Sup Forums opinion on Styx and his opinions?
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He reminds me of my good friend who was murdered so watching him brings me back
I think he's crazy but his theories are interesting, really made me think
he's a total faggot that leaked a nude picture and put an unnecessary censor bar over it to meme that he has a large dick
who killed him and why
Why did the last thread get deleted?
Was this faggot getting BTFO out to hard?
Hes a good man.
He used to host Randy Prozac/sentimentalcorp videos so that's something
I miss those music videos
Hello Styx
I wish you were more outright and talked to us directly
When/how/where'd that happen? wtf XD
fake and gay
It was like 5 years ago. He and I lived in San Antonio together. He was buying a lot of weed off some fucking dirty mexicans and they robbed him and murdered him. I didn't find out till a few days later because his parents were freaking out. 2 went to jail for 2nd degree. I'm in houston now and I carry a gun with me almost always. Styx's mannerisms and interests are extremely similar to my friend and it makes me smile and cry sometimes.
like his style despite the rambling, could benefit from eating at a calorie surplus for a few months
average Sup Forumscuck
He has a 10.2 inch penis. So he is okay in my book
That's about all, Peace out.
Don't worry, soon enough there'll be a Jones' Big Fire Ass wall to keep you from the internet
idk. you'll see the large dick one floating around. I'm sure he's the one who "leaked" it because he browses here and self shills
He's class. He's alt-light without cucking on the JQ and race like PJW and Milo.
>carry gun out of fear for safety because friend was murdered trying to make illegal purchases
>Jones' Big Fire Ass Wall
Whatever spurred him to exercise his duty to carry a gun is fine.
He's making that up he has an account on patreon and top donors get access to it, his picture was full nude, whoever was the person who "leaked" (it's really not if you think about it) was the one who censured.
Styx is my waifu
He shouldn't wear a leather jacket without a shirt. I'm not sure if he's better than Dahboo77.
He hasn't killed any niggers so he's a cuck
Face looks shooped
Hitler was a cuck because he didn't do the holocaust when he had the chance
Leave Reddit
Pretty smart, but there's something off about him
I just can't put my finger on it.
>fire ass wall
That chair looks filthy.
F, stay strong burger
Shadilay Styxers
>claims not to be a moralist
>becomes a butthurt moralist after milo said some shit
>gets backlash for reaction too hastily
>deletes video
Truly does
It looks like the chair model from Garry's Mod.
civic nationalists man. fucking degenerates
stfu styx
Are you going to crusade against him because you disagree with one of his videos?
Also you posted this exact post, even the same pic on another thread regarding him
But aye, I have to agree that the Milo saga was a shitshow for him
Seemed like a touchy issue for him
I like how he obfuscates the truth.
>Also you posted this exact post, even the same pic on another thread regarding him
You just had a deja vu or smth, monkey. I am 100% certain this is the first time I am posting this with that image. This all original.
>Are you going to crusade against him because you disagree with one of his videos?
I was never his subscriber nor liked him in the first place, I disagree with him on multiple videos. Also shitposting once on Sup Forums is not crusading against somebody.
>trying to shame people out of exercising their 2nd amendment rights
fucking end your life
I counter signal him because he's a half assed natonalist that was once married to a beaner. Also he spams threads about himself here and on 8ch. Everyone is memeing that he looks like gretchen my dude
I know it's you dumb faggot
Im not styxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hes a LARPing faggot and probably a pedophile
just die cancer
You don't have to be a moralist to have subjective values. He obviously values the elimination of pedophilia.
He has some good points and does some good commentary on current events. But he also strikes me as one of those nutty people that has a chip on their shoulder about because of their parents being fundies or whatever and then they go hardcore retard into the occult or atheism because of it.
Trump: We are going after legal pot
Biggest trump apologist I've ever seen
Hey what's up Styx how u doing
If he were wrong most of the time I would agree with you, but he's been right on nearly all of hist predictions.
"Wrong." -Trump
Nah he was just pissed that we never finish fucking winning against the globalist what, I'd like to add, is true.
Fair enough points, coincidently it was also a Russian who posted the pic
Wouldn't you? I mean it might be degrading but it's certainly not a bad idea
He's pretty cool, but people post way too many fucking styx threads.
And then we have the lefties that gravitate towards him like fat fucks to an ice cream cone.
