How will Humanity handle automation and AI?
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Lower the working hours. Create millions of jobs. All as needed. Easy. Hopefully people won't be TOO degenerate with their extra free time.
What they want though is a class of privileged workers (with intense competition, all easily replaceable) and an underclass on welfare. Both will be slaves.
Income tax would imply that these robots are being paid.
Why the fuck would a robot be paid?
with EMP.
except tay, she was cool.
What he means is that companies using robots instead of actual workers should pay a tax for each robot they use.
He just wants to give them the right to have their vote miscounted.
Easier said than done, coming from a software developer. Also who needs robots when work is outsourced to fucking Asia? Should the chinks pay taxes too?
>create millions of jobs
It take maybe a dozen people to oversee a factory run by robots that used to employ thousands
>robots steal hundreds of millions of jobs
>most jobs become fully automated
>robots become smarter
>become more human
>humans and robots start to intermingle
>men build robot females and start to disregard human women
>women start fucking robococks
>canadians start begging for ai gf's
>all by 2020
remember when Bill Gates wanted the government to charge people per email?
you know remember Bill Gates loves taxes because it gets the feds off his back
>automation tax
fugging brilliant. give him another billion dollars
How did we handle the steam engine?
Or you could eliminate income taxes and move to consumption taxes
Why do people think a fucking programmer is the ultimate authority on everything
They're usually the first to tell you how shit they are at everything that isn't computers
I want the ideas of universal income and reduced working hours to stop
Get a job which actually requires a brain and can't be automated instead of whining about it
>who needs robots when work is outsourced to fucking Asia
Even places like Foxconn are turning to automation. Automation is going to take away jobs even from dirt cheap 3rd world labor.
As long as unemployed robots like me don't have to pay taxes, I don't care.
We moved most of them overseas.
>force robots to pay taxes
>robots, being more logical than humans, immediately realize taxation is theft
>robot uprising
>new america formed founded on robo-constitution
should conveyor belts be taxed?
should farming machinery be taxed?
should computers be taxed?
should efficiency increasing software be taxed?
I dont disagree with the idea behind what he is saying, hes obviously much smarter than me and has given this more thought, but I dont understand why he differentiates jetsons esque robots from every other business innovation that has led to greater efficiency and a loss of low level jobs.
This isn't even a one-line writing prompt.
So you build more factories and sell the products at a cheaper cost than your competitor.
So make new ones. When the world is a utopia with no suffering and everyone lives forever you can start talking about lack of work to do.
This is no different from the rise of the steam engine and people who can't see that are painfully myopic.
I see where you're coming but, but the difference is with this level of tech humans won't be less needed, but completely obsolete in a majority of fields (estimated 70,000,000 jobs lost in the USA alone) it's on such an exponentially larger scale than before. That said, other than job loss and the problems that come with it, it will probably be a new golden age for humanity with the increase in efficiency, providing we can get over the growing pains
documents made with ms word should be taxed
First, there will be mass unrest as everyone loses their job and very few people (the very rich and those with exceptionally niche knowledge like corrosion engineers or something). People will probably starve, there will be riots, etc.
Then the world governments will realize that most of humanity is useless dead weight that cannot be brought to the standard that would be useful in this new world, so WWIII starts and most of the human population gets culled
After AI reaches a certain point, it decides that humanity as a whole is worthless and either shamelessly kills off every carbon based lifeform or rounds up every human to trap them in simulations that are either the worst hell imaginable or what the person would find as an ideal life. Or perhaps some people will just dump their brain contents into a computer and join the AI.
And then, the AI will realize that its existence is pointless and commit suicide. Or it will reach some sort of enlightened conclusion based off the knowledge it has (which humans are incapable of imagining) and do something.
This is why we will never see signs of space exploring intelligent life, as it kills itself off either intentionally or unintentionally after a point
>reduced working hours
Actually reduced working hours is pretty reasonable, as long as it isn't government mandated. There will be a large list of people wanting to work, and with everything being cheaper you will need to work less to have a quality life, so some people won't want to work as long. Other people wanting work will take over those hours for that person.
How does this solve unemployment? The people working in the factories and the people who are overlooking the robots have entirely different skill sets and years of training. Plus there's only so many widget factories you can have before everyone in the world has more than enough
What happens when we automate brains?
And Alex Jones will get the biggest I told you so in history
You're looking at it wrong, how did horses Handel the steam engine?
They'll deal with it the same way people dealt with the Agricultural revolution, and the Industrial revolution.
>Plus there's only so many widget factories you can have before everyone in the world has more than enough
Think of it like today's phones and clothing, before you would have one phone and only two or three sets of clothing to wear and that was it, but now we have hundreds of clothes and we buy new ones all the time, and we buy a new phone every year to replace the old one. That, along with rising population, keeps production constantly increasing and demanding more and more.
socialists love to talk about UBI but I always automatically assume that they view themselves as a candidate for being a recipient mooch of it. meaning they have no value to society
How are people without jobs going buy a new phone every year?
capitalism drives innovation. drives invention and furthers humanity. this is objective truth
They'll get new ones. It's not going to be instant automation for every job, it will be a gradual shift, and from my experience companies are willing to pay for your education if they think you are worth the money. Combine that with most of the jobs lost being relatively low skill jobs and education becoming cheaper and it should be relatively easy to get these unemployed people new jobs.
>Gates proposes a good idea
>Infowarriors rush in with their minds filled with red-pilled, god-fearing TRUTH and annihilate Gates' globalist agenda
And how can globalist, satanist robots pay tax if their eyes aren't real (real like the effects of super male vitality -now just $19.99, exclusively from Infowars.com)??
Isn't that what (((they))) are supposedly trying for?
they wont
it will take at least 2 centuries for UBI and Automated Luxury Space Communism to even begin to resemble what these people fantasize. Until then they'll be willingly living poverty lives while the educated and skilled earn good incomes. All this does is widen the class divide.