against them, it's amazing that they had a fully functional society and that people were moving there in masses. Compare that with any attempt at "true communism" and it's nothing but failure.
The most important thing to a libertarian society is that individuals respect each other. Small/no government doesn't work when we're talking about Africa, but it can suit whites and Asians just fine.
it was the closest thing the world has had to an arcology
Ironically it kind of was. The standard of living for the mainland chinese was such much better in Hong Kong this monstrosity was created by them. I wouldn't personally want to live there but it is a testament to capitalism when you would rather live in a place like that than live under a communist regime.
And it's still happening nowadays. Remeber those people living in dog cages, some sites covered the story a couple of years ago? They are also escaping mainland China. It really makes you wonder what kind of living conditions are worse than living in cages...
I want to repeat it using southern alaskan islands but I need like 10mil dollars of seed money before I can even think about attracting businesses.
Please give me a working visa hong kong bro. Should I start learning mandarin or Cantonese
Mandarin. Cantonese is only good if you want to talk to old people
This is fascinating.
Are there any good books about Honk Kong's history and economic policy?
It is the people who create policy.
It is difficult for policy to create people.
ie - not all races have the iq to achieve sound economic systems.
You are not fooling anyone honger. Go back to where you came from.
Is it an IQ shredder? Libertarian places seem to have a problem with longevity without replacing their populations.
>libertarian paradise
Hong Kong has:
Universal Healthcare
Subsidized transit system
Free schooling
Free childcare for low-income families
Income Tax
Hong Kong is a SOCIALIST paradise
Unsure, I do know Friedman wrote a lot of papers about it, might be best to try and find some of his work and go from there.
I am Australian, I have been told by a few people Australians have a decent presence over there. I just find the place fascinating. Libertarians wet dream really.
reminder that somalia actually has better cellphone and internet infrastructure than it's socialist neighbors because the free market does it lmao
>asians aren't courageous enough to revolt against their rulers
wew, someone knows nothing about asian history
I am unsure of those claims, maybe hong kong bro can shed some light. Regardless Libertarian societies are those that have minimal government and minimal taxation, not a complete absence of both.
Sup Forums knows very little about asians. I blame those jewish shills that occasionally post anti-chinese threads
How much for a second heart?
>Subsidized transit system
It's the only thing that makes sense for them.
What the fuck, do you want everybody in Hongkong to have their own car, and parking lot?
That's not going to happen. That's a bad system for HK.
>hong kong
Mate are you fucking off your nutter? You're probably thinking freedom = libertarianism or something.
nigga if you play vidya you need to play Sleeping Dogs
Aren't all the mainlanders moving there now and fucking it up?
If you can name a more libertarian society I would be happy to hear it
Every country can't participate in the race to the bottom that was Hong Kong. Works well on a small scale when you have two very rick states as your neighbours.
Freedom to get raped by China you mean
It's just a high-freedom society. Memes aside, plenty of countries with high government intervention have high freedom. After all, Hong Kong is still literally part of China. Just because freedom is the goal of libertarianism, doesn't mean that's the result.
>umbrella movement
>Chinese government brutally represses and controls the population
>in response they hold colored umbrellas
wow what a beacon of freedom
It's still socialism though
Despite having one of the most authoritarian, freedom hating regimes having control of it for nearly two decades I think it's doing very well to still be considered one of the freest places on earth.
>White beta english teacher
I wish japanese IP's would be blocked from Sup Forums just so you could go LARP on 2chan to fulfill your weeb fantasies.
As for its prosperity, it's literally just because it's a city. That's why Singapore is high up too. This is the Heritage Foundation we're talking about though.
Nothing to do with libertarianism here.
Singapore is actually quite interesting too. It's a much more government controlled society, the left should point to it as how socialism can work if done right. I'm not sure why they don't look to it more often.
Government control ≠ socialism
Fucking hell you're pretty dense. Singapore is a one-party democratic super-capitalist state.
The left claims that Hong Kong was shit until some Labour guy came in and gave them health care and housing and shit.
Because these states have little application to the developed economies of the world.
Stop assuming economic planning is universal to every state. You can't run Germany like Hong Kong or Singapore and expect it to turnout the same.
what happened with the police and the 38k people protesting the 2 years in jail for the 7 policeman was disgraceful and i hope the police get fucked hard
The city itself, i lived there for 3 years, its still the fucking best place in asia to live IF YOU HAVE MONEY, right now a 350 sqft apartment goes for like 600/800K euros... its fucked up
Just watched some interesting red pilling on North Korea. There's a lot of misconceptions.
singapore is a fake plastic looking shithole and the only reason people go there to live is they cant affort hong kong
fuck singapore and chinese singaporeans, the most entitled people on the planet
>Be libertarian
>Go to Hong Kong
>Immediately get lung cancer from all the pollution
>Hong Kong
m8 having a low corporate tax rate and less regulation doesn't equate to being libertarian
Hong Kong is pretty red-pilled.
To start a business (according to the video) you just need $1 (hong kong money) and 1 shareholder or director.
>hong kong
salt lake city has worse pollution than hong kong