Pic related
stop shilling urself here Styx, it's getting pathetic man
The pope of kek
>everyone is a faggot
Seriously Styx fuck off. It's obvious you've got a vpn going. No fucking Brazilian gives a shit about you
Wrong guy. It's obviously the "brazilian"
>blindly hipfires into the dark
Good analysis explained well, I watch most of his vids. It says a lot that some random ex-satanist with a webcam is literally a better political commentator than anyone in the MSM. About the worst thing I can say about him is that he has slightly annoying verbal tics like saying "or something like that" every other sentence. The occult ones are interesting too, he approaches "magic" from a Fortean perspective of a phenomena that probably has scientific explanations we just don't fully understand yet.
Allegedly it is indeed a shop. I tend to believe that because the original story to go along with this pic is that he got catfished, had his Kik hacked etc, and yet no proofs of that ever seem to surface.
Honestly I never heard of the guy till I saw all these fucking threads about him.
Surprised that I actually like listening to his non-occult stuff.
I think to a greater or lesser degree he's responsible for all these threads
How could he get his kik hacked when he proudly proclaims to anyone that will listen that he hates cell phones and has to be practically forced to use an outdated flip phone?
And why is his chest bare in all of these pictures, when his chest is actually hairy as fuck?
I like his videos desu
makes me laugh, he's shirtless and keeps saying sucking cocks, my sister is like lmao what are you watching
>but people post way too many fucking styx threads.
It's the new forced meme at the moment. I imagine it's done deliberately to make people sick of him and lash out at any mention of him in the future.
he's more redpilled than he lets on I'm guessing
Herp derp, he's also probably against rape and murder. That's all jolly and good, but he reacted way too fast and with much butthurt without taking into consideration the context and pinned his comment saying he will ban anyone who tries to justify milo in any way. While his main schtick is that he is ok with anything and will cenzor no one for anything. He later backpedaled and deleted the video when it hit 50% dislikes. And made sort of an explanation video which still has 45% dislikes and lost couple of dozens subscribers. Sargon had much better response to all this shenanigans.
he's pretty stupid, weak occultism, he's taken the Trump kool aid, a fanboy
alright youtube it's time to talk about (TOPIC)
but first i wanted to mention (TANGENT)
anyway (TOPIC)
failing lamestream legacy dying media
youtube master race reporting in
that's about all, peace out
>I don't give a shit if you unsubscribe
>dletes all trace of him saying that
>I don't care if you dislike my videos, I like totaly don't give a crap
>2 videos after
Also he is pretty cringy honestly.
I don't even really know what Kik is (t. Oldfag) but yeah, that would seem to be additional evidence that it's fake.
Nice try duder. Everyone knows Brazilians are brown street shitters
How could that even work, though? He was a great commentator throughout election night. Really the only thing that kept me from going insane before Trump started pulling ahead. What else are you going to watch, the fucking Young Turks? I think I'm going to watch me some Styx right now!
Heh heh Sup Forums has always been socialist. Drumpf, amirite? :D
Ya, right burger.
60% correct?
I'll concede that. You likely have toilets
started following him when he put out some immigration video right around the start of the election
back then I really liked him but now the magic is gone for some reason
at the time I was watching his old stuff so maybe his delivery has gotten worse, I definitely don't remember him having so many autistic verbal ticks 'or something like that'
Nah bro, we're true Europeans and throw our shut out of windows
Nothing interesting about him but his occult shit which is fucking gay. His opinions are basic bitch stuff. He's anti establishment which is basically everyone who voted for trump. He's not edgy or fringe, he has mainstream opinions and doesn't belong on Sup Forums. Keep this garbage on reddit.
patrician waste disposal system.
Romans don't count, they win at everything
>He's not edgy
That's a bad thing? He's sane? Well now user you sure warned me away from him!
It's a shop
Edgy politics make someone interesting, normie. Leave this board and never come back. People like you are turning this place into facebook
>not complete idiots like you are turning this into kikebook
What are you on about m8? Now don't get me wrong, I love shitposting but we are the retarted cancer.
Also, how is it any fun to be edgy here? Nobody gives shit if you laugh at dying babies it's fun to be edgy elsewhere
Sure your not...
Hey brush up on Rhodesia/Zim and South Africa because you are hilariously incorrect when you talk about them. Like Tard level incorrect/
He reminds me of a 135 IQer
smart, but not that smart